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Monsanto's Roundup disaster


Yankee Grower

Not about cannabis or you growing, cause doubt anyone is using Roundup, but this is information someone forwarded to me and seems interesting enough. Figured this forum is a decent spot and basically just FYI stuff. Monsanto has created a real monster and not just about killing weeds or their Roundup Ready genetics...it's actually destroying the soil. Seems it has a half life of like 1 year....yikes! Dr. Huber is supposedly one of the leading experts on Roundup. Anyway...for those info geeks out there...lol. The last PDF is a short read and great overview.


  • Huber Interactions.pdf
    148 KB · Views: 105
  • Huber Manganese.pdf
    221.4 KB · Views: 106
  • S10-A4Huber What's New.pdf
    675.9 KB · Views: 86


Active member
Nice read although not a peer reviewed source, looking at the author I think we can assume it is accurate. A lesson for all growers is that mono culture doesn't work.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
From my archives:

Here are some journal links. I do not have a free pass to them and although I can arrange to receive these through one of my colleagues, I would refrain from openly copying them here. You may purchase the full text if so inclined but generally you can get the gist from the abstract.


Kremer & Others; There may be redundancy with the following links.

Glyphosate reduced seed and leaf concentrations of calcium, manganese, magnesium, and iron in non-glyphosate resistant soybean Pages 114-119 Ismail Cakmak, Atilla Yazici, Yusuf Tutus, Levent Ozturk


Turfgrass species response exposed to increasing rates of glyphosate application Pages 120-125 Y. Senem Su, L. Ozturk, I. Cakmak, H. Budak


Glyphosate in the rhizosphere—Role of waiting times and different glyphosate binding forms in soils for phytotoxicity to non-target plants Pages 126-132 Tsehaye Tesfamariam, S. Bott, I. Cakmak, V. Römheld, G. Neumann


Glyphosate associations with cereal diseases caused by Fusarium spp. in the Canadian Prairies Pages 133-143 M.R. Fernandez, R.P. Zentner, P. Basnyat, D. Gehl, F. Selles, D. Huber


Glyphosate and glyphosate-resistant crop interactions with rhizosphere microorganisms Pages 153-161 Robert J. Kremer, Nathan E. Means


Influence of glyphosate-resistant cropping systems on weed species shifts and glyphosate-resistant weed populations Pages 162-172 William G. Johnson, Vince M. Davis, Greg R. Kruger, Stephen C. Weller


Very interesting and extensive list of publications I stumbled upon (from good old Canada)



if 50% of the population had 10% of the information available on monsanto products and how they conduct business in general i believe things might actually change. they should start teaching biology in kindergarten and not high school.


Hell Monsanto owns just about all the Soybeans seeds.. if your not using there seeds they make it hard on the little Mom and Pop farmers of America..Just watch the movie...Food Inc..it was a real eye opener...
The virgin rainforest of South America is being slashed and burned at an alarming rate to grow fields of soy. Genetic modification as well as pesticide and fertilizer use have made growing soy possible in areas of the world that previously couldn't support soy production. I find it amazing that some value a monoculture of soy over the thousands of plant, animal and fungal species that reside in the rainforest. This must stop...


Kiss My Ring
save your seed stock; all you can get your hands on...those #@*%s in the government allowed mansanto to apply patents to seeds that they gave them access to!
they expect to eventually control the food supply.


ICMag Donor
It is very refreshing to see the conscious responses from the crew. Monsanto is pure evil in my opinion. Food safety is a very hot topic these days (s510) and yes the noose is slowing tightening on the general public. Open pollinated seeds are for everybody to plant and share, they should not be subject to irreversible genetic pollution. Organic farming practices and soil building take hard work and time so cutting corners with chemicals for some is attractive.
Some ag chemical companies are just defense company subsidiaries that have enough money already. People are learning about these issues but most dont think it affects them. They have big law firm backing and guys in crown vics to tail you and intimidate you for filing a lawsuit. Fully in bed with the FDA,USDA(co-owns patent for terminator gene with Monsanto) and who knows what else, too tight with .gov for my liking. Vote with your dollar and inform your friends about soil being damaged by round-up along with abusive farming practices and exploitation of land world wide. ns


God forbid your a mom and pop soy farmer not using Monsanto's seeds and there seeds happen to pollinate your soybeans.. your in trouble my friend and they'll come after you.. Damn them....


Green Mujaheed
The virgin rainforest of South America is being slashed and burned at an alarming rate to grow fields of soy. Genetic modification as well as pesticide and fertilizer use have made growing soy possible in areas of the world that previously couldn't support soy production. I find it amazing that some value a monoculture of soy over the thousands of plant, animal and fungal species that reside in the rainforest. This must stop...

Argentina especially, they have more than 18 millions hectares of soya and have around 70% of their natural forests, from 100 millions hectares to 33 millions.
Whole ecosystems are wiped out, thousands of people's life are ruined, and same goes with Palm Oil in South East asia (although i'm not aware of GM stuff in there, but wouldn't be surprised if there is...).

Monsanto is pure evil in my opinion.

Definitely, and they must be fought relentlessly, these people are ennemies of Humanity.

Not long ago i was watching some documentary about Haiti and how people cope with the earthquake aftermath. Part of hte doc was about Monsanto's "seed gift" to haitian peasants (same happening in Afghanistan...). Two farmers were interviewed, one in the lowland who was happy with his corn harvest and said he would keep on growing the stuff. Second one, in the highlands was not happy at all with his crappy harvest and decided to shift back to traditionnal, local seedstock. But there was a problem... nothing local would grow anymore on the land he used for Monsanto's corn, only Monsanto's stuff would !

These guys are evil !

Irie !


Monsanto is comprised of a bunch of money grabbing pricks that have monopolized the soybean industry by putting a patent on their genetics. If you are an independent farmer and they test your soybean and find that their patented genetics happened to crossbreed (via wind) with your crop they will shut you down by bringing a lawsuit which they may not win...but that will drive a poor farmer broke trying to defend against. The reason they can do this is because all their high level administrators retire to hold governmental positions with the FDA and Agricultural department in the US government. Goddamn pricks.


Active member
The green desert - monsanto soybeans
Our government is owned by corporations
roundup ready crops
aluminum ready crops
destruction of soil biology and natural seeds so they can control the food supply
Look at India over 600 farmer's committing suicide a year by drinking pesticide
Over there monsanto bought up all the seed companys creating a dependence on their products
The world according to monsanto...... mind blowing movie
I'm sure they have plans for our beloved plant too


Active member
The world is sick of slick fuckers in suits talking the talk and stealing everything. The time is ripe to campaign virally against these evil clowns. Apparently viral marketing and word of mouth can make huge dents in any industry, or make them huge overnight, according to public love/outcry. I say get educated about all thier income streams and completely boycott the lot while actively encouraging others to do likewise.

It is no good saying to vote with your dollar if you don't know the Monsanto products. All the other companies involved in the food chain. You need to penalise the farmers to get at monsanto. Everything in Monsanto's food chain - off limits. The farmers got into bed with them, they either change or go under with them. There is no golden world of monsanto, it is all a lie, our genetic legacy will be lost and everyone will have malnutrition or be sick from inferior food if we don't actively stop them. Pigs are sterile, guinea pigs, rats, you are next. Get this shit out of the food chain. Governments and corporations are sitting round a table now drafting bills to protect corporations from governments causing them loss of income. If ever there was a time to say enough, this is it, right here, now.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
monsanto is probably one of the top 5 evils in this world... the more you read the nastier it gets... and thats just the known shit think about everything they are hiding


ICMag Donor
Thanks to the Health and Safety in the UK , almost every suitable chemical apart from roundup has been banned over the years , needing hours to absorb in a wet climate means overdoseing and repeat sprayings and costs a fortune.

There is a black market in imported Indian glysophate not made by monsanto at about half the price , works the same so screw them.
My business has to use chemical weed control and there is now no alternative on the market , clients now specify glysophate so contractors have no choice.

They have a near monopoly in the market based on it being less dangerous than what it replaced rather than its own long term safety , seen what a bit of drift did to a carp pool once and it took two years to recover and got me prosecuted.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Monsanto doesn't own Blackwater... they hired Xe employees to infiltrate GMO opposition activist circles in the hopes of counterintelligence.

They terrify me nonetheless.

What are they up to that we don't know? The things we see on the surface are nightmarish enough.


In the mid 90's they started and succeeded in developing round-up resistant bentgrass for turf industry. Almost ruined things by cross pollinating with surrounding fields. People laugh at me when I tell them I don't use roundup at my job, because of the labor it saves in certain instances. I just smile and tell them I'm paid to grow grass, not kill it:tiphat:.


Just a sidenote to above post. The reason they tried to develop this was to turn the eradication of poa-annua in bentgrass into a simple and cost effective thing, therefore bypassing the time consuming but altogether possible use of agronomic and cultural practices to do it. Lesson in this, saving steps isn't always the best way, and sometimes just because we have certain technologies, does not mean that we shouldn't step back and see if we really need to use it, or is it just because we can.:ying: