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(( LoKey's 1020 tray, 161w cfl micro closet cab ))


Day 35 of 12/12 - Day 42 total

well had a hot streak recently , so even though the plants more or less already stop stretching they put on a bit more so the one safari mix is about 3/4" from the lexan, so i might have to tie it down or something later depending.

Also alot of all the plants are all plumping up with seeds so im happy on that, a decent estimate with whats happening is ill get around 200-250+ seeds out of this


heres some seed shots





wonderfull cab you have sir !

thats some tall-growing plants :) but aslong you get what you need its allright !

does the lexan take much of the light ?



wonderfull cab you have sir !

thats some tall-growing plants :) but aslong you get what you need its allright !

does the lexan take much of the light ?

no its doesn't take much light, but the reason for the tall growing plants , was one there were from seed and basically went straight to flower and crammed in without minor trimming at the start, so some started to do the mad dash to try and get higher than the other plants, with a staggered start it should be alot less, but we will see how it really does in about a month as the seed run should be done and ill be running some clones and or more seedlings through


Day 42 of 12/12 - Day 49 total

so not much to say this week, they're moving along decently and all the the seeds are plumping up and some are starting to turn color (very lightly at the moment though), also due to my mystery mix on my soil im now running into some nitrogen deficiency which would be ideal in most cases around now, but im gonna be revegging what i can at the end, so i wouldn't mind them decently green all the way to chop. So they will be getting some alfalafa/ewc teas for the watering they just got and probably the next one or two, just to extend it a little bit.

The purple Jamil sayidda, randomly threw two very tiny nanners right on the top bud, but it might be due to a slight light leak from the veg chamber as its the only plant that might get a tiny bit of reflected light, but its an easy fix (just need to throw some black paint or paper on the door where the exhaust is for the veg chamber as it will cut down the reflected light by a ton as im only using 90 degree elbows so some light does come through vs having 180 degree corners.


As for the seeds and clones, there doing decent, i trimed the roots on all the clones and seedlings a little bit, and threw them into small cells (standard 36cell insert for the 1020 trays) using the new LC mix, the idea is to have them all be equalized before going back into flower, and i want them all to be at the point where there almost rootbound in the little cells, so when i transplant them into the bigger containers they will take off and not outpace there neighbor.

As for the cloning method, seems i have found my method as everything has rooted and in good time, so have to thank who ever was oldtimer1 on OG and the person who reposted his ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS tutorial on here as its the method im using for my cutting other than using a rooting hormone, and works great and take up no space.


Day 49 of 12/12 - Day 56 total

Well they're not doing to well, they hit a good nitrogen deficiency due to the random mixed soil i was using, and i tried fixing it with an alfalfa tea and then some fish emulsion i had on hand (but never use) but nothing much was happening, so decided to repot them to some fresh pre fertalized lc mix, and i took off all the yellow leaves so hopefully the root mass and foliage will even out without over taxing each other, but there doing better now than they were.

But this is a seed run so as long as i get some good seeds out of it (which i will) then im happy, but i should have some small nugs as well



well looking the other day i noticed the mutant Jamil Sayidda seedling had some male preflowers, so i killed him wondering whats up, then realized ive been running 16/8 for the veg section all along, not that that should of made them show sex, but i haven't been to impressed so far with the genetics, just cause ive had a couple mutants from the get go, and a couple other things, but we will see how it smokes later.

And the second jamil sayidda looks to be a boy as well, so its gonna get the axe as well.


Well i didn't leave you all, just was away for a bit, anyways heres the update

harvested all the seeded plants, and ended up getting a tad over 270 seeds in total, some are a little pale in color and others are excellent.

Unfortunately while i was away the exhaust vents accidentally got blocked, so the mothers toasted, luckily the ones i transferred to the flower chamber made it so instead of flowering them i trimmed them for clones and threw them back into the 3.5" pots and put them back into the veg chamber, so they will become my moms.

so its gonna probably be about 2 weeks before i throw anything back into the flower chamber, as its currently cleared out except for one plant.

i also started some of the random seeds that accidentally fell off in the cab or on the floor while they were being watered when i has away, so its gonna be a surprise, other than knowing its either a M#1 or JS or SM crossed with a JS or M#1

heres the veg chamber as of today



Holy turd! 270 seeds! Talk about future plans.. good stuff Lokey mang.

or at least a buffer incase i need to shut down the grow in a hurry, or want to take a break.

side note of the 10 (floor/tray aka random) seeds i started 9 have thrown tails enough that ive thrown them in soil, some obviously better than others, but gives me an idea that the seeds are viable even this early, even if a couple of them are not as ripe and need some help to get going.

also started two jamil sayidda x ???? that i found in the top bud that i didn't pollinate of the one purple pheno plant i got, but we will see what comes out of them


Well got alot of seeding's going now, still tempted to start more, but right now im using the flower chamber as a veg chamber for the time being, and i only have cuttings up top which i hope root.

So just ended up starting a bunch of the more random seeds i had, so we have 10 floor seedlings with a parentage of (M#1 or JS or SM crossed with a JS or M#1) so who knows on those, two jamil sayidda x ?? so either Js or M#1 but they come from a purple pheno mom, and 7 normal Js x ?? randoms.

they're all going but a few of them i don't expect to flourish, because some were slightly immature seeds so its causing deformed cotyledon's (hard and white) so they are lagging behind a tiny bit. Also all the ones on the right (jsx?? normal) were started about 3days after the rest

So if we end up on the positive side of things hopefully we will be looking at 10+ females out of the 19 ive started minus all casualties.

also just recently trimmed my mini mothers to be (took off the fan leafs, and trimmed them down for a good base) so apart from me taking about 4 cutting off each of them a week ago they're looking pretty sparse but are really healthy. Oh and the purple pheno JS i was trying to reveg didn't make it, it was pretty much done for when i got back but i tried.

so hopefully in about 2-3weeks ill have some clones/seedlings to flip to flower.



well nothing really new to report, they're just doing their thing.

All the seeds i started are still going (so 100% germination of the 19 seeds i tried, but some definitely are mutants or are lagging), the plan is to switch them into flower cycle in about a week, and then about a week and a half to two weeks after that ill be able to cull the males and the weaklings, which will provide me some more room in the flower chamber, which will be filled with some clones, currently i have 7 clones rooted (all Safari Mix's) the mandala #1's are lagging but i know i will get at least one clone out of them (was showing bumps)

Also trimmed the mothers excessively (removed all the fan leafs) so they will be bushy again in a week or two, which is fine by me, just trying to get a good base going for potential bonsai mothers

Oh guess i did add some of the cheap mylar (space saving emergency blanket) to the veg chamber and threw another light socket on the other side just to offer up a better light distribution, so currently im running two 13watters in there, also swapped the majority of the lights in the flower chamber back to the 2700k's for the 12/12 switch coming in about a week




Your cabinet fascinates me like no other micro cab, Lokey! One thing... can you show me your carbon filter and exhaust setup, or describe it for me? I'm having trouble visualizing it, with the zalman fan and whatnot. You are keeping negative pressure in this setup? Also, is that mini-chimney in the front left of the flowering room the only bit of ventilation that the space below the lexan gets? If I understand it, you are basically offering separate intake holes for 3 spaces (area above lexan, below lexan, and veg room) and they are all using the same exhaust, and I find that genius!

Amazing cab, bro. Good job!


Fortunately i was changing a fan today so i got a better pic and edited it to show the airflow but first Im running two fans for exhaust not one (probably where your getting confused) and i am running with negative pressure

One is for the lights of the flower chamber which are above the lexan, its located inside a enclosed chimney in the back left of the electrical room (behind the powerbar) the pink arrows show the air path of that, now it could be run without a fan because of the chimney it creates a natural convection current causing hot air to naturally rise out of the chimney and cool air is drawn in the intake for the hood, but the floor of the veg chamber would get probably a little to warm.

the other fan is right beside it but its for the area below the lexan (flower chamber) and the veg chamber, so that mini chimney in the front left that comes up from the flower chamber is only there to bypass the lexan cool hood setup for the lights for the flower chamber, so the green arrows shows the air path for the the fresh air exchange path.

The orange area or that whole back area is where you would put a carbon filter, to keep everything inside the box, it could also be mounted on the exhaust on the outside of the cab if your in a situation where it doesn't matter if its all contained.
Right now im only using a couple layers of that carbon prefilter material used for air conditioners, works decently but definitely could be better, was running a homemade carbon filter before, but my fan needed to be running at 12v to get a decent flow out of it and it was badly made with spare carbon i had left over from a different application (quite fine), so everything was less than ideal.

Now side note the zalman fan is way to noisy at 12v in my opinion (cheap fan go figure), sure moves a good amount of air, but i want stealth as in only noticeable at night when its dead quite and your trying to listen for it, right now its only noticeable when its quite but i know it can be quieter.

So i was running them at 9v and that was all right, but i want to have fans i can run at 12v that will have more flow yet be quiter, so i swapped the one for the cool hood with a gelid solutions TC Silent 9 and its a heck of alot quieter, i will be swapping the other fans as well (would have swapped the other exhaust one but i killed the replacement fan accidentally (didnt like my one old power adapter i was using to get 9v)). The bonus to this fan is it has a built in external thermocouple which will automatically ramp the fan speed up and down depending on the temperature which is great for the cool hood cause when the lights are off it brings the fan speed down to around 900rpm's (well if its 22 degrees Celsius in the room) so its quieter and uses less power for the 12hrs the lights are off.

so ill be replacing the other exhaust fan with the same one most likely but will be mounting the thermocouple in the top of the veg chamber near the lights, cause when the lights are on it will go to fullspeed and when they're off it will slow down, be quieter and use less power for that 6hrs of the day, i might go for a quite one speed fan to make sure there is always a consistent supply of fresh air for the ladies but who knows, also the circulation fan in the flower chamber is gonna be replaced as well.

One thing i would do differently through with the veg chamber is to run the lights behind a partial heat shield where the air from the veg chamber would exit around the bulbs(would get to crowded it i tried to tie a separate cool tube setup into the exhaust of the cool hood for the flower chamber), but it would keep the veg chamber a bit cooler while not taking up as much space as a dedicated cool tube, reason for this is the summer months around here indoor temps can easily see 32+degrees C (90+ degress F) as there is no air conditioning. so the closer to ambient the temps are the better, the flower chamber is within a degree if not on par anyways



Wow, that was a very thorough explanation. Thanks! Seriously, this is one of my favorite microcabs, man. Good job!


Wow, that was a very thorough explanation. Thanks! Seriously, this is one of my favorite microcabs, man. Good job!

thanks, and yeah i do tend to get carried away with explanations.

Now i just need to grow some nice girls to prove that this thing works, so ill be waiting till the clones and seedling get to about 5" before i flip them instead of flipping them early, as hopefully that will give them enough nodes and root mass to make them really plump up


All are doing well, except being nibbled on :pet the cat: whenever the door is open lol, but culled a few mutant runts that were struggling so have 15 seedlings still out of the 19, there are also 5 clones as well in the bottom at the moment, the left over slower clones, are up top to see if they pick up in time.

As for the mothers the Safari mix's are doing excellent (might get a couple cutting off them today just to shape them better) the Mandala #1 mothers aren't doing as well, i think it was a combination of re potting and trimming that has led them to be in a slight nute burn situation, but they're still growing, just not nearly as well as the SM's.

I'm probably gonna wait another week before i flip the flower chamber to 12/12.



so im still thinking of waiting another week or untill there about 5" tall before flipping to 12/12.

what is your opinions ?

Some are on there fifth to sixth node (2.5"-3"), but my usable height with these containers is right around 18-19" from soil to the lexan.

so if factoring in stretch of say about 3x possibly they would end in the region of 15" +or-, but who knows due to never running these's crosses before.

the last grow was just kinda a shit show, and they really stretched due to probably a number of things, but i figured get a good veg going first on this round, and they wont be as eager to do a mad dash for light

oh and if they show to be female im not sure which route to take, either ill clip the bottom node for cuttings like the last round, let them grow out and then reveg while sampling the goods to see what to narrow it down to, or just possibly stress them all out and throw them back to veg ?


Id say take that back row and flower them out now, wait another 10 days for the front row to veg a little more and put them in.