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who produced the first bubblegum strain .and any idea what the cross was.i tried it at the dam and it wasn,t cured well, would likto know the original all help appreciated:D


I think THSeeds was the first to offer it on the seed market. I could be wrong though. They are the first I can remember seeing it from back in the early 90's. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I have been thinking about ordering bubblegum for quite some time now. Allthough, the Bubbleberry almost sounds even better to me. A bubblegum X Blueberry. Sounds amazing.


i've smoked some bubbleberry & i wasnt too impressed, light fluffy buds, sweet taste, wasnt too bad, but i'd rather smoke a good bubblegum or blueberry.

wonderberry (mebbe - local clone called cheese, identified by some random guy on og as sagarmartha's wonderberry) was better, more distinctive taste/smell, quicker finishing time & more potent :)

serious seem to have a good version of bubblegum, i smoked some of that in dam at de kroen, it was top notch :)

but the bubblegum around amsterdam seems to be very varied, some great, some crap :(

a lot of people rate bog's bog bubble highly too, and the pictures look very nice, but i havent tried it, yet.
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I understand that breeders in Indiana produced Bubblegum, it then was grown in New England and then in Holland. Not sure who the breeder was though.


The bubblegum was bread in F-but Indiana from kentucky genetics and northern lights from there it went to the great lakes region and from there to holland the Origional from indiana is more sativa dominant , the breeder now is in kentucky RM

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