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Hello everyone!

As this is both my first post and first thread here at IC (honest!! :laughing: )
I thought it would be best to start with something mundane and uncontroversial.....

:rasta: SMOKE REPORT :rasta:

Right then where do we start?...Ok, I first heard of the cheese clone 5 or 6 years ago. As I'm sure you all know it's been around a lot longer than that. If you ain't heard the story.....Where ya been?

So...I always liked the sound of the Cheese but I never spend enough time online or hanging around with other smokers to make the connections necessary for the acquisition of said cut. I needed a seed version to try!
I knew that out of all the Dutch seedbanks HGF were the people who had had the cut the longest. In fact, as far as I know, they were the only seedbank to have had the time to work the cut properly. Whether they did or not, I've no idea! :laughing: ...Anyway, temptation got the better of me and I purchased a pack when HGF released their version not too long back.

This Cheese cross, for those that don't know, is Cheese x (Cheese x Afghan).
Or if you prefer... Skunk#1 x (Skunk#1 x Afghan). The Skunk afghan dad being a Big Buddah seeds 'Cheese'.

Now the people at HGF are quick to admit that this isn't the Cheese clone but they do feel that they have made a fairly good job of re-creating the
taste of the original....Here's what I've found...

Ok, popped 5 seeds and got 3 females. I took clones and flowered these out as small LST'd bushes under a 250hps.

3 different phenos....

#1. This one formed rock solid flowers on the ends of the stems along with a few lower buds of similar texture.
The scent from this one was 'rubbery grease'.
She was cut around 11 weeks but could've gone slightly longer.
The smoke from this one tasted much like the smell, a bit like some Afghani plants, which I don't mind. The high was strong but not at all pleasant. It gave me a headache! I didn't like this one at all!!

#2. Decent, if somewhat airy, colas formed on this pheno. The flowers had big calyxes and a spongy light texture.
The scent was a sweet, spicy almost diesel like aroma.
This one was cut fully ripe at around 8 weeks.
The smoke from this one was much better than the first pheno. Again the taste was much like the smell and I really liked the soft 'fuelly' notes present in the flavour. The high was nice and balanced...bit like a nice Skunk#1 really!
Not too stoney and rather moreish. Worth the growing, but not a keeper for me.

#3. Decent chunky colas on this one, not a huge yielder but not too bad. Large calyxes and a silvery appearance to the buds.
The scent of this one is 'completely stink your entire fucking house out'. Honestly, 1 plant producing around an ounce and a half totally filled my house with a VERY strong smell of marijuana.
Man, the smell takes me back more than 15 years! It properly stinks! It's a really pungent overpowering odour. It smells of weed!
This one was cut around 9 weeks, again fully ripe.
The smoke from this one?....... :rasta: Mega full bodied, spicy, dank, I dunno it just tastes like weed used to taste!!! The satisfaction you get on the exhale is second to none!
The high is outstanding, super positive happy buzz after just a couple of tokes and, if you like, you can keep on looking for the ceiling for a long while.
Many friends say this is the best weed they've ever smoked and I gotta admit I wouldn't wanna be without this one for too long.
Now the big downside with this one is the smell, don't get me wrong I love it, but it is so strong smelling that you can't really take it out and about with you. I made the mistake of taking a couple of buds out in a small plastic bag on a night out recently. First pub we sit in the garden, before too long everbody can smell weed...I just keep me head down! Next pub we sit inside, I last about 3 minutes before legging it as everyone can smell weed (clearly including the security!!), Next place is a friendly one, we have a smoke in the garden. Suddenly we acquire a great many new friends! "Whats that weed?" "That tastes amazing?" "Where can I get some of that stuff?"...
We spend the rest of the evening standing in the bar laughing at everyone, and I mean everyone, coming through the door and saying "I can smell weed"
Whilst the smoke doesn't make you paranoid....the smell definately will!

Now there are some pics of pheno#3 in my gallery I've tried posting em, but it wont have it for some reason. :fsu: If someone can be bothered to copy em and post them up it'd be much appreciated!

Take care all,


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hello toca !

Welcome to icmag mate !!!! Nice smoke report for your first post !!!! I had the chance to smoke some cheese from the homegrown fantaseeds in july... From what i can say, it looks like the description of your 3rd phenotype...

The high wasn't that strong, compared to mex haze, amnesia... but still pleasant, with a little stone coming after a few. The most impressive was the smell !!! A mixed afghan/hash/ fruity/sweety, lovely !!! Even if it did not compete with the so gouda i got from Soma... Anyway one of the tastiest and strongest smelling strain ever, for sure !

As i'm really into smell and taste, i'm impressed that HF did a good job and you can actually get some similar phenos in seeds... Maybe once i'll give it a try !

Enjoy your cheese :)


Welcome Toca!
Nice smoke report! I always liked the cheese in the Homegrown Fantasy coffeeshop in Amstersdam, although i don`t know if it was grown from their seeds or if it was the cut.
I really like this Seedbank; i ran the Blue Haze and it was definately one of the strongest strains i ever had! Almost too strong to smoke over the day. Sneaky creeper high, that knocks you out 15 minutes after you finshed the spliff. :bashhead:
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Mornin' all,

Hansel, many thanks for taking the time to post those pics for me, I think I'm not allowed to post em due to my 'new member' status?

titoon29, AceHaze, thanks for the welcome...I've not tried the cheese at hgf coffee shop (they didn't have any last time I was there, serves me right for going the week before cup week!) but I believe they run the original cut.
Sure there are plenty of stronger strains around but if you ask me, It's all about the quality of the high rather than the strength. It's just soooo nice!!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hi Toca

Actually i asked the girl from HGF coffee shop about the strain and where it come from, she told me (and she seems to know a lot, i was pretty impressed..) that it was from their seeds line... I haven t smoke the original clone yet, so i cant compare...


Thanks titoon29 that's interesting. I was hoping to try the original in the HGF coffee shop next time I'm over but I'll give it the swerve now. What a shame they aint giving people a chance to try the cut.
Do you, or anyone else, know who is selling the real deal in A'dam at the mo?
(I'm betting Grey Area!)
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great looking cheese thier mate....gotta love tha almost silver white and green color. Good grow


#3 sounds like they accomplished they're goal with this seedline, well done HGF..:D:yes:


well done HGF
I'll second that! :D

The more I smoke this plant the more I like it....it really is lovely :rasta:

However, I recently popped into an old friends for a quick cuppa. He's an experienced smoker but has been a bit out of practice lately (new lady friend leading him astray :D) , anyway....we shared a joint of HGF cheese and by the time I left he was a greeny grey colour and fading fast! I guess this strain can be a little too strong for some poeple! :muahaha:

Take care


Wicked, Cheese has that quality...whitey material.:D:yes:

Respect to ya grow skills!!! :rasta:


ICMag Donor
HGF has one of the best coffeshops for blasting organic buds in Dam,, this alone gives us more confidence in the product.. besides they stocked a cheese hybrid since way back when now,, the first Dutch breeders to work the clone,, (we think :chin:) :yes:

The catalogue needs some updating (new additions needed),, but otherwise one love,, perhaps the most positive place on the map is Homegrown fantasy/fantaseed,, and has been for many years now ,, we grew up with them :yes: bless up :canabis:


HGF is def an awesome chillspot. one of the best in the Dam IMO. laid back and plenty of sweet bongs that are kept ultra clean. great shop! Grew some of their Cannamella and it was a very potent well balanced high.