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Advanced Nutrients? FoxFarm? WHAT SHOULD I USE

Hey youal ICmager's, I need some help to choose my nuts, I wanted somthing simple but efecient,

I was thinking of Advance nutrients, one of those triple packs, but I didnt know wich one I should get,

and then I thought of Foxfarm, but I'm not sure, it looks organic what I seen reading, dont realy want to get in to that on my first grow!

any other sugestion or comment on those would be apreaciated.

I'm veging with a 400 MH in a 3x5 and flowering with a 600 or 1000 hps (prob 1000) in a 5x5 area, (total room is 11X5)

I'm also starting from seed with BigMac (BC bigbud x mikado).

if anyone has any comments or sugestion on anything, I'd love to hear


I would have to say get 1 bottle of Tiger Bloom and that is all you need for veg and flower .As long as ph is kept in check you should be fine. Pretty simple. AN will open up your wallet pretty quick because they have so many nutes. If you have a good soil mix you really dont even need to add nutes very often. Check out my 100% organic grow.


AN although expensive is one of the best nute brands on the market hands down.There are alot of different individual products to choose from in their line up but one could simply use say Iguana grow and Bloom and do just fine.Dont let what may seem complicated with organics scare you trust me it only seems that way.Organic or synthetic things only get as complicated as you let them.Just some Grow and Bloom from either company to start out and youll do fine.Good luck,let us know how it all turns out!!

is there a big difrents in the organic Iguana grow/bloom stuff or can I just go with the grow/micro/bloom stuff?

when youal say "use good soil", is pro mix alone good anuf? should I put something in it,, if so, what and will I realy see a difrent!

(my seeds are coming in soon!! I'm scared of scruing up!!!!! I'm more stressed then having a penthouse pet in front of me!!!)
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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I use GH Flora series w/Lucas formula, in Pro-Mix only w/ great results. If you need it maybe add some dolomite lime as a ph buffer, I don't need it but some strains benefit from it. Most of the new "next best nute" products aren't necessary, some are even crap, but hey, at least they cost alot!
Greetings eastside_farmer

If it's not too presumptuous, I welcome you to the wonderful world of indoor cultivation. On a dynamic hub such as this, be prepared to receive varied and variegated advice. It can be confusing and frustrating at times, but it is imperative to remember that most members mean well, and that everyone's experiences are different (the assumption is that experience informs the advice offered).

As a new cultivator...keep it simple. 'Organic fanatics' will scarcely admit this but... it does take a bit of experience to truly 'dial-in' an organic grow. One must be attuned with the plants, the medium and the growing environment to fully realize the advantages of organic cultivation. This is not meant to dissuade; to the contrary, it is meant to challenge you to seek the experience necessary, so that when you do cultivate organically, your potential for success will be realized and of-course, you'll have past experience as comparison to determine whether 'organic' is a good fit for you.

Now about this experience: with all relevant variables taken into account, the absolute best commercially available fertilizer for the novice cultivator is General Hydroponics' FloraNova series (Grow and Bloom); one complete solution for the vegetative stage; one complete solution for the flowering stage.

You as an initiate cultivator can have a more unhindered opportunity to 'get a feel for growing' without worry. No need for the 'Lucas Formula' because the nutrient ratios are balanced... all in one bottle; no need to amend the medium with dolomite for pH stability because the fertilizer is self-buffering; no need to worry about proliferating and maintaining beneficial colonies of micro-organisms for nutrients to be bio-available to your plant because the nutrients are in a chelated form and are therefore quite readily available in solution; no need to incorporate nutrients or additives from various sources because the nutritional needs of the plant are already well met; no need to worry about an outlay of finances because the product is tremendously economical....remember, a little goes a long way.

I have fielded question after question concerning, and diagnosed symptom after symptom conclusive of unhealthy plants and the solution (pun intended) in seventy (70) percent of the cases is: use a fertilizer appropriate to your level of experience. In other words: truly keep it simple.

So with that in mind here's what I'm saying:

It's great that you're growing but you have to make sure the first time goes well.... lots of people on here, saying lots of different things, but you have to figure out what's best for you..... (don't worry about organics right now, get a couple of grows under your belt first)...what's best is FloraNova fertilizer, General Hydroponics makes it....for the beginner, it blows every other fertilizer out of the water...it's easy to use, it's cheap and it works great.

Thanks Charles, I like to hear that! thats exacly what I want to do, Keping it simple, but some friend told me to use 20-20-20 to keep it simple! I just wanted a bit more chalenge then that. I think I'm gona go with floranova, seems well backed here on ICMag!!

Should I get a EC meter??

thanks again,



AN aint that expensive... their organic line is great. it's simple to use as all these other mineral based lines, and will give you better results imo.

when you start getting into soil addatives and teas and all that, then yes, i agree that it takes some time to dial in .... but advanced organics are EASY!

all these nutrients will work just fine, it's dependant upon how you use them.

i dont think the above poster was talking about "floranova" either.... i think they were talking about the 3 part GH flora line. i dont believe there is a "lucas" formula for the 2 part.... dunno, maybe he can pop back in and clear that up.

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Charles Xavier said:
Greetings eastside_farmer
It's great that you're growing but you have to make sure the first time goes well.... lots of people on here, saying lots of different things, but you have to figure out what's best for you..... (don't worry about organics right now, get a couple of grows under your belt first)...what's best is FloraNova fertilizer, General Hydroponics makes it....for the beginner, it blows every other fertilizer out of the water...it's easy to use, it's cheap and it works great.

A post with some great advice.......
Truly excellent!!
Tried to give you some rep but don’t seem to have enough posts yet…….
well, I was looking at 1L floranova grow/bloom, and 1L Advanced Nutrients grow/mirco/bloom, and advanced it a few $$ cheaper!!! I dont know anymore!!! few more inputs please?! lol


right now im using AN big bud and overdrive. i have seen a BIG difference in my grow. i think if they keep up getting fatter like they are i might have to try the conssiour line (sp??)

ps and this stuff seems pretty potent. i was feeding my plants a blend of cns 17 bloom and liquid karma at an ec of 2.4 but i introduced the big bud and overdrive and i did an ec of 2.2 and i can barely see a little burn so next time im going to go to 2.0 which means less fertiliuzer and $$$ saved.
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Eastside- Howdy. Despite all of the shady dealings I hear about, and the crew's supposed behavior at the party in SF, I love AN for the root applications. Piranha, Tarantula, Voodoo, Organic B and Carboload will never leave my closet. I like hygrozyme over sensizym, and ANYTHING over Iguana juice. Story goes they used to make 1000L batches by hand. Needless to say, that is not the case anymore. Just what I've heard, so treat it as hearsay. Take care.
Greetings eastside_farmer

To further the dialogue: Most 20-20-20 formulations are unsuitable for a variety of reasons. The three most pertinent are:

1) They often lack Magnesium and Calcium in their nutrient profiles.
2) Improper ratio of the macro elements sometimes resulting in nutrient imbalances.
3) Unrefined or imprecise forms of the nutrients; particularly Nitrogen.

To borrow a tired cliché: 20-20-20 will get you to the party; however, you won't be arriving in practical comfort or style.

If your medium of choice is pro-mix, then an E.C. meter is not an absolute necessity. However, if you can afford to purchase one, I would encourage that you do so. The solid knowledge of your source water's E.C., as well as, precisely what strength of nutrient solution the plants are receiving at any given feeding, will definitely be of benefit if complications were to arise.

On the point of cost: FloraNova is highly concentrated (some may argue: too concentrated....it's very viscous and a vigorous shaking of the bottle before every use is recommended) and so what you are comparing is the gallons of nutrient solution (at a specific E.C.) that either brand produces; FloraNova proves to be the more economical by the time you finish the bottles.


p.s. Thank you x420_op, for your comments and your thoughts. I greatly appreciate the note of acknowledgement.


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