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Flo. Kiwi. First grow...oh shit!

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hello peeps,

So here it is:

1 x greenhouse (8 x 6 glass type structure)
6 x DP original flo
3 x kiwi seeds random seeds (who knows what...)
1 x complete fucking idiot who has never grown before but feels compelled to give it a go!

All grown in pots in soil (40% B&Q multi, 40% J Immes 3, 20% perlite), all watered from a water butt. Will feed as and when they tell me.

Pictures to follow.

Advice is truly welcomed.

The Monk :joint:

The Hummus Monk

Active member
A little heads up.

A little heads up.

Ok so here's a few pics of what's happening so far. Deliberately started them late so hopefully they won't be pushing the roof off come October!

The three on the left are mystery Kiwi Seed strains and the six on the right all DP Flo. The whole back row were germinated a month ago and the front row two weeks ago.

One little Kiwi seedling

One purplish Flo

A two week old Kiwi

More updates to follow...

Feel free to chip in with regards to what the Kiwi's may be as and when they have matured enough.


The Hummus Monk

Active member


Ok so here's how they're looking at about 4 weeks:

Kiwi 1

Kiwi 2

Kiwi 3

Flo 1

Flo 2

Flo 3

Flo 4

Flo 5

Flo 6

Family photo

I want to top them all at some point so any advice on how/when would be great.


Hi there,

You're off to a good start! Lucky you for being able to use a greenhouse. How did you germinate your seeds? I just put them straight into soil and they loved it.




yup. a good start. happy to see more people trying out the Kiwi seeds!
ill be watching this one to see how those genetics treat ya :)

being a kiwi myself, im always interested in the Kiwi seeds :D

best of luck...

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Yeah really chuffed to be able to grow these using daylight and the natural waning of it come Autumn. Autumn is one of my most decadent times due to the general profusion of Liberty Caps and Sloe's (Sloe Gin)...and now this Autumn hopefully some beautiful bud to see me through Christmas.

Just started them off in general seedling mix...once they started to yellow (used up all nutes) I transplanted into large (10" I guess) pots with the aforementioned soil mix (cheers Elevator Man for that tip) and have been watering from a butt very sparingly but regularly. This new soil mix has just given them such a boost...can't quite believe the results...definitley get some J Immes 3 but because it's meant for mature plants (i.e. young trees/shrubs to grow on) it's best to mix it 50/50 with regular rubbish compost. Will start to feed with BioBizz when they say so.

Really interested in the 3 Kiwi strains...spent 14 months out there (1999-2001) and smoked much bud (Corromandel, Raglan, Hamilton, Bay of Islands...etc etc.) and really miss the place and people so trying to take myself back there in a cerebral kind of way!

Really want to cross a good purple Flo male with a kiwi strain and hopefully back across with another good Flo pheno. Would be great to get some advice regarding this...?

Keep em coming peeps :smoke:

The Hummus Monk

Active member
A little update...

A little update...

Ok so here's a bundle of pictures showing how quickly they're growing now. Want to top them all between the 4th/5th node but not sure where to count them from so any advice welcome (i.e. which are the first true sets of leaves). ALso got a little bit of thrip activity on three plants so any advice would be cool on that too...maybe NEEM REPEL?

All in all everything is looking and beginning to smell rather good!

Kiwi 1 (the biggest plant out of the 9 and currently standing at about 18")

Kiwi 2

Kiwi 3

Flo 1 (bit of purpling going on here)

Flo 2

Flo 3 (biggest Flo...very slight purpling but predominantly green)

Flo 4

Flo 5

Flo 6

Flo's from above

Kiwi's from above



Largest Kiwi
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The Hummus Monk

Active member


Thought you might like to see a crazy tomato I just picked that was growing next to the Flo. Sign of things to come maybe?

Variety was Marmande...very tasty and big



Hiya HM,

When did you start your seeds? The first post is 7/20, which is the day I started my Flos, but yours are much bigger than mine. Looking good, btw!



The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hey Rubba Dub

I started some around the end of June and some a week or two later. The older plants are on the back row of the group shots and numbered Flo's 4, 5, and 6...Kiwi 3 is the latest starting kiwi strain.

There's a lovely smell currently when I open the GH door... vr grassy! Also if I rub the stem of any Flo plant my finges then smell really spicy!

Keep us posted on your grow.

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Ok so the plants are growing steadily...really beginning to fill out after their original stretchy period. Have ordered some Neem Repel to counteract various minor bug issues.

More pictures to follow...

...I think some are beginning to pre-flower but everything's a wee bit too tiny to tell yet.

Two of the Kiwi strains are prolific growers...they're really going for it...must be Sativa dominant...the third is more squat and slower but bushier so I'm guessing an Indica.

Pics soon.

Peace :joint:


Lovely, outside is the shit.... you must not be paranoid of anyone seein the grow, more props to you on that... and im using bio bizz to (great product)... anyways looking forward to the pics..


looking forward to the pics man..

HM said:
Really interested in the 3 Kiwi strains...spent 14 months out there (1999-2001) and smoked much bud (Corromandel, Raglan, Hamilton, Bay of Islands...etc etc.) and really miss the place and people so trying to take myself back there in a cerebral kind of way!

im really glad you liked my little slice of the world down there.
plenty good bud for sure, (coromandel has some tasty tasty) just gotta know the right people, but youll remember how intense our sun is?... makes for some really nice outdoor grows.

im looking forward to getting home, and trying out some Kiwi strains. so im watching this one for the long run mate.

best of luck :joint:
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