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Get yourself a flir scope


Well-known member
So a month ago I bought one of these new FLIR© PS24 thermal imaging scopes. They are finally "cheap" enough to be a consumer item and it fits in your jeans pocket. I got mine for about $1800 by shopping around.


So what's it good for?

You can check your heat signature and know how obvious you are, and take measures to fix obvious heat signature issues.

You can find people in the woods at night and use it as a security device for guerilla outdoors gardening. You can't easily use it to walk a treacherous path in the dark but you can scan about and be pretty sure no one is in sight so and then turn on your flashlight. It can be used to walk around at night, but its not head mounted and doesn't always show terrain well. It does make mammals stand out even if they are hidden in the brush or cammo.

You can use it to suppliment your personal security. If you hear bump in the night, you can quickly scan the area and people stand out pretty easily even if they are hiding. And all the while you can stay dark and hidden.

It's a neat new tool.
I have been watching those prices drop...and thinking along the same lines as you. They are cheap enough a few grower friends could go in together on one, and take care of security. It certainly isn't the kind of tool you need on a daily basis, so sharing could potentially work.

Great review...thanks Foaf.
:: impatiently waits for flir smartphone app ::


Seriously tho, i remember reading there is a way to filter some digital cameras to produce the same effect. If anyone could shed some light on a cheap DIY solution I'd love ya forever. ;)


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
now imagine flying around in an airplane for the day with that thing? im sure you could spot a few 100 indoor ops


Active member
so did you do anything to block your heat sig, if so did it work well? im curious :)


High country cat herder
I don't have a spare 2k laying around, but I've always wondered what my house would like like thru one.


If one blocks the heat sig to well isn't that an issue?
Flir pen sounds very useful.


Well-known member
I bought it for security and just used it to look at my grow heat for fun, and of course to minimize it if possible.
Im growing now, but between my next I think Im going to put some insulation on one exterior wall. You have to be trespassing on my property to see the most obvious sights, you can't see it from the road and the ceiling is not hot so from the air isn't a special sight. But the exhaust from an aircooled 1000 watter is very obvious and I dont really have an easy plan for that. There are lots of hot spots and vented air on buildings and houses and such. They would have to really already suspect you and be just knowing what they are looking for, I think.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Thanks for the heads up, but I think ill wait till it's like half that.

And they have an app that messes with the color to make your camera look like flir, but it's completely useless and just a trick thing. Very disappointing.

I did always want to get a flir and do a head to head testing that lite tite film versus insulation board vs. other things. I get bored sometimes.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
They're cheap enough that rippers are buying em...
There was a story in my dads paper last year about a scumbag who'd been using one to rob growers, he was a general crook too, his house got raided, they found a shed full of equpment, and weed, he admitted using the camera to find targets...


ICMag Donor
Insulation and double glazeing firms are useing them to find business locally , they use the previous generation of cameras which are cheap now as second user , just heavier and less portable , as used by fire brigade.

They send an image of YOUR house taken from the road , and offer to save you money and make use of any available grants , its business but a little too intrusive i feel .

Other possibly bigger problem here is the upgradeing of the electricity distribution network sensors , giveing a very accurate picture of use and losses within a small area without useing smart domestic meters , will catch a few out who bypass the meter.
I bought it for security and just used it to look at my grow heat for fun, and of course to minimize it if possible.
Im growing now, but between my next I think Im going to put some insulation on one exterior wall. You have to be trespassing on my property to see the most obvious sights, you can't see it from the road and the ceiling is not hot so from the air isn't a special sight. But the exhaust from an aircooled 1000 watter is very obvious and I dont really have an easy plan for that. There are lots of hot spots and vented air on buildings and houses and such. They would have to really already suspect you and be just knowing what they are looking for, I think.

Hey man I've been wanting someone to do this for a while now. So what exactly are you seeing? Is it from the exhaust or from the actual room itself? How are you venting, into the attic or directly outside? Do you run your light at night or during the day? I vent my 400 hps into the attic and worry about flir. Do you think It would pick a 400 watter?
My god, you are worried about a measly 400 watter? My portable heater I run in winter is 1800 watts, and gives out much more heat than a grow light. If the heat they pick up is from an actual room that means nothing, just means you may have a heater on in there or the sun shines on that side of the building in the afternoon and heats it up.
Even if the hot air is coming out of just one vent it could just mean you have an air conditioner running.
If you vent into the ceiling then the hot air will not all come out at one spot, a bit will seep out here and a bit from there, over many spots.
Anyway a grow room should not vent excessively hot air; don't forget if the exhaust fans are on all the time then the air will be vented before it has a chance to get too hot.
I mean if you turn the exhaust fan off for several hours and then turn it on the air in the room will have a chance to heat up and you will be venting hot air, but if the fans are on all the time then the air is vented before it has a chance to get very hot.

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