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Reeferman's Cherry Bomb ll Smoke Report


Active member
My apologies to those of you who may have seen this smoke report that I did in Organic Hydro's Cherry Bomb ll Organic Hydro Style thread. I thought I would post it here in the proper forum for those who didn't have the opportunity to see OH take this strain from seed to harvest.

Rellikbuzz's Cherry Bomb ll - Smoke Report

I had been "eyeing" Reeferman's Cherry Bomb ll for some time before seeing OH's grow of this strain. Knowing that one of the original parents of this cross was an original landrace, cherry pheno Maui Wowie. This cross just had to be rockin' from the description alone!

Reeferman's Description from his website.

We have obtained Cherry Bomb from several sources, the original being from California and most recently we obtained Cherry Bomb from Mr. Greengenes, and his 100% Sativa Cherry Bomb meets the predominantly indica Cherry Bomb from California to create the ultimate Cherry explosion like an orgasm in a rolling paper. Soaring high, sativa dominant buzz, full on Cherry Candy flavor and smell and a respectable yield make this cherry bomb the best ever. High yield.

Needless to say, I was delighted to see OH's grow thread go online! As this thread has shown, the CBll is a vigorous, high yielding strain that OH did a magnificent job bringing to harvest! :yes: :headbange Again, I would like to thank Organic Hydro for including me in evalutating his wonderful herb. The packing was totally steath and such a nice presentation. In the package I received a lovely candle set, potpourii, other craft oriented goodies and the biggest damn pack of papers I have ever seen! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Cleaverly hid inside a container I found this bonus gift. A package of Soma's Rock Bud (A+) and a package of Snow White! :yes: :canabis:

Now, on to the stars of this show . . . the Cherry Bomb ll Buds themselves!

Cherry Bomb ll - Pheno 1

Without ruining the suspense of this smoke report, I have to say right up front that the CBll Pheno one is my favorite of the two phenotypes that OH ended up with. The appearance of these buds is that of a medium to lime green color with a plethera of rusty colored, orange/brown pistils that are densely packed into the bud. While I have seen denser bud structure, this is NOT a whispy or airy bud at all! Nice firm texture created by stacked calyxes that are a dream to break of whole for a great bong hit.

The trichome production of this strain is unreal as these buds shimmer under the flash of my trusty camera, as you can see for yourself. Please excuse my lack of talent in the macro department. My camera just isn't capable of a good macro so I have to use a 10x magnifying glass in front of the camera. Sorry it sucks so bad. :mad:

When you open the container of this pheno, you are overwhelmed with a pungent, fruity smell that fills your immediate area. It's a very fresh, sweet, fruity odor that has a hint of melon as it lingers. I agree with the other testers that this scent doesn't remind my of cherries as it is purported to be but it's a fabulous citrusy/melon odor that is just delish!

The taste is just as fresh as the scent! It is a very smooth toke on the intake and leaves the fruity flavor coating your tongue and it has an almost "perfumy" quality to the smoke. On the exhale is takes on a bit of a hashy-like flavor that takes on a more complex level of flavors that taste somewhat "darker" or more "aged" some how (if that makes any sense). Not to bad of an expansion with this pheno so I wasn't hacking up a lung. I believe this has more to do with the clean flush of the herb and good (albeit short) cure.

Now as for the high, I have to proclaim right up front that I may not be the best to evaluate it's potency relative to a lot of other strains out there. Compared to many, many people on ICMag, I am a relatively light smoker. I usually smoke most everyday but it is usually at night and only a few bongs at most at a time. I find my tolerance relatively low to most quality weeds. Schwag is another story. I even have some standards!! :biglaugh:

Anyway, my first reaction to the smoke was virtually immediate. The high is very cerebral in the onset and has an unusual clarity to the high. Upon a second bowl I felt it really kick into gear! While you can tell you are rushing, it is not jittery or uncomfortable at all. In fact, just the opposite is true. It is such a smooth high that one might not think it's that potent because it's not an "IN YOUR FACE" indica type of high. It's clear that the sativa genetics are predominant here but be quite rest assured that you are FLYING HIGH AGAIN!! (A cheap Ozzy reference :biglaugh: ) After a good 45 minute peak you settle into the ultimate "cruise control". Matters of the day are all but a long forgotten memory by this time. Finally, it's such an easy let down that you are able to go right back and do it all over again!

Final Observations:

The Cherry Bomb ll - Pheno 1 is the absolute BOMB! It has to be one of the top two sativas I've ever had the pleasure of trying. The other being a true Kali Mist. It's all that one would ever expect from a top bred sativa with Hawiian genes.

Cherry Bomb ll - Pheno 2

While this pheno looks very similar to the Pheno 1, it appears to me as if there isn't quite as much pistil density in the buds and the pistils appear to be a brighter orange color. The buds also look a bit more "airy" and open in structure but not significantly so.

This pheno, while still fairly trich layden, doesn't appear to be quite as frosty as Pheno 1. It could be just my imagination. Here's a couple of close-ups which shows the more orangy pistils.

The aroma of this pheno is darker and more complex than Pheno 1. When you open the container, you are first greeted with a strong, astringent smell that has the same fruity scent as Pheno 1 but it is underlying the astringent quality. As a result of this astringent characteristic the sweetness is somewhat overpowered but it's still there.

The flavor on the toke is quite a bit more complex too as the astringent quality comes through in the flavor and almost made my tongue feel like I had just had a bit of novacane shot into it! :eek: On the exhale it reminded me more of Pheno 1 as, again, it had a hash-type quality to the flavor. Just like it's sister this is a very smooth toke with mild expansion qualities. Just a joy to huff on.

Pheno 2 has more of a "creeper" buzz to it. It takes a few minutes to come on but, BOY, does it come on!! This high has more "body" to it. Almost a sedative quality compared to Pheno 1 as I think more of the indica side of the genetics are being expressed here. Another quality this Pheno has is this is truly "two toke" weed (at least for me it is! I know, I know . . . I'm a light weight I guess :biglaugh: ). However, I can't imagine even the most heady of tokers could handle more than 6 or 7 bowls of this stuff before saying "UNCLE"!

Final Observations:

This pheno is extremely potent and big fans of the "In Your Face" indica type of high will love this one! Great sedative affect and I would think it would be a great medicinal herb. Certainly has it's place in anyone's garden. As I stated before, my preference is for the Pheno 1's more cerebral, heady high. But, then again, I've always been a sativa man!! :yes: :headbange


Active member
Reeferman's Cherry Bomb ll - Smoke Report (Cont.)

Reeferman's Cherry Bomb ll - Smoke Report (Cont.)

This test has been the most fun I've had on ICMag but not just for the obvious reasons!! :biglaugh: Because of Rule35Sub1 and his kind comments to Organic Hydro, I was able to participate and, more importantly, make a new friend in Organic Hydro. My friend, you are a genuinely generous and open hearted person that I feel honored to know. Your skills in your garden are only surpassed by the kindness you show to your fellow person. This has been my honor, my brotha . . . Thank you!

As for the other people who tested the three wonderful strains/phenos, let me just put them in a random and more condensed order. Some of these were hilarious!! :biglaugh:

Friend #1 - Remodeling Contractor - Mid 30's - Married w/kids

Friend #1 stopped by to pick up a bud to take home and I gave him a bong hit off all three herbs. After hacking up his lungs on the Mazar he made his way through the smooth Cherry Bombs. He reached to give me his card with his business number and I asked him to write his home phone number down. This small task took him some twenty minutes to remember!! :biglaugh: For the life of him he couldn't pull it together to remember! Guess you had to be there. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Friend #2 & #3- Lead Guitarist in my band and his brother our bass player- Mid 40's - 80's Stoner Crowd :biglaugh:

We smoked all three herbs at band practice at which we were trying to record. Without getting bogged down in details, I had to read the owner's manual to operate our new eight track recorder. Anyhow, what took me less than 45 seconds to read and do the next day (straight) took me over 15 MINUTES!! :biglaugh: This stuff reduced us to mental midgets that thought they were just "kickin' ass" on several takes only to find out that it COMPLETELY SUCKED when we played it back!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

TheY found the high almost over-whelming to them. They felt they got too stoned to play right but did thoroughly enjoy it. These herbs are significantly more potent than the street schwag that they are used to. It's a whole other step that they haven't quite gotten their arms around yet. ROFLMAO

To anyone who is considering any of these or all of these strains and are trying to decide on which one to pick, you cannot go wrong with any of them. Ease of growth of the Cherry Bomb ll is almost asking too much from a strain with such a fabulous yield and high. It's almost too good to be true!!

In closing, suffice it to say that Reeferman's Cherry Bomb ll is on my to-do list ASAP! Along with several other Reeferman genetics. After having grown Reeferman's Blue Thunder myself, I can attest to the fact that RM's genetics are among the best in the world!!


All I can say is terrific report. I was really engulfed in you writting and believe that I got a real sense of how that strain operates. I had the pleasure to meet Reeferman at the 420 and he's a really nice guy. So actually it's very nice to read a report on one of his strains. As I'm going to be looking to obtain a strain from his menu real soon.

Back to the report I like it's detail and your unbiased friends reactions. It adds a reality to the report that you can't add yourself. Very good indeed. And if you got anymore strains to report on please do. Rellikbuzz I apreciate your work keep em green, Smokey.


Damn you buzz for tempting me to buy more seeds.

Damn you.


talk to you soon brother.
Good smoke report!


Active member
the_danimal said:
Damn you buzz for tempting me to buy more seeds.

Damn you.


talk to you soon brother.
Good smoke report!

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Just spreading the word on this wonderful strain, my brotha! Like Sgt. Friday used to say on Dragnet " I'm just reporting the facts, Ma'am, just the facts!"