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Erectile Dysfunction and MMJ


New member
Has anyone here noticed a corrolation? Ive been smoking for about 18 months, and while Cannabis makes me extremely horny, it also makes it way difficult to get an erection as well as maintain one (kinda sad irony, eh?). I now only smoke during the day when it's very unlikely I'll get any "action".

If anyone else has experienced this, and especially if youve found a way to overcome this I would love to hear about it!


cant say ive experienced it... Maybe the opposite...

It could be because of the lower blood pressure/thinner blood when you medicate.
na if anything it should help.. probably anything... I started to notice a problem.. last year.. wound up being to much time on a hard seat motorcycle. didn't notice till fall/winter when I felt great again.

could be lots of stuff but if its mj I would say maybe if its Pyschologically linked to something.. otherwise look at some of the other obvious things and see if you find anything out of whack. here's a list of things to do to be as healthy as possible.. I know it seems stupid.. but any of these things could be affecting you somewhat.

Exercise.. I mean sweating working out till you hurt for a couple days. Do you do it?
Food.. do you eat lean meat(chicken,some pork, some beef (flank steak and burger), beans and green vegetables? vowing to not eat fast food could fix more than one problem.

Stress.. Is there stuff in your life your not getting done.,, hanging over your head.. usually getting sleep , proper nutrition, and exercise.. can keep alot of stress in check.

Sleep.. of course your mom's been telling you for years.. but this is just as important as anything in your life.. Make sure you change your life/schedule to get proper sleep.

and like my problem.. ergonomics.. if your ride bikes or anything like that..even just sitting for long periods of time.. exercise is your best bet.. if you cant change your activity a bit.

I hope any of this helps.. if not well.. I'm sure we all need mom to chime in every now and then.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
if you smoke too much of a potent strain it can effect performance but this is neither cumulative or bilogical. i find when i smoke too much weed and try to have sex my mind wanders and introverts away from the act so its not that i cant get it up its just that ive lost intrest in what iw as doing or my mind has started taking to itself and the conversation is so ingrossing i forget where i am. really it all comes down to what your smoking, how much youve smoked, and who you are having sex with. i have foudn the more comfotable i am with a sexual partner the more i can smoke and still keep my head in the game. in short no, weed will not make you impotent. i smoke alot of very stong weed and have alot of great sex :)


Resident pissy old man
ED can be caused by both psychological and physical problems. I don't know enough about the psychological end of it, so I will cover the physical. If you have any of the following problems, you could get ED: sugar diabetes, hypertension(high blood pressure), prostate infections, BPH(enlargement of the prostate,MS,hormonal disorders,fractures of the spine involving the spinal chord, and alcoholism and other drug abuse(including marijuana,according to some doctors.)

There are also several medications that will cause ED, including pain meds, antihistamines, anti-depressants, several anti-anxiety drugs and many blood pressure meds. Also prostate-reducing medications.

The psychological problems include stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression and negative thoughts or feelings about your sexual partner.

About one in ten men will have some re-occuring problem with Ed, more often as you age.

Best thing to do is see your doctor about it, as it could be a sign of a more dangerous problem.
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stone fool
ED is mostly caused by bitchy aging women, who do not keep themselves up. Take a guy with a supposed problem, and set him up with a shapely, non bitching, younger gal, and see how his function is. My wife used to bitch so much I thought wee willy winkie was gonna shrivel up and fall off for a while there till I escaped.


pot increases blood flow and i have no problem with a super hard on when stonned lol...now sensitivity is increased aswell so i usually dont last as long when stoned but its better for me....peace


Resident pissy old man
Haps, I understand your point as I have been divorced for 6 years after 36 years of Hell. However, I still have ED due to hypertension, too much smoking(tobacco) and meds. A younger woman wouldn't help,though it sure couldn't hurt. If you know a young chick who is into old and ugly men, give me a shout!


Active member
yeah I actually prefer to get baked before I have sex... I used to know this girl who'd come by after work for a few bong hits (I supplied) and a quicky before doing her weekly grocery shopping... I miss her



So a younger woman wouldn't hurt eh pops?I have an aunt that just turned 59.....interested?


If pops isnt I may be :) hehehhee. I'm 59

Seriously, I have a really great g/f who is mid 50's. I also have what I'd characterize as mild ED. Weed could contribute to that somehow, but I don't know. I didn't smoke any weed when I moved to this area for just over a year. No contacts and wasn't settled in a job yet. I didn't notice any difference in that time I didn't smoke.

My g/f is an awesome lover, in every sense of the word. I still have problems sometimes. I know that sometimes my mind does wander "off the subject" when making love. Other times, especially outdoors on a mountain road, I think soking weed really enhances everything

I'm not stopping in any case...neither one making love or smokin weed :smile:

Weed sure didn't seem to have any effect on my ability for an erection well into my 40's When I was 20's and 30's I was a stud LOLOL And I smoked a lot of weed. Now in that place at that time the weed we got in our areea was leaning a lot to the Sativa side. Maybe that makes a difference. Much more "up" and heady type weed than the body stroning indica weed that is all you get around where I am now.

I also have boderline diabetes, I take pills for it and high cholesterol, and pills for that too. PSA test was 4.2 last year. Im an ex cigarette smoker too. All that contributes to it as Pops says.

I live one day at a time. I told my g/f that I am gonna do just what I like to do from here on out. If she is with me, fine. If not, that's fine too.

The best of continued good health to you all!!
Florida redneck at large
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Active member
Berry_Coughin' said:
Definitely do not have that problem over here..... I think the old lady is prego now...

Congrats man!

As to answer your question... some strains have a huge negative impact on my libido which makes me not do it, but if the weed makes me horny no problem with getting it going and maintaining. Sorry about your luck bro.


Resident pissy old man
Damn, Obli, I thought I was a whole lot older than you but it turns out that it only 3 years. Mild ED is pretty typical for men over 50, as the prostate continues to grow all our life. If we live long enough, almost all men would get prostate cancer. The prostate can swell and pinch off the urinary tract or the sperm vessels or even the nerve that helps us get an erection.

There are a lot of drugs,like Zoloft, that cause it too. Often, as your blood pressure starts to lower, you will notice some improvement. I remember when I woke up with wood once, I wanted to go out and show the neighbors. Strange that a morning piss hard-on will lift your spirits.

Soilman, if your aunt is a Florida redneck like you, I only have 2 questions. How many teeth does she have and how big a forklift will it take to put her in my pick up?


THere must be certain strains that would help with ED. This is why we need as a community of MMJ users to start a fund for medical marijuana research. There are to many things we still do not know about Cannabis.

My feeling is that sativas, would be better in terms of helping ED.....Experiment with different types of sativas, perhaps even ganja food from sativas. Also try taking some BCAA ( branch chain amino acids) L-Arginine apparently plays a big role in erections..


New member
Thanks for all the replies :)

Oi vey I have or had just about every medical problem listed: formerly out of control diabetic, formerly extremely overweight (still losing but almost to my goal), curerntly taking 2 medications for high blood pressure, as well as an anti-depressant.

This all started some years ago, before I was taking all these meds, but definitely has gotten worse the past 6 months (about when I started the 2nd BP med)...time to talk to the doc I think.

Thanks again all, please keep the discussion going!


stone fool
Pops, the search is on, but it seems the only bait they will take is cash round here. Maybe we can hit on some of these kiddies momma's and aunties. Any of you under 30 growers have a cute momma that likes sativas?

My heart meds, especially the blood thinner bring mr woody around all the time, I think that is what most of the ED meds are, blood thinners.

I will volunteer to test a dozen strains and their effect on sex..........but I need a lady volunteer to be able to proceed. I put a sign up sheet on the nutrient closet door.


Active member
yeah I would definetly agree that sativas are better for erections...

I think it's good to be aware of two causes of ED;

1. your body - high blood pressure, diabetes, and other disease all usually require treatments that can contribute to ed

2. your mind - now this is more likely the cause if you are young and w/o medical conditions. I would also imagine more likely the cause if you can get a woody when not stoned. I (trueth ful admission coming) had a few problems with this one girl I dated in college - she was hot and all but when it came down to dirty time it was like my willy which was stiff as a board in my paints would shrink on site. For me it turned out to be her - she was very cold and precise about sex and just really killed my mood. She was on her way to being a teacher and seemed to get the teacher voice and would be like "did you put on the condom yet? are you ready?" long story short it made me scared of failing to perform (yes m'am I forgot my homework) and it never really worked with her.... but it was just her - many a girl after that were more fun loving in bed and did not make me uncomfortable and the result was lots of happy sex :D

so basically my point is that if you're uncomfortable then willy is likely to good hiding. Weed will only make this worse as it has a tendency in most people to amplify feelings of discomfort (does everyone know I'm stoned - omg!) and so it's probably not good until you really feel comfy with a girl.

now on the other hand if she's a puffer and you puff together then I think that you will be more comfortable stoned and gettin it on'

just my .02

hey haps have you checked out this 420 dating site? might be a good spot to look for test subjects :D