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pond enzymes?


anyone tried any of these pond enzyme products??
a lot are fully organic and say they are fish and plant safe (and not a rip-off)
being the cheap ass that i am (actually i just don't like to get bent over)
i'm gonna try one of these Organic Digester stuff, or maybe this Pond Zyme stuff.

seems something must've worked before all these overpriced products geared toward the overpriced herb market came out.
anyone had any experiences with these products??
ive got time to experiment anyhow as this isn't my job, just a fun hobby to grow my own medicine =)

The Dummies Guide to Enzymes




ok i got too much time on my hands
now i'm looking at drain cleaners

"BIO-CLEAN The natural drain cleaner is.. . a blend of bacteria and enzymes. The bacteria are natural, not genetically-engineered. The enzyme concentration is the most powerful on the market. Natural Drain cleaner
Bio-Clean The natural drain cleaner is non-poisonous. It creates no heat, no fumes, no boiling. It does not attack live tissue nor inorganic materials, only organic wastes like grease, hair, food particles, paper, cotton & sewage. This makes BIO-CLEAN safe for people, plumbing and the environment.

BIO-CLEAN changes the waste particles into water, carbon dioxide and mineral ash which run harmlessly out of your waste system. These elements are then available for plant life."

"This is the only process that recycles organic waste back to plant food"

"Will BIO-CLEAN attack tree roots?
Only roots that are completely dead"

am i crazy???
of course, i'm talking to myself =)


organic digester

organic digester

i couldn't wait for my drain cleaner to show up
so i went to the local koi fish dealer to see what kind of stuff he had
ended up with the Organic Digester from above first post
32 oz for $20
organic all natural enzyme blah blah blah
dosage says 1 oz/500 gallon
that works out to 1 ml/17 gallon
so i would basically have a life time supply, but the shelf life is one year.
so $20 for a year.. not bad if it does the same thing as those other expensive enzymes..
time to cross my fingers and put it to the test =)
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if good for fish and pond life should be ok but


em1 for plants for a comparance 14.99 for 12 oz 1.5oz per 100sq feet of soil anually

it has: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Microorganisms: 1 million colony forming units/cc (units/ml), 1%: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodopseudomonas palustris. INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 96% Water and 3% Molasses.


thanks for that good link seebobski
american made enzymes....
lots of good stuff for humans and plants and digesting unwanted things
that product even has a little molasses kick
do you use this?? or any other bacteria/enzyme product?>??
EM•1® Microbial Inoculant "Agricultural" can be added to hydroponic liquid feeding programs to enhance crop quality and post harvest shelf life. Improved plant vigor and tissue density in tomatoes and lettuces are a result of the numerous enzymes, organic acids, growth stimulants, bioflavinoids, and amino acids that are by-products of EM•1® Microbial Inoculant Agricultural. These by-products are absorbed through the root systems. The EM•1® Agricultural microorganisms concentrate along the plant root surfaces and create a symbiotic association similar to mycorrhizae-root symbiosis. The EM•1® Microbial Inoculant Agricultural helps increase the nutrient uptake potential and efficiency, while reducing plant stress that can be caused by high levels of available nutrients.
Recommended application rates:
* 1 part EM•1® Micribial Inoculant: 1000 parts nutrient solution for tomatoes
* 1:2000 for lettuces
Add EM•1® Microbial Inoculant as needed to maintain recommended dilution ratios.
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I've got this stuff under my sink for slow running drains called "Drain Care", it keeps sinks and septic tanks flowing without using lye. It's an 18 oz jug of powdered enzymes and bacterial culture. The enzymes used are amylase, lipase, protease, cellulase. That means it breaks down starch, fats, proteins, and cellulose. It cost about $10. I have a feeling a little can go a long way since it is strong enough to break down hair inside a clogged drain. I'm going to throw some in a bucket with an old root ball and see what happens. If it's strong enough to break down hair I wonder if it would start to digest coco? I guess I'll find out.