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Using Dyna Gro in coco

I'm currently using H&G at about 85% of the nutrient calc value and then finishing with The FoxFarm trio of Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and then Ca Ching. This is working pretty well, with feeding being done by top drip.

Has anyone used the Dyna line in a coco grow? I'm fairly happy with H&G, especially the vegging, but it is a light oil producer, based on side by sides with GH and rockwool and its also pretty spendy. I find myself attracted to products that come out of the general horticultural community as the 'pillage factor' on my wallet seems to be substancially less.

:thank you:

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Love me some dynagro w/ coco!

Only thing outside their product line I still use is dry koolbloom by GH and molasses.
Might have to give it a go. Tap water here is under 20 ppm and I calmag back to 150-200 before adding nutes. Are you biasing the hydro sched. for coco?


I"m searching right now for a thread I think called..

"why does no one know about this stuff" or " DG is liquid gold"

it's all about how cost effective and awesome this stuff is. Some guy named hash man in the large plants outdoors thread grew like 12 ft tall plants using the stuff and many good comments from indoor users.

Let's find the thread and link it
Quick update:

Have a couple of young ones that were vegged in H&G. Flushed 2 days with drip clean and put them on DG for flowering. Ten days now and looking very good. With a tip o' the hat to the forum here and a bunch of forum late night reading I came up with a poop soup formula I'd like to share:

tap water -- currently about 100 ppm (NaCl scale) and pH of 8.2 to 8.5

I add to a 50 gal rez:

5ml Top Fin dechlorinator
15 ml Pro-Tekt
15 ml cal-mag+
25 ml DG Foliage
200 ml DG Bloom
25 ml Mag-Pro
10 ml drip clean
lovin spoonful (heaping tbsp) of blackstrap disolved in warm gal of water

This is running 600 ppm.

It'll get a little dry KoolBlooom at week 6 (50%)

This is going on in 8" airpots with high aeration Ready-Gro as the medium and is using top drip DTW.

I'll update occasionally.



New member
Hey MrBill
That's great, I have just spent many hours trying to figure out what I'm going to flower my plants with. H&G worked wonders in veg, but I'd like something with a slighly more PK balanced NPK for bloom, so I don't cut myself short on yield. I'm thinking of switching over to the Dyna-Gro as I see alot of good things around about their product, but I'm also thinking mixing H&G at 50/50 ratio to give me a really nice NPK of 4-7-7
I'll be looking forward to your update
About three weeks out on some Purple Trash (P Train Wreck X Hash Plant) and the girls are doing truly wonderful. I've made a couple of adjustments that are mostly based on local tapwater. I've upped the ProTecK and the CalMag to 2 ml/gal -- everything else at 50% or list or less. The ppm (.5) never went above 800. This stuff is working very well for me and I can't beleive how cheap it is compared to hydo store stuff.


New member
I just bought the last 4 bottles of the Dyna-Gro Bloom, and they won't be restocking(so can you buy this stuff at most gardenign centers?). I'll do without the foliar and use H&G to adjust my NPK if I need more N.
Did you find the DG was hotter than the H&G? I'm running 1000ppm(.7) just wondering if I should back that off when I put the DG in the mix

I'll keep an eye on your updates as the Cal/Mag levels you use should help me out a bit

Good to see I'm not the only one willing to try the cheaper brand over the H&G, hopefully we both have good success.
The best way to get fresh DG is to just order it from Dyna-Gro. It shows up on your porch in an unmarked box, factory fresh. I use DG Foliage-Pro for veg and I also put a bit in with the Bloom if the girls are looking for N. I've also substituted Sucanet (dried raw sugar cane juice) for the molassas as it seems to be feeding the micro-herd just as well and it doesn't slime the rez nearly as bad.

With the top drip, I keep the ppm to a max of 800 (.5 scale) and Its tapered back to 600 now. H&G seems hotter, but I think that its because the H&G really accentuates vegatative growth. To be sure, right now I'm much happier with the DG as it is very stable with my local water and the girls are getting really sticky.

Finding what works with your local water is the nute trick, I think. Don't get caught up in too much religiosity with brands and see what really works best with your water and environment. Strains play into this also. Have fun and stay safe!



New member
Thanks for the replies Mr Bill
I understand the importance that each grower must find his own recipe that works.
But this gives me confidence at least that I havent made a bad decision

I guess you havent completed a harvest yet with using the DG but I am interested if you notice any difference in the quality of the buds when you do finish this grow

You mentioned at the beginning that you found H&G was a "is a light oil producer", I'm not sure exactly what was meant by that. Are you doing oil extracts of your buds? did you mean that the potency of the bud was lower than you are used to? Or did you notice generally less yield from the H&G?
I've heard alot of growers mention that certain synthetic nutrients seem to produce a cleaner products, do you know if this is true or just placebo "magical thinking" that some growers have? I find it hard to believe that salt based nutrients could be cleaner from one company than another. As far as I see it they are just salts, but maybe there is some merit to this.
Did you find H&G to be very clean, as I think this is something H&G has a reputation for, and I'm wondering if there is any truth to this.

What other nutrient lines have you used in the past, and how did H&G compare?
Maybe not quite three weeks out. The species is Purple Trash, which I've not grown before. This is coming on to be the frostiest bud that I've grown.

Please note: I grow to put my medicine much farther to the quality (IMHO) end of the spectrum rather than the quantity end. You have to be able to strike your own balance on that one and move forward from there -- choices will be different.

I used H&G for about a year, half a dozen strains, three grows. H&G grows big plants and big buds, no doubt about it. For my taste though, it leaves just a little on the table. I didn't get the resin production that I had expected. I was intrigued by a Dyna-Gro thread in the Nutes sub forum and started trying it. Its working for me.

If you are going to use a drip fertigation system, adding H&G DripClean is a good thing regardless of the chem regimen chosen. Take a hint from the commercial guys and see how little the amounts of all of the chemistry that can be used to still receive full value in the plant.

I've used GH 3-part, some AN, H&G and now DG. Oh yeah, a long time ago (decades) there was Miracle Gro...

Don't overdo the ferts, give the girls a good flush and all will be well.



New member
Ok big buds is what I'm going for, I'll let strain and genetics cover me on the aroma and potency side of things, as I'm growing a connoiseur strain atm but yeilds can be less impressive with this strain so I'm trying to do what I can.

So Bill I'm about a week into 12/12 now, just starting to see some larger pistils forming and wanted to mix a bit of the DG Bloom in with my H&G and guess what?
The Dyna Gro bottles when I shake them up sound like they have gravel inside of them! So I pour one of my 4(2pint) bottles of DG out into a big glass bowl and out comes these massive chunks of precipitated stuff...
I clean out a frying pan and pour it all in set it on the stove on low and mix in another full bottle of just straight tap water(at this point I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just seeing if this will work and cursing the DG the whole time).
I get it to almost boil and stirring violently(lol) with fork, nothing happends.
so now I got this DG that is missing a whole bunch of white precipitate from the solution... could be all the calcium or all the potassium or all the whatever and there is no way to know... so pretty much I'm thinking they are all useless to me.
Unless I want to risk ruining my plants with unsolvable nutrient disorders...

Any issues with your bottle?

Any issues with your bottle?

The short answer is nope. I think that this tends to happen if the ferts have been stored in a place where the temps have gotten close to or maybe below freezing. Order a new bottle of fresh DG from the factory (if its above freezing where you live) and go from there -- its cheap enough...

My $0.02 as far as advice for your situation is to stick to the H&G line and learn it before mixing other stuff in. There's no magic elixer in ferts. Its mostly the environment and you, as a grower, knowing your strains well enough to read the 'tea leaves'. If you are hand watering, do a small side by side and see what fits your particular setup. Whatever you choose, ease into the ppms.



New member
While I don't believe there are "magic elixers" in ferts I do take a very realistic approach in my thoughts on nutrients which is that the perfect ratios of NPK calcium magnesium sulfer and the rest will make a big difference to less than ideal ratios

The obvious fact is that any A+B fertilizer used throughout both veg and bloom is making a compromise.

It's not so pronounced with the A+B aquaflakes but with the coco the ratio is pretty bad for bloom. 5.5-3.4-9.1(slightly different ratios here in canada to the us)
I'm in no search for a magical elixer, but a little phosphorus in bloom would be a good thing, and the H&G doesnt provide that.

Now you have Dyna-gro with 6 macro and 10 micro nutrients and an NPK of 3-12-6.
It's a bit low in the nitrogen, and maybe even a bit high in the phosphorus. But if you mix the H&G together with the Dyna-Gro... you now have a pretty decent NPK, that ought to improve your yield. I'm tired of hearing about snake oils, but I do know flowering plants need elevated levels of phosphorus to maximize the bloom.

So when you shake your bottle there's nothing rattling around inside? What is the overall colour of the liquid? totally see through? I'm just trying to determine how bad off my bottles are because I'm likely going to end up using them anyways. I've heard from HomeBrewer that he always has a bit of precipitate in his bottles and never had any problems.
You are absolutely correct that DG Bloom needs a bit of N help with a lot of strains. I tend to add about 1/2ml per gal of DG Foliage-Pro through maybe the fifth or sixth week (all eyeball). I give it a Koolbloom kick at 3 weeks and again at 5 to 6 weeks on 8 week strains. A qt of Foliage-Pro will get you through a bunch of grows.

I live in norcal and my choice is to have factory fresh delivered by brown.

I think my total fert outlay for this full DG grow is going to come in under $20. An eight week grow with H&G is about $200. I know that I'm old and shouldn't be doing math in public, but... hey, the difference is alot of pizza. :) From the way the girls are looking, I won't be missing much in the yield dept either.



Remember...if you rae using other additives....loke cal/mag( sometimes required in coco) in contains N as well. Along with lots of other additives.

I keep a bottle of Alaska fish ferts around( 10-1-1-) to use for a N boost. Usually at the beginning of flower. Otherwise....a low N number is ideal for me in coco during flower. I usually cut the N out all together after week 5 or 6 ( 8 wk strain)depending on green they are.


Hello !! I know i bumped this thread back to alive because I rather not to make a new thread after all this is same topic :D If you dont mind at all, thanks

Im going to buy canna coco by next week it will be my first time to grow coco. I have plenty of Dyna Gro ferts. My question is its really need to add the cal-mag to coco every feeding ? Because the Dyna Gro have a complete nutrient, included calicum, plus im using TAP water. Any advice or tips will be much appreciate. Thank you for reading this post. y'all have a good day today because its Friday :D

Happy growing and peace



Hello !! I know i bumped this thread back to alive because I rather not to make a new thread after all this is same topic :D If you dont mind at all, thanks

Im going to buy canna coco by next week it will be my first time to grow coco. I have plenty of Dyna Gro ferts. My question is its really need to add the cal-mag to coco every feeding ? Because the Dyna Gro have a complete nutrient, included calicum, plus im using TAP water. Any advice or tips will be much appreciate. Thank you for reading this post. y'all have a good day today because its Friday :D

Happy growing and peace


I will give you tips from my experience with a few years of coco growing.

Even good quality coco needs to be checked for EC(PPM) before planting. If it's clean...then you probably don't need to charge it. If you need to flush it...then charge it after the flush before use.

Even with tap(0.8EC) I use cal/mag at around 2ml/G untill the 3rd week of flower. Some strains require more.

One thing I am starting to do lately is a couple of flushes throughout the grow. One about a week before going into flower...and another at about week 5 of flower.