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Where to buy grow supplies?

anyone have any suggestions on where to buy some grow supplies online? mostly hydro stuff but anything would be helpful. :) thanks

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
There's a few good ones. wormsway.com and altgarden.com are good, altgarden is always fast and send extra products to try from time to time ;)

thanks for the quick reply...always appreciated :)

ill check those out later on when i get home.. im planning on trying out the hempy bucket so ill need to pick up some rockwool cubes.

anyone have any other places they like to buy from? :D


Try GTG hydroponics

Try GTG hydroponics

Hey there:

Well, I've known this guy and bought from him for like 15 plus years. GTG hydroponics in Vermont. The store sends items in super stealth packaging, run by a very cool old hippy named Rick.

Great assortment of supplies!



DoctorDro said:
Not sure if you need lights, but try www.insidesun.com. They have a pretty good selection of lighting for a lower buget.

nope dont need lights but thanks :cool: .. the main reason i started this was to see where other people buy some of their stuff from for when i need to get more supplies and for others who dont really know where to look.

Keep em coming guys! ive actually never been to most of these sites so thank you. :D


New member
Buying supplies is what keeps me from goin hydro. I dunno why, but that just scares the hell outta me. I cannot bring myself to go to the local hydro shop, though it glitters like the gold ring just out of reach! Givin anyone my address makes me absolutely shudder. My yields may not be as big, my buds may not be as fast, but I prefer to remain in my hole where it is warm and safe, and buy my stuff from walmart and the hardware store.
One of these days man...one of these days


Hey Coopdog, I know what you mean about being nervous going to the hydro store. I had to borrow my friends car to go, and when I got there, I circled that place like I was about to do a drive-by shooting. :D

...just remember to pay with cash so they have no record of you. ;)


I tried GTG, like Vermont Afghan suggested. They are real helpful folks when you call in. Thanks for the heads up.


New member

I used to live by them, didn't know anything about growing, walked in there when I was 16 with 400 bucks, came out with a 400 W lamp, hyrdo setup, and nutes. And it was well worth it.

I mail order from them now and have NEVER had any problems. Very discreet and they're all stoners there. I mean, they have a climate control system called "Dave's not Home"... COME ON!

But yeah, a bit pricey, but I love them :)



I like starfish supplies. There an ebay shop and often do surprise auctions of things like 1000 watt light systems for 1 cent. You've gotta be quick to get em though.