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Allergic to my plants =( anyone else? any tips


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well I recently discovered I am alergic to live weed plants....

Anywhere is touches on my skin I get a red rash with bumps that flares up for a couple of hours and itches like crazy. My eyes itch to no end and I cant quit sneezing for a couple of hours after I check the plants...

Anyone else have this problem? Shit is driving me crazy...I dread watering them lol. I bought some benadryl today to see if this helps, but if anyone has any ideas on how to may be counter act this feel free to let me know.


it may be worth the time and money to automate your system as much as you possibly can to limit your encounters with the plants as much as possible. by adding timers to your lights and a drip system you may be able to limit your trips into the grow room several times per week depending on how often you are watering. if you get everything dialed in perfectly you may only find yourself in the room once per week to change your reservoir and/or tend to the plants. the protective clothing would help a lot, so i would probably start there though.

good luck, i have never heard of an obstacle like this before but power to ya if you keep it up.


ICMag Donor
Have seen some people react badly to skin contact but never as bad as you suffer.
Could try misting down the plants first to wash down particles which are getting into your lungs and eyes and wear disposible PVC gloves.

I get a rash sometimes on the inner wrist where the skin is thin and it is always from sativas and never indicas so choice of plant could help.


one in the chamber
Yeah, I get itchy too. I also get all weird and calm. Not a rash though. I kinda miss the feeling! I tend to cover up around my girls because I'm out in the woods and there are all kinds of nasty things I don't want touching me, especially with the diversity of species where I am. I'd hate to get bitten/stung by something that isn't even known to science. lol


Active member
my skin reacts to live weed but not as badly as u describe. Just keep a long sleeve near ur grow area, and a huge box of disposible gloves. Whenever ur headin in there to do some work, throw them on. dont let something this small stop u, bud is worthy of a few rashes!


Active member
Does this happen even with flowers in veg?
If it's mostly plants in full flower that make you react like that then you might want to check them for mold - spores can cause a serious allergic reaction.
Even if you can't see the mold itself you might be able to see spores releasing when you're separating the buds.


Mine make my skin get hives too. Not badly, and they don't last more than an hour or so. It is funny though they never used to bother me at all. Only after being in basically daily contact for the last few years is when this has become a nuisance. Also it seems that some strains are worse than others. Daywrecker Diesel being the worst.... By far. I guess until the day when I get an allergic reaction in my lungs I am just going to tough it out. I am actually perplexed that is doesn't give us an allergic reaction that way as well. Go figure.


Get a lab coat and gloves. It helped me. I also use sun glasses, for some reason the allergy makes me sensitve then my eyes feel like they are frying from the lights.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
same shit happens to me.
only thing i do different is keep a box of kleenex in the grow.
im always blowing my running nose.
other than that, i gotta suck it up :D


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I would expose myself as much as possible for a bit and see if I could get used to it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks for tips guys I am going to try to get a lab coat and will hit up the latex gloves too.

I was hoping I would get used to it over time we will see. I know one thing though I sure as hell am not quitting. I may think twice about sampling the bud before its done though lol.

herbal essences

Yup plants aggrevate my allergies pretty bad, dryed bud does on occasion pretty bad too
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also, get a neilmed "sinus rinse" at the pharmacy, gets rid of all the trichomes and dust that you inhale when harvesting/trimming, helps keep the allergic reaction under control. Claritin works too for long days.