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Potassium silicate in soil

Hi all just wondering if any one is using potassium silicate in soil. Just wondering how much and how often to use and if you have noticed any side effects using it in soil.
Regards Bilbo


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
You'd have found a wealth of sources, had you looked yourself.

Diatomaceous earth.
Thank you for that really unhelpful post. If I was using diatomaceous earth I wouldnt have posted a question. Im using potassium silicate in a liquid form and want to know what others using it have to say about it. Also if id been able to find this information myself I wouldnt have posted the question. Perhaps a little more thought before you post would help to keep the vibes cool.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Here ya go.

Perhaps if people bothered to look they would see a mountain of information already available. You spent longer typing that reply than it took me to find a days worth of reading.
Perhaps instead of being a dick you could enlighten me with your wealth of experience using potassium silicate in liquid form in soil. The fact you found a days reading in a few minutes doesn't surprise me your signature says it all. The amount of views this thread has had with no answers says to me others are interested in this question. Just a little back ground mate so your next post doesn't sound so ignorant, I am new to this forum after coming across from another forum I was a member of for over 3 years I found it getting a bit quiet. As you know you post a question and get 3 contradicting answers. I might post a question a year on growing mate as i understand the best way to learn is research and more importantly experimenting. I am currently doing just that with two plants using the potassium silicate in liquid form at different strengths. I would have posted my results so far soon enough but i didnt want to pre empt any answer to my question. By the way both plants showed some negative side effects so far. I have used and already know all i need to know on diatomaceous earth. But that wasn't the question was it?? If you have something to share Id like to hear it, if your just here for a wind up id ask you find some one else to annoy.
Peace out.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
It's spring and with it the rush of easily searchable questions from entitled wanks is upon us.
I was a little harsh. Take some dry ksil and amend it into your soil

I could do that and i do do that, but thats not the question im asking is it. Im actually not even asking a question as much as trying to see if others have used it in liquid form in soil and what their experiences are. Obviously no one has. If any one of you 3 actually had experience with it , i would expected the first comment to be that the label says for hydro use only, which is why I bought it in the first place. Any way im over it good luck to you all.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I use under 50ppm and never more than 80. Adjusts pH within range for coir, deviating by no more than 0.1 within a week. Can't tell much difference in plant growth but I am not the most observant person.

You wanted to be spoon fed information. Not only are there many threads on the subject, there are many more of other folk asking the same question.

I've spent hours on it. Downloaded crop science research, field and greenhouse. Looked up things I did not understand.

That last bit took up a lot of time.

I've forgotten more than you'll ever read on the subject. There are others here like that. We prefer to find our own answers. Very few will hold your hand.

Hi all just wondering if any one is using potassium silicate in soil. Just wondering how much and how often to use and if you have noticed any side effects using it in soil.
Regards Bilbo

Just a little every feed...
Amount depends on which potassium silicate...
Armor Si is around .5ml/gal.
There are no side effects unless you overdose.

Sport Farmer

Active member
I use Pro-tekt in Pro-Mix and DWC. Works good for me. Bottle calls for 5ml/gal and I use 2ml/gal. Haven't checked in awhile but I think it works out to be about 10-15 ppms for me. I've never really went over that dosage though. Some shit could potentially go down in higher dosages. I haven't noticed any issues with the plants when using it in either application. Pro-tekt is like 7% (one of the highest) and Armor Si, if I remember correctly is like 4%, but theres are tons of silicate products out there. A lot of people like Skunk Labs. I would just try it out and make your own observations. :)

EDIT: Actually Armor Si is 10% :kos: - My bad...
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clown baby

Active member
I use potassium silicate, (retail agsil 16h). i mix stock at 1.5#/gallon, and add to feed at about 1mL/gal.

works for me. I hate staking and netting, so this helps avoid it. Keeps branches stiff enough to stand up under their own weight. If you use to much it'll make branches stiff to the point of splitting, versus bending, under too much stress. So find a good middle ground


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Oh look another salty whiney bitch.

You made an account here to post that withering reply? I hope it made ya feel better sport.


Well-known member
Yes, Silica is a super amendment. Silica reduces the threat of pests and disease, creates plants with stronger cell structures, improves nutrient absorption, protects against metal toxicities, and ultimately improves overall crop performance. Follow the manufactures recommendations and you will be good to go. Please show everyone the before and after photos or news. Most especially good for flowers.
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