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[Landrace] Malawi, Durban (CBG), Ethiopian and Honduras


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Hello, so i am new here and it is y first grow journal ^^ i have limited grow experiences, but always hybrid which gave me similar results everytime. And one day i discovered it was because they were almost all hybrids of the same species :( I then discovered a whole new subspecies of cannabis that takes way longer and have different effects, and fell in love, to soon discover they were all disappearing which made me sad. Thankfully some grea breeders like aceseeds and cannabiogen kept them alive so we can keep track of them, which is incredible so thank you.

As i said, i have limited experience so this will be a test grow. I have never run landrace before, so i am ready to face a lot of issues. i have a moderately good amount of vertical space ready (around 7 feet available for them) and time is not an issue. my goal is not productivity nor rentability as i do not sell and my main interest in doing this is discovering them, how they grow, spend some time with those ancient plants and learning from this experience (and of course having some great smoke haha). hermie is not an issue either, it'll be annoying but as i said previously, i really don't care about productivity, only quality so as long as they are worth it, then so be it !

I have accumulated a lot of seeds from many landrace strains, even some very forgotten one from various breeders (fts, rsc, usc...) but almost half of them come from aceseeds. they do seem to have a passion for breeding and discovering new species as opposed to making the same thing over and over and i highly respect that.

anyway so back to my grow, i decided to start with some "easier" sativas that run for 14 weeks on average. I have chosen the Honduras, Durban from Cannabiogen, Malawi and Ethiopian. They are all very different but seem to have similar flowering length. I do have another box to dry the earlier ones so in anycase that wont be an issue. The one im most interested in is Ethiopian, because i love uplifting, non anxiety strains ^^ Malawi scares me though, but the strains seems so worked well by aceseeds that it seems, as the info i gather say, that its the best "landrace sativa hard strain" to begin with and im very curious of her.

So here i am and let's go:) my grow will probably not be worth of a read for many people as i am not very goodand will probably cause some very obvious issues, but for those who will participate and follow me in my journey, thank you very much and i look forward to talk to you !

note : the following logs will have a lot of premade posts. i already wrote some posts and already started some time ago but did not register until today so the beginning will be weeks of log in a few days. sorry again
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Active member
So i just popped the seeds. they look so different from what i am used to see. maybe its me over gloryfying everything, but the malawi seeds just look prehistoric and weird to me. it is very fascinating. i have put them in the freezer and then in the fridge, so they will probably take longer then expected to germinate. i took 3 of each strain to have higher chance of females. i plugged them into root riots with a little root solution, into a small dome box with a humidifier to get high humidity


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Active member
(7 days later) so now i realize i made a mistake. I was not expecting the strains to have such different germination time, so i did not set the light on because i was scared of the root riots drying out too fast. i will try to break them down in the strains each :

The Honduras show extreme vigor compared to the other ones. they all sprouted at the same time almosta day or two after popping them, so they stretched hugely in only abut a day and a half because they didnt have light. i have never seen a strain with such vigor. They are much bigger than the rest in terms of leaves too, even those that just popped right after. light green, i am wondering if they are already hungry ? In anycase i will take the less is more approach as to me, a plant can survive very well in the wild where there is mostly low nutrients and believe they would be way less affected by a lack of nutes that i can fix quickly than an excess of nutes.

Ethiopian : They are the slowest of the group. they took 7 days to sprout. I have heard tropical strains sometimes take a very long time to sprout, i don't know how true it is. I was thinking they maybe have low vigor, but the roots actually spread faster than the Honduras, as even how small they are, some roots are already out in the wild on the bottom so i don't know. We'll see. Very thin leaves from the beginning

Malawi : They are doing fine. One is way more vigorous than the other and stretched a little bit. will have to take care of her

Durban : Very much the most middle of them all, took 3 to 4 days to pop, medium size, no big stretch because the light was there. Looks like its doing fine.


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note i forgot to add : i wont be using root riot next time. it makes multi strain grow harder as they can dry dangerously fast. they work really well, but i feel sowing in soil is more idiot proof and makes them have more friction which results in less shells stuck on their head (i had 2 or 3 on the twelve like that, even after spraying them regularly for 2 days)

Also, im doing this entirely organic


Active member
thank you ^^ i forgot to add to, one of the malawi came out with purplish internode and faded to green afterwards. I don't know what it means, but it sure is interesting


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sorry, i didn't mean internodes, but inside the new true leaves and cotyledeon when sprouting. seems i can't edit my posts, i will be careful in the future to avoid multiposting on a row


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ICMag Donor
What size is your grow area? I know you mentioned 7' high . . .

I am landrace curious :) & I have a number in stock waiting in line to grow.


Active member
cool ^^ my grow room is 5 wide and 7.5 tall, is a lil too much horizontal space as i dont need that much and takes a lot of space. i would have like more vertical space tho because im scared of the long flowering sativa haha


Active member
(last premade post, a few days later) Something has happenned. Due to issue with mold (not plant, but from moldy clothes) i have entierely disinfected my grow room with vinegar and peroxide hydrogen (not mixed). it worked apparently, but i put so much vinegar everywhere that i became dizzy and had to run for oxygen. Its not the first time i cleaned with vinegar, but i put so much everything was drenched in it. I even became very ill the next day and caught a big flu.

The plants did not like it at all either. They got all burned and almost died. It was such a dumb mistake i feel very stupid. And for info, they were not even in the same location where i vinegar'd everything, which shows how much i messed up.

I know i have said i will be ok if this doesnt go well but it is not true. I feel very sad when i see them as they look terrible. I was wanting to trash them down and start over but this would go against what this whole thing is and be very coward-ish, plus i'm responsible for what happenned to them so the least would be to fix this whole thing and care for them to make up for it so i decided to suck it up and make them get better. I will do my best for them to recover, and my plan is to just let them be with water, heat and sun. Some parts are still green and the roots seems compeltely unaffected so i hope this will be a bad memory soon. After all, we are both ill so we both need to recover

We will see what happens.

when they were fine :


right after the vinegar bath (speaks for itself) :

a day after :


Active member
So, this is the first current post. i'm happy to say none of us have died (not myself either) and we are all doing very well today. I did move them to a stronger light (cmh) while maintaining safe distance and give them a small amount of nutes. They all did goos in the recovery, new growth looks pristine, and the situation which was terrible at first seems to become nore and more like a bad memory when you look at them. I will also make better pictures lf every strains because i didnt realize how much compression there was here, making discerning them impossible.



here is the usual breakdown

The Honduras behaved incredibly, incredibly well. The day after they started growing again, i even think they may never have stopped actually and even the old burned leaves grew. They really seem to be living their best life and grow so much they even look to be slightly under fed on some of them. They have very explosive growth which doesnt seem to slow down and they look huge compared to the other. I think i have to repot them like as soon as possible

i will try to up the nutes next time, but even with the slight underfeeding, they look unstoppable, so i may take it very slow upping the regimen as with overfeeding i always had terrible results in the past that would just halt everything and make the plant ill while here they look terrific. They have a light green color but thats how ace describe them, as having light green color and Ace recomends soft npk from the start so i'd rather be safe and follow their recommandation, but i am perplex as some tips do look yellow. We'll see, if anyone has additional input i'm interested, i will try to stalk the honduras topic to see if people have said how much they like food or not.

Malawi : They took the biggest hit, one a pretty big hit. They obviously didnt like what happened and seemed ill for a few days. now 2 of the 3 show great vigor, similar (but less) to Honduras, and one is lagging a little bit but is doing better and better. Very funny leaves that looks also a little bit "prehistoric" or junglish, i don't know how to describe it. Also, even though there is a pretty distinc discrepency in phenotype compared to the other strains which looks very homogenous, they share some similarities that you can spot instantly. chunky fat triangular chiseled leaves.

Ethiopian : They litterally stopped everything for days. no activity, nothing. I even thought one may had died. I would have said initially they took the biggest hit, but i think that may be wrong and it's actually the opposite as It seems they just stopped everything and did nothing and one day decided to wake up and resume their growth like nothing happened. They didnt even look ill like the Malawis, just identical whith no change at all, almost like they did not care about the whole fiasco and took their time off doing their thing. Which is funny cause they are supposed to be the most "cool anxiety free happy" of the bunch.

Now, they behave the same as before, aka they are really the slowest to "grow" of the bunch yet one of the fastest root wise. I think at this state it is too early and i have way too limited knowledge to make a good judgement of whats happening so i will probably have to wait a long time to know if they truly have low vigor or if they are just doing their thing minding their own business. Also, they seem to like heat, more than the others.

They all show some sort of "natural" twisting that was there since day one even before the fiasco. Its not like twisting like stress, its the outer forms of the leaves which makes the overall shape "not straight" and it looks pretty. I need to take better pictures and take in mind the compression thing of icmag.

Durban : They took a low hit, doing pretty well, very slender, long internodes and branches while not stretchy at all and thin leaves. Seems to be a pretty easy and the most average of everything of them all. Very "airy" look, its pretty and i cant wait to see how they will look in flowering

Next post will have much better pictures of them all.


Active member
Here are the better pictures. I separated each strains for better clarity.

Honduras :


Malawi :


Ethiopian (one had extra single leaf on top of the first pair since sprouting, i thought this would not be noticeable after the second set of leaves but it seems it is, it's kind of cute) :


Durban :

Overall :



Active member
Also, i have this weird white fuzz on my soil and roots. Looks very fungi-ish to me, but i don't know ? I was a lil bit scared at first, but they don't seem to mind...



They are there since i did the first watering and never really left, i used bacto and myccorhizae stuff to make my soil become alive so maybe that's why ? If anyone has an opinion on this i would be glad to take it ^^

Anyway thank you for those who may read me and I will avoid making too much updates in the future as the constant bumping of my grow when not much is happening may be annoying.


Well-known member
Hey Ikinokori, nice reversal of the reversal of fortunes! They'll be fine;) Unrecognizable in a couple of weeks.

Are these feminized seeds? Even if regular, I have around an 80% female birth ratio on most of Ace's strains. I'd choose the best/most vigorous and angry girl from each group to run, because, my friend, that 5x5 that seems so spacious right now is going to get HAMMERED even with just 4 of those babies;)
Cmh is a great choice of light, can't wait to see how they do!
For the white fluff you're getting, the pots you're using are either cloning pots or for DWC and are usually used inserted into a bucket or rail, keeping the roots in complete darkness. Using those pots is working against you now. Also, incorrect pH has turned my soil all sorts of colors, so you could make sure your pH is correct, perhaps flushing with 6.8 for soil or repotting in more appropriate pots for your grow style;)
Good luck! Welcome aboard, dwd


Active member
Hey Ikinokori, nice reversal of the reversal of fortunes! They'll be fine;) Unrecognizable in a couple of weeks.

Are these feminized seeds? Even if regular, I have around an 80% female birth ratio on most of Ace's strains. I'd choose the best/most vigorous and angry girl from each group to run, because, my friend, that 5x5 that seems so spacious right now is going to get HAMMERED even with just 4 of those babies;)
Cmh is a great choice of light, can't wait to see how they do!
For the white fluff you're getting, the pots you're using are either cloning pots or for DWC and are usually used inserted into a bucket or rail, keeping the roots in complete darkness. Using those pots is working against you now. Also, incorrect pH has turned my soil all sorts of colors, so you could make sure your pH is correct, perhaps flushing with 6.8 for soil or repotting in more appropriate pots for your grow style;)
Good luck! Welcome aboard, dwd

oh oh xD you scare me haha ^^ i will need to be careful, i definitely didn'plan on having that much females... i'll follow your advice then, thanks !

For the white fluff, apprently it is from my mycorrhizae product ans it is normal ^^ i'll take your advice for the pots, i'll try to put them in something to hide the soil from the light (i really like the air pruning stuff of open pots)


Active member
i mean for next time if i intend on using them again, now i will repot them in smart pots like today or tomorrow so that solves the issue haha ^^


Active member
and sorry again for the triple post (really not used to the non editable nature of the posts), yes they are indeed regular


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome ikinokori :)

Thanks for choosing ACE Seeds for your current grow and to start to get familiarized with the growing of landraces.

Glad to see your seedlings survived from the contamination and cleaning, it's very important to keep clean the growing area and nearby areas to avoid infections. If you need to clean the room with something aggressive is better to take out the plants, then do the cleaning in depth and only after that bring back the plants to the growing area again.

Don't overwater your plants (especially in seedling stage), let the soil dry propely before doing another watering, keep the growing area and air flow clean, provide constant warm temps around 25ºC and your plants will eventually surpass the problem.

Some of your seedlings need already a transplant, other will need it soon. After they get used to the new pot and transplant, they will start to grow rapidly with proper light intensity and with the other variables in the correct range.

Hope it helps and best wishes!