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320w P.L. Hortiled Top Cannablüm


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It took a while but Hortiled Cannablüm has arrived! Just took delivery of P.L. Light Hortiled Top cannabis bloom and full-spectrum lamps. It was a pleasure dealing with Urban-Gro out of Colorado - very professional and reliable people.

These are "light bar" top lights - the 38" length allows for passive cooling and gives even coverage over a large area. To my knowledge only Philips Greenpower (220v only) and Fluence make similar units. These are made in Holland by P.L. Light's parent company Hortilux. The efficiency is 2.7 umol/J with the Cannablüm spectrum - a mix of blue, red, and white diodes - 8:1:1 red/blue/green. The full-spectrum version is 2.3 umol/J.


So far I'm blown away by the Cannablüm lights, after 2 days I'm already getting rid of my 400w and 600w HPS lights. The plants are going crazy and the light is not bad for viewing at all - it looks better in real life - like a white light tinted with purple color on the plants. I find it more pleasant on the eyes than the harsh glare of HPS (although for watering I still wear dark shades)

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each lamp is 850 umol, turns out to be good for a 4X4 tent

I started a set of 4 (legal Massachusetts) plants into flower, I will update this thread to track the progress. Some Dutch Passion F1's - Orange Hill Skunk and White Widow. The quality of the fit & finish of these lights is beautiful. P.L. says two of these (640w) can replace their 1000w DE HPS fixture, so they're about 4x the price of HPS, so far it's worth it, I'm realizing I never liked the fiery ball of super-heated gas burning in the house. LED is nice.
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Growth update, nearly two weeks into flower, loving the lights so far, internode length is WAY reduced over my Gavita HPS. Rapidly becoming a believer in LED! The long bar does a better job of covering the 4-foot tent than one HPS reflector in the middle.

You have to go through a dealer to buy them. Urban-Gro charged me $950 each including Weiland>>120V power cords. Highly recommend Urban-Gro because they're exclusively focused on cannabis and understand our needs (they know your spectral needs for cannabis veg & flower!). Other options are Hummert's or Griffin's greenhouse supply, or LED grow light depot.

these are still in 2 gallon pots, going into 5 gal today....DP White Widow f1s...day 12

PS...this place in Quebec is another source for prices...

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This is super cool muleskinner ill be watching thanks for posting the awesome pics and info

I think im going to build my leds. I was going to knock off the fluence spydr but after looking at several led designs im interested in trying out one of these long bar versions like this or the fluemce vyper


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Rookie mistake - I put the lights too close. One of the plants started showing "albino" tips and the others bleached - this is with the light 18-20" away. I reset to 26 inches and they're recovering - leaves are turning dark green again. 24-36 inches from the canopy is the correct height for these.

That means the coverage area of this light is more than I thought. At least 3X4 for flowering. One light is too much for my 1-meter square tent (40"X40"), it seems right for a 4X4. I understand now, if you set LED to where the light looks about the same brightness on the canopy as HPS it's too close. The red and blue don't look as bright to human eyes as to the plants.

you can see the white tops on the plant in front - the top 1/2 inch or so of the top colas. Everything else going well, you can see how much they grew. front one is 3.5 weeks into flower, others are 2.5:

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And then there were two....I transplanted the last 2 white widows into mix with double the correct amount of compost. twp weeks later they're basically suffocating and yellowing. Had to cull them unfortunately, but it's OK because I'll need my other tent soon. Now it's one Orange Hill Special and one White Widow under the Hortiled.

The light seems OK at 20 inches above the tops - I think the first plant got light burn because I hung the lamp diagonally across the 3X3 tent. One end was wedged into a corner with the sides acting like a reflector, with the lamp only 16-17 inches away it was too much. Two of these are not going into one 4X4 tent....too much, needs 5X5.

Also Cannablüm spectrum may not help stretching that much, the white widow plant still got pretty leggy. WW on the left is 3 weeks, OHS on the right is at 4 weeks
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Week 4 and 5 update. Orange Hill Special (5wks) is starting to fatten up nicely, White Widow (4wks) has expanded well but the slight yellowing at the tops tells me it won't finish well. It's got 50% bad soil mix. Oh well, I won't make that mistake again. I use organic soil and my blend is sensitive to getting too much compost. Every time I increase it to lengthen the time between waterings it suffocates the plants.

btw, the specs say "Hortiled driver box" no specific info on the build except for saying they use Osram diodes.

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hard to believe another week has gone by, now at week 6 on the Orange Hill Special. I'm happy with the way the light is working, the intensity seems to be growing the flowers similar to my 600w HPS. OHS is supposed to be high yield and it's working! I've got some C99 seedlings coming along in the better soil mix for the next round.

pictures are not coming out well, not sure why, I'll try some macro shots next time.



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OHS leaves starting to yellow as it approaches the final week of flower. The WW is looking very sativa, looks like it needs another 3 weeks - all white pistils still and will be 6 weeks on Friday:

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update - continue to be impressed with this lamp. Nugs are plumping up far down the stems and into the canopy, similar to my 600w HPS. Orange Hill Skunk is at day 54, pistils are 95% orange, just a few days from harvest. WW is 6.5 weeks.

Getting more fan leaf yellowing than I like due to soil mix issue (100% organic dry nutes), but the bud leaves are nice and dark green and filling in rapidly.

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I finally got my full-spectrum Hortiled up and running - so PL makes a dimmable, 150-degree full spectrum for veg. It has a cool-white look to it, comes with an integrated dimmer knob. I've been vegging seedlings under the bloom light and it's working well however, strong root growth and tight internodes, I guess 10% blue is enough for good veg.

Here are harvest pics...excellent yield (for me) from these two plants. They were in 5-gallon containers and it looks like they yielded about 6 ounces each. I'll be enjoying this organic herb for months.

The Orange Hill Special is awesome, orange/skunk smell and taste, very relaxing buzz and body stone that makes sleeping easy which I need for medical reasons. Haven't tried the White Widow yet, this plant was sativa-looking with tons of pistils like a haze plant.

The OHS is curing in the jars, WW on the trays....

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What was the final yield for the space with that light? Thats pretty cool i like it. Any plans to add another to the temt?


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I got ~12 ounces from the two plants, but they only took about half the room in the tent, I didn't have any more females. I just started 4 females in the 4X4, we'll see what happens.

I think the light only needs a little boost along the 2 edges of the 4X4, I've ordered some 13W flowering bulbs for E26 sockets, I plan to install 2 or 3 of them along each edge to get up to 400 watts of LED for the tent.

You could easily just run this one light in the 4X4 though. I'm surprised by how strong it is. They say the beam angle is 80 degrees but it looks wider. I've been using the bloom spectrum for veg and it covers a huge area. The plants stay compact too, it works better than HPS for veg. Using the light in a 3X3 is too strong, I had to raise it to 40 inches above the plants, I think it needs a 4x4 tent minimum.

the next crop is on day 5 of flower, two Cinderella99 on the right, two TGA freebies on the left, XJ-13 X Pennywise. These have been under the Cannablum spectrum since day one and you can see they've stayed short:

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2 weeks later, everyone's in their final 5 gal. container and it's day 20. Soil mix is dialed in this time. Also to supplement the edges of the 4X4 I added 4 Cree 17w floodlight bulbs, 3000K. For $48 they seem great and boost the far edges, makes it 400w LED total in the tent.

Here's a pic of the Full-spectrum light in the male shack, it's dimmed way down but you can see the color

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here's a picture of C99 at week 6 1/2, one week till harvest, this is my favorite strain, the sweet tropical fruit smell is amazing. One branch has been crossed with TGA "Jacked Up" pollen from a friend, should be interesting.

btw, as I posted in another thread, the Cree floodlight bulbs did NOT work out, they appear to suck for horticulture. I replaced them with 6 new 13w Philips Greenpower 2.0 Flowering bulbs, the plants love these, now the tent is 400w total.


propping the walls apart w/ a 1/4" dowel gives you 6 more inches of space....

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last C99 to be harvested today, day 56. here's the 4X4 tent with the Hortiled and additional Philips Greenpower 2.0 flowering bulbs, I may be the first person to use them in the US, I got a case from UFO supplies in Holland. using 6 X 13w, perfect for lighting the edges and increasing the light from 850 to 1000 umol.


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