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Creating the ideal trimming station


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As the outdoor season approaches its end it will soon be that time of year where many of us get to slow down, start sleeping in again, and spend the next month or 2 trimming our hard work. Now I have been doing this for a few years now and have tried several setups and I'm still seeking something that is more ergonomic. I've tried sitting on the couch and working off the coffee table, sitting at our breakfast bar with a bar stool, sitting indian style on the floor, and I just recently tried standing up in front of an improvised table. No matter what I try it seems I need to get up and move around every ounce or 2 because my neck/back starts to hurt. So I'm asking everyone to give some input on what there setup is like, and if they have found a position that allows them to work longer hours with less discomfort.

Maybe as another benefit with this thread we can talk about other elements of a trim station people have experimented with and found beneficial. I use an old dry erase board thats about 2'x3' because its super easy to move from room to room and kind of keeps the mess in one spot. I keep a rubbermaid soup container to throw finished buds in and then dump it into a brown paper bag when its full. Also keep a grocery bag next to me to put in trimmings. I try to keep a candle next to me to clean the scissors every hour or so, and of course we have the radio going all day. I've also found that a game of madden every few hours helps to break up the monotony! So lets here it everyone, what is your ideal trim station like?


Well-known member
I use the boxes off the plastic wrapped cases of drinks, one to trim over, and one for the buds. Three paper bags, one for trim, stems, and little buds. the box contains the crystals that fall off. I hang my buds for a few days then trim them. I tumble the shake, and use the stems as kindling for the wood stove...


Active member
the key is posture, I used to get these headaches where I could not even think. I raised my table up so im not looking down but straight forward. I also use a office/computer chair so I can adjust the height and roll around easy. Don't round your shoulder and keep your head up.


Active member
table or office desk and adjustable office chair with a trim bin on the table/desk

you still have to move around time to time because we are alive and cant be statues


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Standing on cushoined floor mats, work table made from old 6 lamp t5 fixture cardboard box set across two 40 gal rubber trash cans provides good height.

The key to better trimming stamina, for me, is good posture and core strength. Keeping your arms out up and in front of you and trimming is very simmilar to texting a lot. It puts a stain on your neck and shoulders, you start hyper extending the back as you get tired.

Trimming sucks..., lots of breaks and stretching with the promise of cold beer at the end of the day.


Active member
Thanks for all the input. I totally agree posture and body position are the key here. The 2 things that stood out as I've experimented are that the closer your work platform is to eye level there is less strain on your neck and back. I found this by using a regular kitchen chair at a breakfast bar and it was more comfortable than most other options. Second, sitting in general for long periods of time is inherently unhealthy. I'm going to build a bar/workbench that comes up to my chest level and see if this does the trick. I encourage people to keep sharing, its always cool to pick up small tricks and keep your game progressing.


I set timers for everything. I was asked to see a specialized therapist regarding my "ADHD" awhile back and this was really the only good advice I felt he ever gave me. 45 minutes work and 15 minutes play, or I can get too hyper focused and aggravate my sciatica or start going a little postal after 15-16 hours of trimming.

My late god-father would always yell at people to stop reading or working in the dark, and was always quick to drag over a foot rest for all of his guests. I try and keep the tradition alive, since nobody seems to understand just how straining it is on the eyes to try and focus in poor lighting, or the many benefits of elevating your legs..

Also, WANT..

Despite finding pictures of various gaming seats like this one.. I can't actually find any being sold. In retrospect this thing seems pretty ridiculous, lol. Time to re-medicate and think of more fantastical bs.
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Active member
Trim bin and 100 pushups a day

No doubt haha. I had a buddy/roommate back in college that was freaking ripped but I had never seen him go to the gym. One night we were drinking and I asked him what gives, he said all he did was 100 pushups in the morning and at night nothing else.

TreehouseJ thats funny shit right there. Isn't that from Gramma's Boy?
This is my trim station for the past couple years. It keeps my legs a straight while sitting, and the height is perfect to keep my arms at 90 degrees at all times. What's important is that your chair or seat is totally flat, and not leaning back in the slightest . Most chairs aren't flat, which is why I use this music bench I bought for $30 at guitar center. The towel of course is just extra padding. The height of the bench can be adjusted, which is a huge plus. If you look at the third pic you can see that the storage bin lid is only just barely on the box, and it's mostly resting on my legs. It's the only way to keep your feet pointed forward and flat on the ground. I like the bigger tote lids, but this one is only 18gallon size. I usually put 4-8oz on the right side, trim falls in the middle, and manicured buds on the left. After the pile is done, it's time to walk around for a few and get the blood flowing through my veins. The paper towels are lightly coated in vegetable oil to keep from gummimg up so quickly. I use one to apply the oil and one to wipe the majority off, so I can't see it but I can feel it. For longevity, or for someone with a bad back, it's a must to keep your arms as close to your body as possible, otherwise you will strain your driving muscles from holding up the weight of your arms all day. Sounds easy but it takes time. Standing is horrible for the neck and upper back because you're always looking down. For people with a bad lower back, it's the only way sometimes, but it'll surely fuck up your upper sooner than later. The box is from Walmart and was $1.50 and is 18x18x24 and will fit most adults. If it's too tall then cut a few inches off the bottom. For less than $40 total you get a padded seat, a box, and a storage tote. Maybe budget a cool $50 because I did buy the bench in 1999. People trip out when I show up with my setup, because frankly it looks kinda weird, but I can go longer than most because I use such little effort in holding myself upright and holding the weight of my arms. It's better to have the box lower so if my arms aren't at 90 degrees they will be aiming down and not up. My hands never go any higher than pic 4. Good luck


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I forgot to mention, for those that have allergies and get the sneezes while trimming certain varieties, I small fan behind you works wonders. I aim one at the back of my head so it blows away all the dusty stuff in the air that we can't see. Just a small one that was like $12. You dint want to blow yourself out. Having wind on the back of your head sucks, so keep it light and in low, unless it's hot and you're trying to cool down.


Active member
Thanks for the pics Principante, simple and efficient. Thats pretty impressive you do 4-8 zips before takin a break..... is that just fine tune trimming or is that fans and sugar leaves and all?

I'm doing outs right now and its painstakingly slow when you throw in all the small stuff plus removing moldy material ect... Prob an oz an hour or so makes time crawl by
I usually do a lb of indoor in 4-5 hours tops. If it takes more than six I'll turn it down unless I'm super broke. Where I live if I'm not making $25 an hour I can't get by. I do have years of experience and most people take about 8 hours for the same lbs I'm doing in 5. Super noobs and people with bad vision will take 10-12 for the same 5 hour lbs. At $180 get less than the going rate, which is 200$, but I'm not complaining because I'm fast as hell. Everything I trim has fans pulled at harvest and I trim dry. Some varieties have a lot of little fans which get cut out and not pulled. For the most part people are growing commercial varieties with not much extra leaf. Anything with a stem gets cut or pulled. I charge $30 an hour to do it, but I go double the speed that the other guys are going and they get paid $15. Of course my employers complain about the $30, but if I'm not there it's like being two people short, so they happily fork it out. It's not that I'm some kind master or magician, it's just that in So Cal most the majority of trimmers I've met are doing it to supplement their income, or while in between jobs, so nobody really gets full time experience to be able enhance their technique and to up their speed. Also way too many people are using the scissors with the springs. That'll slow me down a few hours on each one alone.

Ive never trimmed outdoor, but if it's taking 16 hours I sure hope your rent is cheap. I had some mildew buds that I trimmed up for these guys last month, and I did 9 or so lbs that all took between 12-16 hours. I got paid $260 for those but still only made about $15-18 an hour,which is less than half of my average. It seems like I make a lot of money, but it's commission based,and I work at a fast pace for several hours. If I go slow I get tired. Also I don't listen to music anymore because it's too many ups and downs. Slow songs with a lot of bass are hard to recover from, and constant upbeat music takes its toll after a while. I've been growing indoors and trimming my own since 1997. Full time indoor growing since 2001, so in this case experience pays off. Mold, mildew, bird shit, ants, etc I don't ever see in my own garden, but after trimming the mildew bud last month I can see how outdoor could be a pain in the rear. Hopefully you get some nice tops that fly right by:)


Active member
Thank god I don't have to pay rent trimming alone. I have a day job and grow by night, trimming is just the least favorite part of the night job. But yea I'm at the end of my rope growing outs, yea its great to have no power bill and grow huge plants but every year its something different... white flies, spider mites, PM, botrytis, drought, too much rain...... I'm hoping this years fall round will be enough to build out a permanent indoor setup that I can retire off of. But theres still weeks to go so no counting your nuggets before theyre sold

Xray Kimono

I trim standing up with an artist magnifier light and a high countertop.... I cant sit for very long and standing is always adjustable and mobile to prevent getting restless... plus the buds look prfect w the adjustable magnifier and light...


Well-known member
I use several trim scissors. I have a little juice glass full of rubbing alcohol and when one scissors gets gunked up I throw the scissors in the alcohol and use another scissors. Rubbing alcohol cleans up my hands good when I am done and also does the finish clean on all the trim scissors. Funny you should mention as I just got done trimming 3 small branches I pollinated. Now the house smells like a mandarin orange. I hope it smokes as good as it smells.

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