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help me please :)


Hello ,

I am on the project to make an installation to get out between 3 and 4 kilo 6 to 8 pound ... Every 3 months!

I think to work in 600W with a foot space mother / cutting!

What configuration do you advise me, I think to make 2 piece earth

Combient of plant advise me you in earth is in pot of how much?

The maximum growth veg would be 1 month

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
You will need 6-8 lights ( 600hps) in the flower room and a decent strain to pull those numbers.

Plus a few lights in the veg room and mother's.

Next you need to figure out pot sizes and plant numbers. Lot of that is determined by strain.

You have some reading to do.


Hi, I already have some base I currently cultivate under 2X600
But I really see several different ways of growing in general I grow in jar of 11 liter with 9 pot under 600w

But I see guys grow with much less plant and get out of very good yield!

For example here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=200490

I do not understand the guy but 9X600 in 240 in open lamp, how does it to manage the temperature is have such a big yield?

It's always been said that a 600 cover 120 and that it serves no more meter!

The guy makes 3 weeks of growth and ends up with big trunks and over 120 g per plant While I if I do his my plant will not be the same you understand?


Active member
You're learning, i have 2 600s, 8x4 tent, 1 kg per grow, two grows per annum.


Speed of Dark
The garden here has 5400 watts in an 9' x 7' area. A good harvest runs about a pound and a half per month, and a poor harvest yields about a pound per month.
Either is less than your goal.
When younger I ran 7000 watts and yielded two pounds per month, closer to your goal.
After 17 years of gardening the total average is just over a pound per thousand watts, taking two months to move five plants through the bud room. These have always been gourmet buds rather than high yielding strains. How much difference that makes I could not say, other than a gardener down the road gets more than half again as much, three pounds per month, using lower grade high yield strains with almost identical wattage.

This is in a five plant perpetual with a harvest every 11 days, if all five were put in at the same time it would take two months to harvest almost six pounds of bud all at once.
Too much work, spreading it out is less stressful and easier to trim and cure.

Oh yeah, the sprouting table is 600 watts, the veg table is 1000 watts, both necessary to ready the plants for the bud room.
Veg and bud plants get 1000 watts per plant, less gives less quality. The sprouts get less, included is a picture of a sprout in a container of 8" plants almost ready for the veg table.

The plants get advanced every eleven days, only one veg at a time and three sprouts. The five budding plants were already mentioned. Schedules need planned out three months in advance to run smoothly without missing any harvest.


  • Freddies Best sprout with Chronic Haze.jpg
    Freddies Best sprout with Chronic Haze.jpg
    108.8 KB · Views: 31


Hi Phaeton,

My goal is at least 6.5 pounds every 3 months!

On the grow I do not understand how it is to get this crop with only 25 plants and 3 weeks of growth, under 9X600 watt and the space is 8X8 ... and collect 8 pounds ....

What's the best configuration for you?
Personally I think to do 2 grow room with 4X600 by grow room!

With 9 plants per hps 600W in pot of 11 LITER (3 gallon i think not sure)

and 1 month of veg

To be able to leave at least 3.5 pounds per piece of 4X600

But sela would do 72 plants, if it's possible to have less plant and get the same result?

Like the guy with 25 plant and 3 veg weekends I do not know how he really does in 9X600


Active member
i changed my pots from 11liters to 6.5 liters, same results and a lot more space in the tent, goodluck


Active member
i can get 60 in there, maybe 70, i keep it down to 50, leave room to breath, i only have one tent, goodluck.


Active member
With the right technique 1 gram per watt [HPS] is the most you're going to get indoors, goodluck

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