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What would cause elongated thin colas

I can't post pictures right now sorry, but what would cause some of my branch tips to grow thin long colas while branches right next to them often from the same plany grow nice fatty top nugs?

I am growing using a 430hps gh 3part and Bcuzz bloom in a bubbler/cabinet


Active member
Hey Benito- Zepplin may be right on about the light. Also, I was talking today to tech support at Advanced Nutrients and he was telling me that a common mistake is not cutting back on nitrogen enough during flower. This, he says, causes buds to be "fluffy" and "loose" instead of "compact" and "tight". Additionally, most books I have read say that the bulk of a cola's weight comes in the last couple of weeks of flower. If you aren't there yet, be patient! Good things come to those who wait!! :biggrin:
Thanks for the responses guys. They are about a foot to 6 inches from the lamp. There is a bit of light burn on a few of the leaves. I am afraid if I bring them any closer that the buds themselves might burn.

There is also the typical bottom of the plant yellowing suggesting that there is a slight nitro deficiency as you should expect 31 days into flower. Although GH micro kind of has a bunch of nitro in it if I'm not mistaken.


Interesting question for me.

I'm currently growing two Jock Horror's from seed. One pheno of the JH has one main strip of nice dense looking buds.

My other pheno of JH grew incredibly fast with a huge main stalk. I LST'd very mildy during its stretch in flower. During the stretch this plant went extremely bushy and is probably twice the size of my other JH pheno.

I have about 2 weeks left of flowering. The buds on my big plant are stretching upward and extremely thin on this plant. I am only growing under a 150 watt light but the colas CLOSEST to the light are showing this stretchy thin buds.

My theory is that my second pheno of JH has too many bud sites. Or maybe it has more of a sativa quality and will take longer than 2 weeks to finish. Or possibly too much nitrogen (but my other plant received the same amount).

I'll probably just chalk it up to genetics and try to reveg my plant that has better bud sites.

A few other bits of info on my grow. I just use Advanced Nutrients 3 part mix. My medium is just a 1 part potting soil, and 1 part perlite, with NOTHING added. I mix up my feed and Ph-up to 6.5. Run off Ph has been a little low at 5.0. Plants are flowering in 3 gallon pots.
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Here are three answers by Ed Rosenthal

Questions and Answers with the Godfather of Grass


My plants are about 3 feet tall and have immaculate looking buds on them, but I have been unable to get large and dense buds even though all the hairs and stigmas are completely red when harvested. My 4’x8’ system is lit by two 1000w HPS lamps on tracks. The room stays in the mid-70ºs.

Indoor Dankster,
Mechanicsville, MD

Your buds are not firming up and growing into dense nuggets because they are experiencing heat shock. There are two reasons why. First, you are cooling the room but not specifically the growing area. While the ambient temperature in the room as a whole might be in the mid-70ºs, the grow space where the heat emanates from might be considerably warmer. To find out place a thermometer at canopy level inside the garden. The goal is to keep this area cool. The temperature in the aisles or outside the grow area doesn’t matter.

Another reason that the plants are exposed to heat stress is the lamps. They don’t seem to be enclosed air-cooled units. Place your hand at canopy level and let the light pass over it. You will experience a heat wave until the light passes by. This is happening to the plants every 45 seconds. An air-cooled lamp will prevent the heat surges. Aim your air-cooling efforts at the garden area of your room so that ambient temperature in the garden section remains in the low 70ºs. Your plants will respond by growing big fat plump buds.



I Hope it helps !


Good info guys. I'll look more closely to see if i'm heat stressing my plants