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little white maggot type things??


Just pulled my plant out the pot to check root structure ect and saw loads of little white maggot type things and they are tiny! Have treated with plant vitality as its the only thing i have to hand all plants had a good spray and also tops of coco..... is this the start of root aphids?? scarab fly larvae ????


ghost in training
I hear asprin helps out. Ill get you a link if you like. And honestly it could be a wide range of bugs they all kinda start the same way and grow up to be something else. Whats your OD climate looking like? Its cold where I am in December


Schwilly before I noticed the little ones...around three weeks ago i lifted a pot and this brown fly was nesting underneath he tried to make a break for it but i swatted him ! Cheers CS70 I will check link out.... Cody2white its getting cold up there at night temps down to 19c for me its the unpredictable british weather :(............ I have lovely white roots all over and the pot is dense with them I have 3 tree's infected all around 1.4m tall and also some 20 cutting just rooting but not at the stage where i can pull them to look yet...... Will i loose my crop as am very worried