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Buddhism .how does some-one become a Buddhist



Buddhist are as numerous as Christians and just as varied in their beliefs. There is everythng from Vietnamese Theravadan (sp) to the dali lama, Pure Land; similar to Christianity; and my practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, the Buddhism of Sowing, as compared to Shakyamuni Buddhas Buddhism of Harvest

Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is the logical teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha for the modern times as predicted by Shakyamuni Buddha himself, three thousand years ago. Nichiren read every one of Shakyamuni Buddha's teachingsor Sutra's; 80,000 in number; before he announced his teaching of simple chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo; or the heart of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha's highest teaching.

Regarding being baptised, true buddhist belief you were born with the inherent ability to, " become a buddha in this lifetime". The ten worlds contains the world of Buddhahood as wel the world of hell. There are ten worlds in all, the six lower worldw and the four noble worlds. All contained within our own life.

This belief is contained in the teaching of Three Thousand realms in a single moment of life or Ichinen Sanzen. Within this context you already possess the life of the buddha within your own life, and only need to reveal your true buddhahood to others through chanting nam Myoho renge Kyo with the understanding that your life and the Life of the Buddha of Limitless Joy are one and taking actions on behalf of other's true happiness.

You can read more about my buddhism; Nichiren Daishoinin's Buddhism; at the website
http://www.sgi-usa.org Use the radio buttons to find out more.

You can also google budhism, but I would not recommend that approach as you would have to choose from thousands of entries looking for the correct practcie for your lif now. very difficult, I think.

Good Luck, and I hope this helps.



The Tri Guy
Surely if after looking into things and deciding that your religion is budhism, then you are already a budhist. Your question seems to suggest you wish to become part of a group of budhists, rather than merely adopting budhism yourself. In this case look in your phone book for relious organisations and you'll see your local budhist meeting place. I suggest you go along and introduce yourself.


thanx guys for the info ..

no i dont want to join any groups , iam greek orthodox , but i dont go to church & run around , to every Saint Celebration ..

so why is it that when ever i mention iam a Buddhist , people laugh , like iam a demon or something ..

Hey Bog what's your teaching's on this subject ..



The Tri Guy
Mate, are you Greek Orthodox, Budhist, or vague Christian (like Huxley)?
I believe that laughing at other peoples religion is now illegal.
I doubt if they thought you were a demon that they would laugh, but as your claiming a religion of non-voilence, I guess they feel safe to laugh.
May I ask, as a convert, do you interpret the cycle of birth and death described in the budhist teachings, as, you will be re-incarnated after your body has been buried by your loved ones, as in the Hindu religion, maintaining the Christian idea of death being an event at the end of life, or the Zen way of looking at it as something that happens several thousand times a second?
If the latter, may I remind you that they weren't laughing at you but rather who you once were.

I know I'm not Bog, but aren't we all really one.


Bubblegum Specialist
Higher Self?

Higher Self?

GMT, we are one brother.

Let us strive as many great masters tell us to do. First to find those common truths present in many versions of the truth. The Dali Lama has stated this as have many other great scholars of different theologies.

Buddhism is a religion and it is a philosophy just as Christianity and other major religions are. To be a Christian you need not be baptised but it was a sacrament started by John the Baptist and Jesus to signify the re-birth.

In truth we do reincarnate and to be born again as Jesus put it means literally to be born again. However many people who profess to take the Bible literally say we don't reincarnate. That we have a born again experience. This experience is true as is reincarnation.

So You could call me a Christian/Buddhist because I am a believer in the things Christ said. I see him as a buddhist however. I see little difference in the religions actually and hinduism seems to be a lot like buddhism but I know there are many differences.

The differences matter little to me because it is your spirit seeking the truth that is important. The fact that you have a mind that is curious about yourself and this reality shows a glimmer of real intelligence. Where does intelligence and creativity come from?

It comes from our higher self. It comes from GOD if you want to put it that way but GOD isnt as many imagine. GOD is the life of the universe, the cosmic spirit that Jesus called the holy spirit. He said it reached into each of us and the buddhist say that our inner buddha can be brought out.

People of different religions practice by a daily routine of prayer or they may attend services as well. Buddhists and Christians have various ways of practice that involve things like facing east, bowing the five limbs to the ground periodically and chanting chants like nam myoho renge kyo or om mani padme hum depending on the language.

What some see as new buddhism is sort of what some see as new Judeaism in Christianity and surely all beliefs evolve. Perhaps we get closer and closer to the one truth as all rivers lead to the one big ocean. In effect we all see one part of the truth and say it in different ways but there really is only one truth for our universe and us.

That truth is what enlightenment means. What we seek is to understand the truth. Some find that joining a church or organization helpful while others feel that they must find the truth themselves to really find the real truth instead of someone elses version.

I seek truth. I believe what I believe and I can call myself anything I want. I tend to say I am sort of a christian buddhist and that I think Jesus went to buddhist schools during his missing years. In fact the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ makes it quite clear that he did just that and graduated at the highest level achievable.

Then he returned to his people who were the Jews all caught up in revenge and retribution. Eye for an eye went even further in that 100 of the enemies should be slain for every one of their soldiers. :yoinks:

Jesus did what a buddha does. He tried to bring mercy and peace by tempering the law of justice with mercy and forgiveness. He tried to teach us that war was wrong. That violence is wrong. He demonstrated his beliefs until dead and he gave his life for our sins. That sounds like bullshit but it is known that a good master can take some of the sins upon himself.

Many will disagree and say that there is little to compare between buddhism and christianity but I know what I think. That all religions are the same.

That fighting about which one is right is like fighting about what shade of blue you say the sky is today. The fact is that theology just doesnt matter.

What matters is how we treat each other and that is what matters to our karma and our progress as individuals. We do have free will and we are immortal. You are GOD in a way and this isnt a delusion. BOG

buddhist/christian bear shits in the woods too...


The Tri Guy
Well said BOG. I would only like to comment on Hindu teachings that I find particulary sickening. A kid suffering from cancer is not receiving divine retribution for a past life lived poorly but rather a very unlucky kid. This is an important difference between the teachings of buddhism, hinduism and christianity.
Other than that, I agree whole heartedly.


Yeah thanx Bog , you answered some of my thought's & logical as alway's

but christianity , doesn't allow to take on another religion , god is god , jesus is jesus ..they are the father & son of the universe ..

does Buddhism allow someone to take on another religion ??

also Bog or some-one else , can you explain the vowels to me , when saying nam-myoho-renge-kyo .. is the Y pernounced as an E or an I

i found myself saying it all day today at work . but again people were finding it ammusing

freedom , nam-myoho-renge-kyo


Buddhism is inclusive in it's teachings. Shakyamuni taught 84,000 sutra's or teachings and many people follow various sutra's each thinking they have found the True Teaching. Our karma determines our choices regarding the teaching we choose.

Enjoy chanting and don't woy so much about the details. Just take action on behalf of others happiness and you are on the path to your own happiness.

Good Luck.



As BOG may recall, I too am Buddhist, but not in the 'traditional' or 'conservative' manner.

In the USA, Buddhism is the only belief system that can be considered either a religion or a life philosophy/ethical code (not religion). This is due to the great varience in belief/practice of Buddhists. Very old-style conservative Buddhists give a nod to the oriental or Indian origins of thier practice and stick to those regimens and beliefs. (such as the mandala, kharma, reincarnation etc) These are the most conservative of Buddhists and are the most traditional in thier practice.

On the other extreme are the folks who follow what is commonly refered to as Western or American Buddhism. I am one such person. While I have a subscription to Tricycle (the Buddhist Review) and practice Zazen (meditation), I do not buy a lot of the traditonal beliefs. My Buddhism is based on Shaolin Zen as taught originaly by Bodhidharma there. I add in Japanese Bushido Zen, which is centered on physical fitness and preparation for conflict resolution, and practices such as weapons kata meditation.

As a scientist I am aware that this spacetime continuum is closed under causation, matter and energy are conserved here. That means that in order to effect anything in our universe, you have to use/be either matter or energy. This also means that neither matter or energy can leave here. This eliminates the proposition of "spirit" and the ultimate postulated spirit, "God" or "gods". This allows one to proceed with their life in a day-to-day basis without concern for "final judgement", "rebirth", "luck", "fate", "destiny", "angels", "devils" etc...

I follow the Buddha's lead and advice to moderation, and I follow my own path. It is based on the 4 great truths and the 8 - fold way, but is more of a practical lifestyle philosophy than a religion. Instead of going to church, I take my family and dog out for long weekend walks through the forest, next to a river near our home. This is our Buddhist "sangha". We walk, expereince our surroundings and admire the creatures and such that we encounter. This for 2.5 - 3 hours each sat and sun.

To become this kind of Buddhist, you simply decide to do so. You don't have to tell anyone, you can be this type of Buddhist as you sit in your Christian, Moslem or Hindu church. The 4 great truths and the 8-fold way are congruent with each of the major religions "commandments", there is no conflict from the Buddhist side.

Fun factiod: if you sit in silent meditation you stimulate an area in the right temporal lobe of your brain that gives rise to feelings of unity with the universe. If you chant or pray while so doing, you stimulate a corresponding area of the left temporal lobe giving rise to religious feelings of spirituality. The difference is using your voice.

Buddhism is simply the quest to find as many answers and questions as you can as you travel through this life.



The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold truths, all leading to the One truth of life and Death are nirvana.

Both Life and Death are an illisuion within our own mind. We perceive Life as we 'see' and 'feel' it yet life exists on more planes than we are 'looking'

Observing Life and Death as two seperate entities is incorrect, Both are the same entity.

Once a person asks the question, Am I a Buddhist? That person's seeking spirit has awakened from a long sleep. Welcome to your awakening hallucinogen.

What path you choose is yours to choose. All of us choose a path either conciously or uncosiuoly. Choose your path wisely and enjoiy the journey called life.

Avid Lerner said:
Both Life and Death are an illisuion within our own mind. We perceive Life as we 'see' and 'feel' it yet life exists on more planes than we are 'looking'

Observing Life and Death as two seperate entities is incorrect, Both are the same entity.

Once a person asks the question, Am I a Buddhist? That person's seeking spirit has awakened from a long sleep. Welcome to your awakening hallucinogen.

I'm sorry but that just sounds a little too much like the matrix for me! It's not my wish to offend, unfortunately I am a devout atheist. Makes for some fascinating reading though

KRS Juan

If this thread has gotten a little too philosophical for you, I'd suggest a trip down to your local buddhist temple. Almost every city has at least one, and you'll be amazed at how friendly and intelligent the people there are.

-KRS Juan-
I did say it wasn't my wish to offend, and i sense a lttle annoyance in your reply. If there wasn't, forgive my assumption.
I wouldn't be amazed at all actually about how friendly or intellegent the people are, as I know plenty of buddhists and am fully aware of how contemplative and peaceful they are, friendly and intellegent being two very important requisites of this belief.
Too philosophical, not at all, like I said "unfortunately" I am an atheist, a non believer, a sceptic. This makes for some fascinating, insightful reading and I would love to be convinced.
Now if you'll excuse me i'll just get my size 11's out of my mouth

KRS Juan

Heh, I hadnt even read your post when I wrote that =). I just felt that people reading this thread might be a little put off (like you were) by all the philosophical stuff, and not all of Buddhism is like reading a fortune cookie.

I too am an atheist (or really an agnostic) and have tried my best to educate myself on the worlds religions, Ba'hai, Islam, Judeo-christian, buddhism, ect. ect.

Of all the temples/places of worship I have visited around the world, the Buddhist ones were always the friendliest and most accepting of people just wanting to understand their way of life.

-KRS Juan-
No harm done then, forgive my assumptions :friends:
I live very close to a Ba'hai shrine here in london, yet until recently had never heard of it. Now they're intriguing.

KRS Juan

Ba'hai is one of the newest (only a few hundred years old) large religions and got it's start in the middle east. It's often described as the arab buddhism, since it's based on acceptance and tolerance but i find that description too much of a generalization.
It's very unique in that is incorporates many parts of other religions, including figures such as Mohammed, Jesus, moses, and even Buddha.

I am sure lots can be found on Wikipedia.org or google.

-KRS Juan-


BM, You are quite right about being or sounding philosophical. Every religion has some philosphical aspect to their belif system.

I was taught about the three proofs, documentary, theoretical, and actual. Actual Proof being the most important of the three.

I have listened to people speak from some deep philisophical perspective, as well as from the everyday living perspective, and I would rather hear some everyday person speak about how practicing Buddhism improved their life in some positive way, like stop smoking, drinking, and so own. each of us makes the choices daily that leqad to our own happ9iness or unhappiness.

I chant nam myoho renge kyo to gain the everyday courage to honestly look at myself in the mirror; I call the Gohonzon; and ask myself, "Am I happy with myself right now?" and give myself the honest answer, "yes or no" and live with it or change the answer through taking correct action.

That to me is the reason I practice the Buddhism I do. I need some of that everyday courage to get out of bed and face the world with the attitude that my world is mine to make either happy or sad today, and no more.
