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What to buy?


Ok you guys I am going to the hydro shop in a few days and I am going to spend a little money on supplies for my ak-47 clones.

I already got ff grow big and pure blend nutes. ff of soil 2. I was wondering if there is anything else that would speed things up or make things "better" for me in the long run when it comes to yeild, taste, and so on.

If you had a hundred dollars to spare what nutes would you get and why...?
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hydroplex bloom booster...well actually if it was my hundred bucks i would go buy a couple of really nice icechest some airstones and an airpump and some netpots and a hole saw to cut my holes in my new icechest lid...bubbler no need for a chiller hydro is that easy

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Power Armor rules
I grow in soil so Id probably just buy some ocean forest, fresh bulbs, and probably some pure blend fertilizers and some bat guano for flowering.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
bat guano veg and flowern

got that the other day just for flowering 8$ us


Ok you guys. I picked up some liquid karma and I got some rapid rooters. I just took soem clones about 5 daus ago. I also got some roottech. I took close to 20 cuttings. I have also picked up some new ferts. I got some pure blend bloom for flowering. I will probably get some bato guano and bubble some teas for my flowering stage. It is coming soon people. :)

Thanks for all the responses you guys, Karma for all!!!

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