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vert fail


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coming along, couple weeks and then i flip (them). old soil seems rich enough so far, but eventually they'll get a bit of biogrow.

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ICMag Donor
Girls are looking nice and healthy. Gonna have a nice full lush cab!

If you get a male Bangi, are you going to his up the taskentis?


Active member
thanks, they seem easygoing.

yeah, that was the plan but sadly the old bangies aren't taking off. well got new ones on the way(cannabiogen's version) and mextiza too. hope to dedicate 2015 for these three lines.


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flip friday

flip friday

yeah, flipping them from halloween and easy to start count by first of november even though i don't go by count but just to keep track of things. got a fresh pack of bangi haze too now so that will go to germing soon.

oh and need to take cuts of taskenti and label them so this i'll know which is which. it's not a squat type indica so they'll stretch to fill space, or so i hope :) started training too and work it along as they grow.



Active member
1st week of 12/12, not a squat type indica i've understood. also have germed 4 bangies, soon to be planted. oh need to take more taskenti cuts.



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taskenti 2 weeks 12/12

taskenti 2 weeks 12/12

i'll raise the light soon a bit, but want to see first that they'll stop stretching. one bangi seems like a runt without proper growth tip. i've gotten those couple of times in the past with various strains. i'll just start one mextiza instead of it :)

no till with 4 gal growbags seems to be decent too, every bag has gone 5-6 full cycles, no remixing, just a stump out and new plant in. few hiccups but this run seems tolerable, for now.



Active member
almost 3 weeks of 12/12. one of them has minty stem smell, very promising and different, for me at least, tooks many cuts off it just in case. pepperminty/menthol tasting strain is kinda what i want to find and a hint of if makes me glad.

on the side some bangi haze seedlings in the mini tent and some mextizas sprouting.



ICMag Donor
The girls are looking nice and healthy!

Did you take cuts of the taskentis?

Looking foward to seeing the bangi's


Active member
thanks blynx!

yeah i've taken several cuts, one is putting small root out, so hopefully i'll have taskenti mother (or at least a rooted cutting) soon. planning on getting another pack of it too.
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Active member
thanks chef

3 little bangi hazes in cups under tiny 15w cool white cfl. 4th one was a mutant with no growth tip that got discarded. i was thinking sprouting more stuff but i'll sex these seedlings and throw females with the taskenti cuts for the next run. we'll see.



Non - been planning and working on a mint strain for about a year. Shoot me a PM, maybe we could help each other out. Peace :joint:


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almost week 6 (tomorrow)

these will take a month at least. i have some ideas for the next run but don't know will it be 150 or 250.


added a bit more clear pic, here:

they're frosty too, but phone's camera tries to tell differently, maybe some closeup in the far future. topdressed the soil with worm castings also. i try to add some organic stuff there couple times a year like comfrey in summer and worm castings now. seems like this run is doing ok with what it has, but of course i'd like to do much better and i try and sometimes it doesn't work out :D
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Active member
..and a bit over 8 weeks, prob takes 10-11 weeks to complete. well i'm not in a hurry :) too bad the cuts died when i forgot to water them during holidays. well just have to get another pack then, definitely want to grow more of these. crap pic too.



Active member
thanks al, it could be worse

now at 9 weeks:


and here's 3 little bangi hazes being neglected under 14 watt cfl. i examined them today for preflowers which they all have, but still hard to tell gender:



Active member
taskenti at 10 weeks, maybe week more and we can wrap this up. not sure about next one's composition since cuts died and im starting be afraid that all my 3 bangies are males. i'll just collect some pollen from them then. thinking of mextiza, as that line sounds really nice, maybe even perfect for a fast happy sativa daytime smoke :)

whole setup:

and a shitty closeup:


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