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Wappa & Opium in soil.



It´s time to return back to basics. I´ve been growing in different aquaponic systems few years and wanted to try a simple as possible method. No ph and ec measuring, no multiple fertilizer bottles etc.

All i have is pre-fertilized nitrogen rich soil, and 1l bottle of Biobizz Bloom for flowering stage. I got a 0,6m2 wardrobe with 600W and simple ventilation.

I ordered my seeds from Seedsman and got 1 Opium from Paradise seeds free. 4/5 Wappa seeds germinated, so did the Opium.

Opium in the middle. Plants were in 0,5l jars with 100W cfl and i moved them to 10l buckets under 600W yesterday. Its 28,4c in the closet, so cooltube is kinda useless but too lazy to replace it.
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So. I´ve been bending the plants while they have been in their new homes with strong soil. Gonna do the bending once more, and move from 24/24 to 12/12 when they have recovered few days. No more room in my closet, they say Wappa doubles her size while blooming.

Temperatures have went down due more leaf mass more than 3 celsius, wich is good. Humidity is 43%

I´m abit afraid there will be a delay for blooming to start due the high nitrogen amount in pre-fertilized soil. I have previously vegged successfully the plants over 6 weeks with this soil without need of extra feeding.

The odour in the closet is extremely strong. I´ve been grown over 30 different strains and none of them have had such a strong smell in this stage of growing.


5 days now at 12/12. Soil dries in every few days so i have to keep my eyes on it. I´ll begin to add Bloom from next time i give water to plants.

I´m a bit sad cause one wappa seed didn´t germinated, there´s an empty room in my closet, i was planning a nice canopy to fill the whole space. 23,5c & 54% humidity.



I put the cloner ready for cuttings i´m going to take from the biggest and wealthiest Wappa. I´m planning to make a new round right after the first, just moving the rooted cuttings to the old soil and using Biobizz grow at start.

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Bushes have been flowering for 1 week now, and i planted two WW x Casey Jones, a freebies from Seedsman. Gonna top them now and after few weeks replant them to a 20l soil under 600W.

Cuttings got their own space from a closet with a 23W cfl.



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Nice... i had kuck with paradise seeds back in the day... really liked the icecream n spoetnik... one thing i would take 2-3 cuttings of all of them u r from seed never know which is the keeper. .. it would suck to have a bunch of cuttings of a plant u didnt like and its even worse knowing the one next to it is the bomb but nomore...


Thanks! All Wappas look like very similar to each other, i decised the keeper at veg, just trusting my intuition. :) One cutting has made root already, i´m giving a little bit of some grow fertilizer at some moment, but not until all show signs of rooting. I´ll choose 6 of them for next round.


Hello again! Wappa & Opium has been flowering for ~2weeks now, and i started to add 6ml/l Biobizz Bloom and 1ml/l Grow on them.

WW x Casey has been topped and first time scropped, going to move them under 600W and 20l soil per plant late next week. They´ll gonna get a closet same size which the other plants have.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Thats going to be a nice harvest man!

Nice cabinet.

Wuts coming up next?




I´m not expecting a large crop, maybe 0,5 grams/W. Can´t compare to hydroponics, but i´m sick n tired for that 5 different bottles of liquids and ec & ph watching s**t.

For next round i do have a 2 x Seedsmans freebie WW x Casey Jones plants. They´re now under 80W cfl with only 4 liter pots which i´m going to replace with 20 liter buckets. Gonna veg them until the cabinet is full.

I´m planning to stay at 2 bushes at a time, because court always counts 25g per plant not depending is it a tiny cutting or a 2 meter tree. The fine is usually like 10-15 units of fine per plant where the amount of a unit depends on your monthly income. With 2000 euros/month and 5 plants, fine is about ~800euros. There has been cases in local newspapers, where a guy with 100-150 clones or 2-3 kilos of weed has just said to police officer investigating that it´s for his own use and gotten just 1,5-2 years probation. Holding ~5 grams is 80-150 euros fine or just a note and you´re free to go.

We do have a very reasonable punishments here, but the activity stays very underground. If you don't have contacts and come as a turist, only you find is black men selling pressed shit with glass powder and hairspray in it and in every consert or music festival there is always few cops with sniffing dogs at the gates. And the landlines are secured quite well. I wouldn´t try to smuggle anything to/from finland.

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bloody hell 10oz thats excellent i hope i can get some good buds like that very nice setup


Cheesefiend, this Opium wasn´t the strain Stayfoolish was talking about. I´d say in strongness 2/5.

Wappa phenos didn´t differ from eachother, so i mixed them in curing phase.