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success/horror stories regarding 'clone shops'


looking for insight from people with experience getting cuts or moms from legal clone stores out in the CO area


passing the gas
With everyone in the state legal to grow at home I would think that they would have some super clone ops running in CO already or coming soon.
Because plant counts are limited there it would be reasonable IMO to charge more for healthy legit genetics to recreational customers. Maybe $25-30?

seems to me that a recreational clone shop could pass legit clone only cuts to the whole world if they are rooting them
in easy-to-fly-home-with 1" rock wool cubes. (pack in a small tupperware with luggage)
time will tell I guess…

I've had some success with both hits and misses from Ca shops like Harborside and Oaksterdam in the past.

what I'm hoping for in the future are shops selling clones that have these things to show customers.

every clone with a zip tied secure label on it.
a jar of cured bud to smell from every strain they carry. (Harborside sometimes has bud examples at their clone counter)
a lab report on the cannabinoid and turpene profiles.
pictures of the strain through flowering.
suggested feeding schedules.

what I don't want to see is more stuff like this from the MI HTCC.
these guys were trying to charge $100 for sick looking clones in rapid rooters and $150 for decent looking cuts in beer cups.

meanwhile on the other side of the show there were compassionate vendors with healthy cuts for $15.



Well-known member
A clone store in the Denver area sold me a couple clones to get my numbers for this summer season. There were no bugs and the clones were vigorous. The bud tenders were a little vague about finishing in this short growing season. I know more about finishing from what I learned from you guys. Anyway one should almost finish and one probably won't. The non finisher has a reputation of orange flavor but weak. Next time I want orange I will try some of Dr. Pentothal's gear on seed bay and grow indoors.