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Compliance checks in CALI

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The feds all came around to the norcal counties in April offering large sums for helicopter support and eradication efforts.

Way to go Obama!

They seem equally focused on illegal forest grows as they are small medical grows.

The media has been squelched also... how is that happening?

Why is there little or no reportage of the many eradications taking place every day?

Yes but they can't stop what I started..Legalize marijuana 2014-till the end of time.
It was the Hearst Family and the DuPont family that started prohibition The Hearst Family did it cause they thought it was time to because Marijuana use/cultivation was spreading everywhere period the DuPont Family did it cause they were going to loose out on making a shitload of money from the industry side of the Hemp plant because it was either DuPont's Rubbermaid plastic piece of shit totes we use to store our fine herb in or the Ganja creators version of industrial Hemp products synthetic plastic totes made my 3 foot Hybrid or Sativa nug leave my side. My rule is this if it's almost 1 1/2 ft. nug it's a keeper. If you do not want small nugs tell the guy from which you get your Cali Niceness from to leave it untrimmed with the stem because you want the big fucking nug.. all we doing is cleaning it up for ya. Personally I like stems and trim cause that means the trim is going in my cornbread and the stem gets eaten by my me. Peace on the East..But the West is best. C-Ya when you get here com padre

The Hearst fam owned magazines and papermills. They did not own hemp paper mills just tree pulp paper mills. They didnt own hemp farms. Rather than compete with hemp and have to buy it to print their magazines and newspapers on, they pulled some OG shit using their money and power to buy some friends with this crafty plan in 1937.
Now that its illegal, they can carry on. Almost 80 years later and barely print anything on paper but the law stuck. Genius on their part. Sucks for us.
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