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outdoor farm 2014



It is man. I enjoy my quiet time up there. I have no idea what these thieves think. The kids I stopped this year had a bunch of Plastic grocery bags? Its like wtf??? They Think snagging a few branches is gonna make them rich or something. Who knows.


Thanks for the link bulldog

Heres a picture of my feathered homeboys I see every morning. Life is good. I have a quick temper for humans but about the softest heart for animals. I have herds of deer that hangout in my garden everyday.
Theyve never once chomped on my plants. Just graze the lush grass that grows beside the pots. My only gripe is sometimes their shed will stick to lower buds.


Turkey gang

Turkey gang

Crusin through the garden


  • 2014-09-15 07.25.11-1.jpg
    2014-09-15 07.25.11-1.jpg
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Active member
Is that a native turkey, or a jive turkey?

I am amazed the deer don't nibble on the plants. Everything on my property 5' and down is picked clean by those voracious animals. I am re-doing my veggie garden and decided I wanted to kill the plants so I could redo beds. I decided to open the gate to the veggie area and the deer demolished the garden overnight. It was really impressive. 5 fruit trees, 5-10 tomatoes, 5-10 peppers, watermelon, squashes, grape vines....All gone in one night. I have counted 9 deer, but I am sure there are a couple more.....

This asshole deer decided it needed more food and pulled a branch off my plum tree!!!Caught him in the act. That branch was lush and green the night before, notice how clean it's picked? That one antler is like F you!



Is that a native turkey, or a jive turkey?

I am amazed the deer don't nibble on the plants. Everything on my property 5' and down is picked clean by those voracious animals. I am re-doing my veggie garden and decided I wanted to kill the plants so I could redo beds. I decided to open the gate to the veggie area and the deer demolished the garden overnight. It was really impressive. 5 fruit trees, 5-10 tomatoes, 5-10 peppers, watermelon, squashes, grape vines....All gone in one night. I have counted 9 deer, but I am sure there are a couple more.....

This asshole deer decided it needed more food and pulled a branch off my plum tree!!!Caught him in the act. That branch was lush and green the night before, notice how clean it's picked? That one antler is like F you!

Seems like deer go for green things they recognize first. I don't weed my mounds because I have noticed that they just cruise through eating native grass and weeds, never touching my plants. But the minute your plants are the only green thing around, they go to town.

I might just have those california lazy deer. Who knows what kind of savagery comes out of your neck of the woods.


Never had a deer problem til this years drought... the deer ate a 40 plant patch to nothing in two days... very nice garden gbe respect


All good man. Post away. Its the only way I can see your pics anyway. For some strange reason I cannot view your thread pictures, they just come up as a little blue box with a ? mark in the center and I cant open the file even when i click on it.


@bulldog- Fuck that deer bro. I dont shoot mine but if mine were neighborhood dick heads like yours, Id have to buy an extra freezer for all the meat.


strain selection

strain selection

Visited a few gardens today. Taking cuts from strains that had characteristics I liked. Im prepping for next year and still have more work than I know what to do with this year!


  • 2014-09-16 17.52.26.jpg
    2014-09-16 17.52.26.jpg
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It's super cheap for a 1hr. Flight up to 3 passengers locally. We took one today and scouted some really good spots for next season. And got a good idea of what's acceptable around here. Have an awesome finish man!


What did you see man!? Im gonna have to do that. Did you fly outta merlin? Tons of fat grows out that way.


Im still trying to figured out why this happened. I walked down to check my mail at dusk. Got
caught up talking to my neighbor. Weve become good friends. Hes in his 70's, a sweet old man. He was kinda weird about me at first (hes old school,cannabis is "dope" and bad) He is
a former marine as well so that made me "an ok kid...even if i grow dope." Anyway, his dog who is pretty much his life, wandered out to the road. Its very obedient and never goes far but some dogs
across were barking and he was curious i guess. Right as Jack whistles for him to come back this fuckin
lifted dirty as old toyota downshifts, floors it and runs his dog over (they had to swerve and hit him with the tires cause hes a small dog.) My neighbor whos battling cancer himself, lost his wife of 50 years and just had his dog killed for no reason is balling his eyes out in his backyard. What is wrong with people. If something like this happened in afghanistan id just kill everybody in that truck. This world is going to shit.
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