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?Trunk? all ate up ?


I have a question at the base of my plant I noticed that it looks like something's been eating the bark at ground level and there's kind of a hole like a burrow split on it too where there might be a beetle in there or caterpillar. What should I do it's one of my only three big outdoor plants it's a late sativa that is not even flowring yet .advice please.


Active member
sounds like a rodent looking for water. They go after the water in stems plant tissue. Thats why it looks like they are eating it, they really are trying to get some water.

Try leaving a shallow bowl or container of water near your plants. Hopefully that will remedy the situation.

good luck




Here's a pic it's of a different one cause I already wrapped the other with cloth and buried it with two inch of clay soil.but this one has it a little too it is missing bark at the bottom just under the soil I cut a water bottle about three inch from bottom and put water in it put it near the base of the plants.


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Mice will do this also. In a garage grow I suffered the loss of 3 plants till I got the little bastard.


Yeah the rest of the plants are reaching for the sky but this one is drooping I hope it recovers the stem also feels light I'm worried it might be root rot cause I've been watering everyday since it's been in the 90s everyday. I just dug around the base it kinda looks like rot . It's about to rain today too oh well I hope I don't lose that plant it's like half my harvest cause it's the second biggest plant.


Here's a pic of the other one the bigger plant.i wrapped the base in tp this morning is the first time I noticed it man that's half my garden if I lose that one and there's still seventy days to go minimum. Help.lol not much I can do just wrapp it in toilet paper for now?


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I would try to grab some metal screen material and maybe try to tent in the stalk? Maybe some mice or rat poison on the ground around the pots...
I have taped a broken stem with medical tape before and it worked


I don't know she is drooping pretty bad leaves are turning yellow too. Should I just take like ten twelve clones from her or she is in a pot maybe I should put her indoors under 24/0 till she recovers good then put her back out weather permitting of course what if any thing should I do maybe wait a not her day but she might be dead if I wait.


She's gotten worse since this morning probly cause I messed with the wound it's not sunny today so I will check the Doppler îf it's cloudy the next few days I'm gonna bring her in.


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Alright dug her up put her in a bigger container with some fresh soil she's way too big to bring inside she's six foot in the container she's definitely in shock now I tied her to a tent pole and moved her to the porch where she'll get more hours of light but she can't stand on her own now her base got destroyed she's huge too I hope she recovers and finishes she's a clone but she is as big as the mother almost.i think she might recover fingers crossed I'll update in a few days here so y'all see if she makes it but she will I'm sure she'll recover .


I just chopped it up what a shame she was gonna be a big yield er to probably a qp or a half p.it was too late to clone hernshe was flat dead today so I just chopped her down maybe I can make some rope out of the stems.:)


It is root rot I lost another one today ugh my grow headed south quick fast in a hurry I'm heartbroken about it but not for long tomorrow's a new day the world will keep spinning I just hope I can keep the rest healthy till harvest wich is still ten weeks on my biggest plant maybe more it hasn't started forming buds yet.i prayed to god to please let me have a decent harvest to enjoy and consume I hope he helps.and I'm sure he will if not I, done with cannabis for good .


Sucks to put all that time and energy for nothing. Sorry for your loss. Keep yer head up and keep on truckin bro!


Another. One has got the problem it looks like a mix of termites and root problem it's mainly affecting clones that wer buried in there containers plus top dressed with native soil that is part of the problem too cause the clones in above ground pots are doing great but I lost most of my clones one that was budding real well too til it just yellowed and fell over dead I may have used too much cloning solution too.

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