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Hi there.
First post on the forum.
Before I randomly buy kit from Amazon I'm looking for a lot of advice.
Based in Oxfordshire, middle of nowhere, have a shed that can very easily made light proof.
I've tried a couple of outdoor grows with no success. Everything died :-(
I have a bit of money ( a couple of hundred quid) to invest in a grow set up.

All advice welcome - low maintenance, low fire risk, ventilation not really an concern - shed is a long way from the house.
Please help




To Have More ... Desire Less
before U do anything..... please read, read, and read sum more....
EVER bit of info U need is contained in these forums.... read and ask questions....
BEFORE U spend any money.....


you need to sit down and plan your grow setup from the start. Start with a goal of how many plants you want to run and plan your canopy and lighting from there. Then factor in heat and getting rid of it. Fans and ducting and something to check temp and humidity. You also might need something to modify the humidity if its out of range, plan for that too just in case. Then theres the cost of seeds, grow media, nutrients and a ph adjustment kit, ph pen and an ec pen as well. Shit gets pricey fast, plan it all out from the start and you will save yourself a lot of headache.
Ventilation should be ALWAYS a concern, how else would you like to control your temps in your growroom?

As you have no experience with growing I suggest you to grow organic first. If you use organic soil and nutes you dont need to adjust the pH of the water. This is the recommend for beginners, the taste of your weed will be much better.

Keep in mind you need a flower room, veg room and dry room.

I hate complete sets because there is always something wrong with them, in most cases the fans they sell you with these kits are way to weak.

There are many things you need to know about growing weed. It really exists of two parts:

- Building
- Growing

Building: you need to know what you're doing, how to connect the wires, calculate the capacity of your fans and filters, how to isolate your room so the temps will be stable, how many pots you're going to use, how many bulbs etc.

Growing: how to germinate your seeds, which substrate are you going to use, nutrients, vegging, flowering etc.

And an another thing I want to mention about isolation. I know many people don't isolate their growrooms but this is pretty important. The difference of the temp between light and dark should be 8c. The best temp is 20c when the lights are turned off and 28c when they're turned on. You wont be able to pull this out when you're running in a bad isolated growroom.

before U do anything..... please read, read, and read sum more....
EVER bit of info U need is contained in these forums.... read and ask questions....
BEFORE U spend any money.....
What this guy said, and there are many grow guides on youtube. Please watch them before you start and try to understand them.


The main things you need are a suitable light (on your budget, I recommend a 400W HPS), then you need a fan (4 or 5 inch), with a decent-enough carbon filter. For a medium, use Canna Coco pro and hand water it (coco A+B, then PK13/14 in flower, then good flush). That should cost a few hundred quid and provide top quality, as long as you get some decent seeds (getting clones from someone else can introduce mites and other problems such as powdery mildew to your grow)

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