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outdoor farm 2014



Why didnt you replant your dep area for a freebie no tarp pull spike crop??

Where we live plant numbers are kind of wack. He might have run that dep un-carded. A lot of people around here do deps very early without cards (not a big deal unless the very small chance you get checked) and save full season plants for their actual scripts. In oregon we get 6 plants per card and one person can be a grower for himself and 3 others (24 plants per grower) I grow for 8 patients including myself so 48 plants total. Its all by the number 6. People usually have 24, 48, or 72 plant plots. Anything over 72 and you'll see a lot more overhead action above your spot.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Right on, In California the busts you see now are 1000+ plants with egregious environmental violations. Big up for keeping it sane


my post wasnt directed at anyone specific, fwiw

just a thought i had this morning as i was waking up

epicorchard- competition is ok i guess, but is cannabis growing really a competition? What are you trying to win? respect? not sure the goal of the competition....

IMO id switch "compete, innovate, share" to "Learn, practice, do, innovate, share"

I dont know if your in the big outdoor scene, but its a very competitive game. I thrive off the competition I have with all my bros here. We talk shit but also bend over backwards to help eachother.


and as in here i mean my farmer friends that live near me not icmag lol

Backyard Farmer

Active member
When you go past 24 on 1 parcel do you divide in to multiple patches and say you're all collectively using the land to grow for your 3 patients and yourselves?


Nobody breaks em up around here that ive seen. Usually all in one spot. I did 72 in 2012 and 2013 all right behind my house in 6 rows of 12. Its pretty chill around here for the most part these days. Where I live was actually broadcast on national news as "the lawless wild west." We dont even have police on response certain hours of the night lol. I dig it though.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Cool , curious what building department in your county is like then? What kind of rules do you have and structures do they allow? DO you need special permit for a barn or green house? Do you need special engineering for them ? If the fall is bad , why not green houses and black out?


some years are far worse than others. 2012 was a dream. 2013 was a nightmare. Im into the indoor scene and thats definetly distracted me from a nice green house. We have legalization on the ballot this year, it didnt pass last year but was close. I dont want to invest any more into growing until i have a better grasp of how things might change for farmers around here. But i bet you could build almost anything in my county and nobody would hassle you.


Im currently building a permitted 30x50 shop and they are way lax about it


Man its a blessing to have the hired help I have. I couldnt do this without my right hand man. He was a mechanic for 40+ years and can literally fix anything. He grew up without electricty or running water. Never graduated high school cause he had to work and hes the smartest and most honest person Ive
ever met. He helped me out with something very important today, too long and in depth to type but it
was very stressful. I couldnt help but praise him on here since he hates when I do it in person haha. Thanks bob.
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Thanks fellas. Ive been a fabric pots guy since day 1. They were the new rave when tom showed everybody his monsters years back but I think their time as my outdoor containers is done. On to
larger and something that doesnt waste as much water.


Active member
Thanks fellas. Ive been a fabric pots guy since day 1. They were the new rave when tom showed everybody his monsters years back but I think their time as my outdoor containers is done. On to
larger and something that doesnt waste as much water.

IMO, there is something to be said about the waste of water with smart pots. It keeps air constantly cycling through the root zone with the extra water being pulled in and out. However, water is one of the most valuable natural resources.


IMO, there is something to be said about the waste of water with smart pots. It keeps air constantly cycling through the root zone with the extra water being pulled in and out. However, water is one of the most valuable natural resources.

Very good point man. Thank you, I hadnt considered that aspect. Im just going for jaw dropping, "theres no way thats a weed plant" insanely big. I cant see
myself doing that with less than 800 gal containers or mounds and the roots can run freely without restrictions. Im cooking up some 800-1000 gallon gopher proof enclosers I can build giant mounds inside of.
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Getting towards that time of not much sleep again. I deal with thieves every year (bad location coupled with a hard-drug infested county and High school punks driving by everyday) and I stay up all night
long. Ive learned to deal with it. I have military issue night visions goggles, i see them before they see me. Doused 2 of them with bear mace last year.

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