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Raging White Rhino, organic soil in/out doors


Still at large...
So this grow starts out with a seed that i got from a friend that knew that i grow and always look for different stains. I got the seed and soaked it for 24hrs in tap water then into a paper towel, next day it pop out from the shell and into a cup of soil it went.
My mix is: 3 parts light worrior, 2 parts humus/manurer,1 1/2 parts perlite, 2 tlbs=1 gal. happy frog jump start, 2tlbs=1gal. pulverized lime.
Badabing badaboom it peeked out on 4/29.

As it grew and gained sized one thing I noticed was that the over all color remained light green with broad leaf
Rhino on the left

As time slipped by (3weeks) the rhino was catching up to the others in my cab that are 4-6 weeks older than it, and shoots were popping out and bushing up. they were feed with ewc tea every other watering. I use cfls/led in my veg cab and keep them about 5 inchs away from plants as they grow for several reasons being to keep them short enough for the space their in and to let the side shoots to catch up to the tops, and so far it has been working. Keeping that in mind I think if i had a taller location I would have taller plants but less bushy.

I found that this plant clones really well compared to my past experiences. I took some lower cuts and soaked in rain water( 1 cup) and a couple of drops of Super Thrive for a few hours, cut a 45* angle under a node, then applied rooting powder to the stem and dusted a little on one of the leafs (so the plant can continue absorbing the hormone), and then stuck them in jiffy pucks with a dome. 4 days later I got curious and pulled one out and to my surprise there were roots.


Still at large...
Here is my most recent picture of my white rhino. I just transplanted into this 2 gal. Even though I am about to ship her outside i wanted to keep her from getting root bound. I plan on put her in the ground but still debating weather shes going into a swamp tube or in the higher ground.

I tried to research it abit on what white rhino likes and dis-likes, but like most the info. goes back and forth. ("it likes lots of ferts" "it doesn't like much ferts") so I just go by what works for me and this girl. Plus I going organic so I'm only worried if i don't have ''enough" fert.

Here are the first set of clones I got from her, and I am pleased they seem to take right off. I plan on taking at leased one and finishing her inside.

If anyone who reads this has any experience with White Rhino I would be happy to hear from you. Thanks


Still at large...
So I just got done checking in on the girls and I'm pretty pleased, they are getting big and the latest clones I took are showing roots and are ready to go in cups.
One thing I been debating on is how long i should let them veg, I want a decent harvest but like a lot of people would love to see and taste the results fairly soon. So how long is a decent veg time?


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kickin the girls outside to play

kickin the girls outside to play

As of the 3rd the girls are outside and from the looks of the new growth (1ft in two days) they are liking it. I had to make up a large mix in the old kiddie pool,and a bunch of 5 gal buckets which i drilled plenty of 1/2'' hole on the sides and 2'' holes in the bottom so when/if they need more they can show it more easily. I have swampy/marsh like areas so what I try to do is make a portable swamp tube, usually I dig a hole fill with 10+ gals of soil and set in the buckets roots can grow threw the bottom, but the water table is high now and forces me to do it later.

My mix-
1 bale pro-mix
equal amount of compost (high brix)
6 quarts perlite
1/2 bag humus/manure
2 cups p. lime
2.5 cups amendments

White Rhino, just topped

1st round clones, just topped. Their doing the "wave"

I also added 4 ft fencing around all my girls so the deer dont get to them, I think I fed them enough last year...


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Yes, there's more................

Yes, there's more................

Oh forgot a pic, or two. Figured if i take'em might as well show'em

Group shot of some of the other girls, even though the Rhino is by far the youngest she is the biggest nice tight node spacing even in the stretch.

Now that their outside I will check in on them bi-weekly or weekly on the dry spells.
Also as far as the white rhino's go, I have two more clones rooted and I am deciding weather to finish them in or out side? I would like to see the difference for future grows with this strain, but i can say I am liking it so far.

Duh.. I forgot to add: as the rhino veg it has a very pleasing smell, sweet, fuel/skunk reminds me a bit of NL........YUMMY..:plant grow:


Still at large...
Update time

Update time

All the girls are doing great My White Rhino has shown great vigor through the last two weeks doubling in size it fills its 4' high by 4' round cage, The clone I took have shown the same vigor.Very strong structure I haven't needed to support it, and the node spacing is pleasing as well. All are still vegging and I don't expect flowering for at leased two more weeks, I am trying to keep this strain going for years to come by, cloning, seeds and hopefully mothers.
I've noticed no problems so far just a few bug bites here and there ( Japaneses beetles i suspect), but thankfully no deer have gotten the munches yet.

I took a couple of pics but they were took during dusk so light quality is lacking and the girls are bedding down.
White Rhino

White Rhino clone

Out of the strains I am running the White Rhino is by far the most pungent, very good smelling.


, The Ghost of
Looking good HS. Getting plenty of rain this summer.

I cut my clones similarly. Except that I make the cut through the node. No science behind it. I just feel that is an area where the cells of the plant differentiate - stalk to leaf. And maybe theres something akin to stem cells there that can 'flip the switch' and become roots.

Off topic: Interesting color choice for your Khalisi plants. Suppose that's as close as we'll get to seeing her in pink fishnets. :D


Still at large...
Looking good HS. Getting plenty of rain this summer.

I cut my clones similarly. Except that I make the cut through the node. No science behind it. I just feel that is an area where the cells of the plant differentiate - stalk to leaf. And maybe theres something akin to stem cells there that can 'flip the switch' and become roots.

Off topic: Interesting color choice for your Khalisi plants. Suppose that's as close as we'll get to seeing her in pink fishnets. :D

Thanks Wildgrow, yah, we have and are getting plenty of rain the girls seem to like it and I do as well, cuts down on having to worry about them drying out. Hopfully we get some dry weather for the rest of the season.

As for Khalisi, there cups I had lying around plus I like my ladies in pink lol.


Still at large...
So this being the second week in August the girls are doing great and what I can see as pre-flowering has started. The mother White Rhino on the other hands has a little issue of all its leave are light green from lack of water no doubt because there was a week where I could not get to them, but I have start watering/feeding her right and hope for a recovery.
The clones are doing awesome nice and thick, tall, and healthy.

Things I hope to get done - Trans plant mothers from the 5 gal. homes to ground. (should have done it at the start)

-Find a organic feeding program similar to the k.i.s.s method.

-Make some seeds from the pollen of the two males I have recently discovered. (White Rhino and the "blue Dream" that I have and if the Hawaiian Preforms well maybe that one as well.

P.S. sorry for the lack of pics, got out to the girls and wouldnt you know it, no batteries.................. my fault of coarse.


, The Ghost of
So they survived The Great Deluge of 2014. I thought for sure that Id find 1 of mine beat to the ground. They were all standing tall. Took off a couple lowers.

While youre dusting buds, might as well make a few seeds out of all the possible combinations.
Are those males outside? Id snip a 'bud' off each into separate baggies. Then kill those boys before they get unruly. Soak em down before you knock em down so the pollen doesn't fly everywhere.


Still at large...
So they survived The Great Deluge of 2014. I thought for sure that Id find 1 of mine beat to the ground. They were all standing tall. Took off a couple lowers.

While youre dusting buds, might as well make a few seeds out of all the possible combinations.
Are those males outside? Id snip a 'bud' off each into separate baggies. Then kill those boys before they get unruly. Soak em down before you knock em down so the pollen doesn't fly everywhere.

My thought as well, take some pollen alil now and a lil for later (freezer) and then under ground they go (compost)

Yeah the funny thing is I wasnt counting on males and didnt have any but My friend has a plot close to mine, too close. As I was tending mine an his, their they be, so out they go. I like having seeds but I like the smoking buds not beans lol. If I left it to him I would be, its alright and I caught it in time. (fingers crossed) And he's green, but willing to learn.

Wildgrow~ has your started to flower? mine seem just starting to think about it. I'm not really worried about the W. Rhino, hawaiian, or any b.s's but my blue dream is hazie and wounder if she will finish in time.


, The Ghost of
My Midnight Madness has and the Blue Sat is throwing a few flowers, but the Bodacious has absolutely none.

Close gardens.
I was gonna say if someone else is growing not too far away, the males might knock their plants up. Then they just have to walk in the general direction the wind is coming from and maybe stumble on your grow. Maybe rip yours for ruining theirs.

So your friend has the males - and maybe wouldn't have identified them due to being an ultra newbie? Good thing you check on his plants.

Pretty amazing how fast they grow OD. I don't think my B was more than 8" when I put her out. Now shes over 5' and might hit 6' by the time budding has initiated.


Still at large...
Pretty amazing how fast they grow OD. I don't think my B was more than 8" when I put her out. Now shes over 5' and might hit 6' by the time budding has initiated.

Yeah I hear ya, with all my plants they exploded when I put them out, it was a rainy week they seemed to store their energy and boom of they go next sunny stretch.
My clones went out at 8'' and now 4-5 wks later their at the five ft. mark and thick.
We have had decent weather for vegging in my area, I just hope we stay a little dryer from now till harvest. Keep that bud nice and mold free lol I dodged the bugs and deer so far ............


, The Ghost of
Im not so sure deer like weed as much as some people will scare you to believe. Maybe if more preferable green nibblies aren't around, they'll chomp on it some.

The small field that I grew in the 2 years previous was a deer haven. They would bed down right next to my plants but never touched them.


Still at large...
Im not so sure deer like weed as much as some people will scare you to believe. Maybe if more preferable green nibblies aren't around, they'll chomp on it some.

The small field that I grew in the 2 years previous was a deer haven. They would bed down right next to my plants but never touched them.
Well I would tend to agree with you and for years treated as such, no fencing of any kind but last year half of my plants got chomped on just before harvest they didnt eat it all just parts and left the rest on the ground in pieces. I know right what the fuck? they usually go for vegging plants. We have these deer here that come right up to the house (one even tried climbing the stairs) and they stay around, and funny thing this year I put the girls out for the first day, next day I went out I found a deer bed right next to my plants, i mean it curled up to it and snuggled. So even though its a pain in the ass I'm taking no chances, fencing all around.


Still at large...


Here is a quick little update, The White Rhino mother is doing much better in terms of the yellowing and in bud formation, I did a little trimming of the damaged and yellowed leafs and thining of the bottoms.

I got to get on the ball soon about pollinating her, I have collected from two males and have one more too. I figure why not try for all the combos aint going to hurt and I plan on just doing a bottom branch on the ones I do.

I'll have more asap got to get them of my pos phone.


, The Ghost of
If you want to keep tabs on which branch was pollinated by which male, tag them. Each branch will probably have a few seeds from the other males pollens. Kind of unavoidable OD when there is just 1 mommy.


Still at large...
If you want to keep tabs on which branch was pollinated by which male, tag them. Each branch will probably have a few seeds from the other males pollens. Kind of unavoidable OD when there is just 1 mommy.

Yes thanks, I was going to use colored electrical tape to keep track of 'em and I was planing on doing some pollinating on the clones as well.

@ Wildgrow~ how long after pollinating do you spray down the areas/branches with water ?


, The Ghost of
I mist the area right before and right after collecting/pollinating. That way when the pollen comes in contact with a surface it sticks - keeps it from getting kicked up.

I just give the plant a really light misting the next day, but I bet you can do it within a couple of hours. I imagine it only takes a very short time for the plant to get the signal to make seed.

What method are you going to use? Dabbing it on by hand or plastic baggie over the bud?


Still at large...
I mist the area right before and right after collecting/pollinating. That way when the pollen comes in contact with a surface it sticks - keeps it from getting kicked up.

I just give the plant a really light misting the next day, but I bet you can do it within a couple of hours. I imagine it only takes a very short time for the plant to get the signal to make seed.

What method are you going to use? Dabbing it on by hand or plastic baggie over the bud?

Well i was thinking on dabbing it with a small brush and baggie over the bud, I think that will keep everything in order. I have two males that I will use and want to keep track of them some how, heck i might throw some colored/labeled tags on each branch i do. Get all fancy and shit.

@ wildgrow- heard you got lucky and scored some free beans, you gonna stock the plantry?