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Minions of the Dark


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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
How does one post a update around here. Got some goblins s1s covered in trichs. Week 5 and they look ohh so fuckin good.

The site doesn't unlock all functions until you get 50 posts.
Pics, PM's and some other stuff are locked until then.


I'm ready to drop some Pics of Sanctuary Garden's @ it's finest.
I share Goblin Girls smells so DAM good. My closet smells of exotic fruits.....

Does the NOCS share any ken to the high jack cut. Early flower clawing was around but in flower picture perfect.....


Ah that could also be her. She got no top or fim.
She growing straight up like a rocket. She's definitely
something special.
I would post over in the city but I guess I gotta wait for 50
Post mi lord.
All my girls are looking pretty.
I gotta look at the seed stock and see what's left.
I have some overlords going as well.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Ah that could also be her. She got no top or fim.
She growing straight up like a rocket. She's definitely
something special.
I would post over in the city but I guess I gotta wait for 50
Post mi lord.
All my girls are looking pretty.
I gotta look at the seed stock and see what's left.
I have some overlords going as well.

Your work slow down?
I remember the new job kept you busy.
50 posts are easy, have that by the weekend.
I'd like to see your Goblins.


No sir just on some vacation time
Still have all next week to goof off. Spending this free time to catch up and spend some time with my garden

I am excited to share some love around here!


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
That's cool.
Vacation time rocks.

Minions are deff alive here.
Projects are better organized and bigger scale than before.
We're all about sharing love.


Active member
Yahoo. Fixed my dishwasher! Mice chewed a corner out of it. Double-patched it couple days ago. Just had it first successful run. And I haven't seen any mice in awhile. In or outside. Been posting up at night with my whippet (dog) and taking those fookers out. Dog with mouth, chomp chomp. Me-shovel bashing. Haven't had any come out to play recently.

Loaded up the compost bins. Leafs, corn stalks, spent cucumber & squash plants, sun-burnt tomatoes, grass clippings from neighbors (I don't have any grass, at least not on my lawn...). Pick up 25 gallon bin of coffee grounds every week from coffee shop, which is awesome. Goes into the bin or mulch the yard/trees with em.

Haven't mentioned it...but I love being a father! It's the most wonderful experience of my life. My lil lady is 9 months now and looking like she'll have some red hair like me! She got me to stop working my sixty hour+ job and just kept my part time job. She's the best, unbiased opinion of course.... :)

Favorite tomato variety this year: Wasipinicon Peach from Baker Creek Seeds. 2" yellow, great sweet/acidity balance. Plus it is slightly hairy like a peach, it's an awesome tomato.

Time to go till some more dirt and get my cover crops & fall/winter vegetables going. Yum yum yum.
Just wanted to drop a line and say hello.

Almost caught up on the work here, had to start back on page 90, almost back to being current. Oh man did I miss a bunch of stuff!!! That'll happen during eight months of absenteeism. Want to check the Khalsi Project out next.

Dropping some Sanctuary Garden seeds this weekend!! Back up on it!! Also dropping tom hill x18 for a seed run.

Love Living It,
Hatch @ crimsontide hq


Active member
Supporting the cause. Ordering Halo and Dark Goblin from Seedbay. Need to get a printer so I can fill out the form. Maybe just handwrite it out, see how I feel tonight.

I am on the hunt for Blueberry & Bubblegum. the gum I'll grab from TH seed. But any leads on a good blueberry source... DJ short is out. Guess I could grab the Vanilluna from DJ. Any thoughts or experience with what's available?


Pagan Extremist
stay away from dutch passion blueberry femmed... they tend to herm...

I got a cross I've been waiting to try, too many seeds and no fast forward time machine LOL

.....................................|--Highland Thai Afghani
.....................|--DJS Blueberry
.....................|...............|--Temple Flo
........DJS True Blueberry
.......|.............|--Highland Thai Afghani
.......|........|--East Coast Sour Diesel
........Casey Jones
................|--Oriental Express

got 6 seeds from a buddy as a gift...



What's up how was all your vacation last year?
I had to work a full year to get to this point lmfao.

All is good tho bro.

It's time to shine


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor

What's up how was all your vacation last year?
I had to work a full year to get to this point lmfao.

All is good tho bro.

It's time to shine

Still on vacation, errr retirement :biggrin:
Got my new knee, which has givin me a new life without the chronic pain.

Congrates on the first year working.
I feel a real job is the best way to take care of the family.
No retirement plans or health insurance in the growing craft.

Life is good and getting better :dance013: