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The NEW E-Papillon 1000W Thread

vStagger Leev

Hey vStagger,
How taxed is your 36,000btu AC? I hear these systems are rated at 4,000btu per fixture. Does that seem right to you?

Yah that's spot on with 4,000btu's per lamp. I have the Aura 36,000BTU a/c, it takes care of them no problem even in the dead of summer like right now ;) This unit retail for $3,000.00 or so depending on where you get it.
I bet the E-paps would win on the edges of a bigger footprint like 8X8. They blast a lot of light out the sides. Its like having horizontal and Vertical lighting at the same time.

Exactly right.

I actually moved all my epaps to the outside of the room and put the gavitas in the middle becaus ether epaps hit more walls


Active member
I bet the E-paps would win on the edges of a bigger footprint like 8X8. They blast a lot of light out the sides. Its like having horizontal and Vertical lighting at the same time.

HAHAHA TO Funny really you just don't under stand i scrolled thru this thread even tho its neat looking to me means absolutely nothing ...
Again IMO this wide reflected light will only work if multiple lights are in place over lapping if a real test was done one gavita one E papilion i would place bets the Gavita would smash it in overall growth and most importantly YIELD and why you ask ??
well you can have a room lit up like forth of july means nothing if you don;t have the driving force behind it and that is umol / PAR and obviously with the wider spread of light you lose way to much par and that folks is the bottom line
the video showed how more or less the E pap was 50 percent less all around and to me that is bad very bad that is wasted energy . wasted light and loss revenue
Out of curiosity what is the price of one of these 1000 watt E pap's ????? i am sure its up there ... so one should think before and really decide if its worth it i mean hell i would put my 1000 watt analog up against it and probably kill it as well owe here hordi super blue 1000 watt day 33 and 36 from 3 " clone would love to see E pap day 33 to 36 veg from clone

PS the op is a salesmen he will do or say pretty much anything to sell these cause that's what puts food on his table when umol readings is questioned Note how he does not really reply to that section ???? and the me that is the most important part of any light system
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HAHAHA TO Funny really you just don't under stand i scrolled thru this thread even tho its neat looking to me means absolutely nothing ...
Again IMO this wide reflected light will only work if multiple lights are in place over lapping if a real test was done one gavita one E papilion i would place bets the Gavita would smash it in overall growth and most importantly YIELD and why you ask ??
well you can have a room lit up like forth of july means nothing if you don;t have the driving force behind it and that is umol / PAR and obviously with the wider spread of light you lose way to much par and that folks is the bottom line
the video showed how more or less the E pap was 50 percent less all around and to me that is bad very bad that is wasted energy . wasted light and loss revenue
Out of curiosity what is the price of one of these 1000 watt E pap's ????? i am sure its up there ... so one should think before and really decide if its worth it i mean hell i would put my 1000 watt analog up against it and probably kill it as well owe here hordi super blue 1000 watt day 33 and 36 from 3 " clone would love to see E pap day 33 to 36 veg from clone

PS the op is a salesmen he will do or say pretty much anything to sell these cause that's what puts food on his table when umol readings is questioned Note how he does not really reply to that section ???? and the me that is the most important part of any light system

I'm glad you scrolled through the thread, but I think you missed a couple of comments.
When you compare 1 single fixture to another and measure the light under that single fixture you will definately measure more light directly underneath it when you are using a narrow reflector compared to the ePap reflector because the light of the ePap is spread over a larger surface.
When using multiple ePaps and you measure over the whole surface you'll find a better uniformity of light and in total you'll also measure a higher average micromol level. This is because the ePap is just more efficient than any other fixture.

The lamp produces 2100 micromol/s.
The reflector reflects 95% of the light to the canopy.
The fixtures consumes 1060W.

I don't say pretty much anything to sell, I just present the facts as they are.

PS If I have a laser pointer and I measure the light directly underneath the laser pointer I probably would measure 10.000 micromol/m2s or more on a 1 square inch surface. Does that mean the laser pointer is a better fixture for growing plants?



Active member
what i am trying to say is with wider light area that your light provides mean that you will lose massive a amount of penetrating power here is a idea why don't you post umol readings in all areas of your canopy show us in a live video pretty easy woldnt yea think like the video above they are a hydroponic shop selling the products so they were not bias in any way right ?? were they not both tested in a 4x4 area corners etc ??? 50 percent less is 50 percent lost YIELD and in this game its all about yield
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vStagger Leev

This plant was almost 4' away from the lamp, and will still produce almost 1 lb of fresh med's. These fixtures work, and they work well. :tree: SL

I'm glad you scrolled through the thread, but I think you missed a couple of comments.
When you compare 1 single fixture to another and measure the light under that single fixture you will definately measure more light directly underneath it when you are using a narrow reflector compared to the ePap reflector because the light of the ePap is spread over a larger surface.
When using multiple ePaps and you measure over the whole surface you'll find a better uniformity of light and in total you'll also measure a higher average micromol level. This is because the ePap is just more efficient than any other fixture.

The lamp produces 2100 micromol/s.
The reflector reflects 95% of the light to the canopy.
The fixtures consumes 1060W.

I don't say pretty much anything to sell, I just present the facts as they are.

PS If I have a laser pointer and I measure the light directly underneath the laser pointer I probably would measure 10.000 micromol/m2s or more on a 1 square inch surface. Does that mean the laser pointer is a better fixture for growing plants?

View Image

Could you be as kind as to post some numbers with those graphs. Otherwise graphs can be very misleading unless you label the X and Y axis.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
This plant was almost 4' away from the lamp, and will still produce almost 1 lb of fresh med's. These fixtures work, and they work well. :tree: SL

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=55421&pictureid=1307181&med=1]View Image[/url]

I'm with you Stagman. first time grower here (absolutely zero experience) - DTW, coco, maxibloom, good air exchange and treatment, made a bunch of mistakes and I still got over 2lbs from Autos. The ePap worked brilliant for me but I also built my room with this type fixture in mind and labored to get a nice tall room.


Active member
This plant was almost 4' away from the lamp, and will still produce almost 1 lb of fresh med's. These fixtures work, and they work well. :tree: SL

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=55421&pictureid=1307181&med=1]View Image[/url]
really now so what does that have to do almost one pound ??? sir one pound plants are being done with 400 watt these days have a look at picture whats your guess on yield ????
But still does not mean that it was the light that did it Genetics plays a role in yield but no worries i am just starting something up building a walk away grow where it automatically feeds times you name it :) i show you a 4 pound indoor plant with plasma MH And Gavita 110 watts per sq foot imprint 5x5 area and not just one of them :p when the time comes
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Backyard Farmer

Active member
That just doesn't look like a 4 lb plant from here , just comparing to what a 4 lb plant outdoor looks like..maybe plants inside put more bud on less plant...but who knows.


HAHAHA TO Funny really you just don't under stand i scrolled thru this thread even tho its neat looking to me means absolutely nothing ...
Again IMO this wide reflected light will only work if multiple lights are in place over lapping if a real test was done one gavita one E papilion i would place bets the Gavita would smash it in overall growth and most importantly YIELD and why you ask ??
well you can have a room lit up like forth of july means nothing if you don;t have the driving force behind it and that is umol / PAR and obviously with the wider spread of light you lose way to much par and that folks is the bottom line
the video showed how more or less the E pap was 50 percent less all around and to me that is bad very bad that is wasted energy . wasted light and loss revenue
Out of curiosity what is the price of one of these 1000 watt E pap's ????? i am sure its up there ... so one should think before and really decide if its worth it i mean hell i would put my 1000 watt analog up against it and probably kill it as well owe here hordi super blue 1000 watt day 33 and 36 from 3 " clone would love to see E pap day 33 to 36 veg from clone

PS the op is a salesmen he will do or say pretty much anything to sell these cause that's what puts food on his table when umol readings is questioned Note how he does not really reply to that section ???? and the me that is the most important part of any light system

I replaced 6 adjusta wings in my 170 sq. ft. room with 4 of these E-paps and I think the E-paps make the whole room brighter. I might add 2 more E-paps in the future.

I grow big hempy bucket plants and I like how the E-paps blow light out the sides.

I spread plants out everywhere in the room and E-paps look to be working great.


If I was doing a table scrog grow I would have went Gavita.

But I think the E-paps are working good with 5-6' plants without having to hang Vert bare bulbs in the room.


Active member
I have a room that is roughly 15'x15', and has an AFrame roof that is a 1:1 slope. The peak is ~11'.

I am thinking about hanging vertical bare bulbs and supplementing some overhead lighting with 1 or 2 Epaps, or parabolic reflectors.

So my question is: Will the wide spread of the Epap be negated by the AFrame roof? If I hang the fixture @ 10' the bulb ends will be ~1' from the roof. Will this be an issue? I may be able to drop it lower, but want to have all my bases covered.
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Active member
That just doesn't look like a 4 lb plant from here , just comparing to what a 4 lb plant outdoor looks like..maybe plants inside put more bud on less plant...but who knows.

No its a 2 pounder plant from another member on this site i am just in process of getting started 4 pound plant trees 124 watts per sq foot imprint 2 `1000 gavitas 1 lep 300 watt plasma
2- 400's inbetween ( horizontal ) so 3100 watts coming down 25 sq feet
400;s in all corners for side lighting got a shit load of them
I am thinking 2400 watts in 400s vertical will look something like the pic but bigger :)
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Active member
I have a room that is roughly 15'x15', and has an AFrame roof that is a 1:1 slope. The peak is ~11'.

I am thinking about hanging vertical bare bulbs and supplementing some overhead lighting with 1 or 2 Epaps, or parabolic reflectors.

So my question is: Will the wide spread of the Epap be negated by the AFrame roof? If I hang the fixture @ 10' the bulb ends will be ~1' from the roof. Will this be an issue? I may be able to drop it lower, but want to have all my bases covered.

Can i ask why do you want to hang them so high ???? you got to realize that the heat is coming out the top of these epap's my guess would be 200 degrees after a hr being on not sure if you live where it snows but come winter time try to explain to the neighbours, cops or who ever why everyones roofs have snow on it and yours is melting and wet hahahaha dead give away and good reason for a cop to get a warrant to use FLIR Trust me been there done it its to obvious
Also can i ask how many watts total is this room going to have ????
if your plans are to use all of room 225 sq feet worth your gong to need min 9 - 10,000 watts IMO you need min 44 watts per sq foot imprint
But having them that high is like placing a clone in a normal warehouse with there 400 watt mh lighting growth rates would suck stretch if it even grew would be out standing hahaha

you got me kinda confused here your talking epap then parabolic epap has its own designed reflector i dont think it can be changed to another unless big modifications who knows i let the op answer that one

If it was me in this 15 x 15 room i would probably look at the luxor 8" from sunlight or a parabolic

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