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First time grower Hows it doing?

So I posted some pics about my cab awhile I finally got my first seed to grow to a plant!

Im like 4 weeks from sprouting out of the rock wool.

I'd just like some feed back on how it looks and if anyone can tell sex that'd be great. I really want to start cloning so if anyone could suggest anything on that. Also, I will need like 12 clones can I harvest all from 1 plant or should I take 4 clones and clone those in a few weeks?




Active member
Why do you need 4 clones? What is your plan? Lighting, horiz or vert (I assume vert since you posted here), media, drip, DTW or recirc?

It's impossible to tell sex from those pics. Usually they show preflowers at the same time or after the nodes begin alternating. In your pic they are still symmetrical. Even then, I usually need a 60-100x scope to tell anything, and EVEN THEN sometimes the balls can look just like the calyx before a hair emerges.
Vertical 600w MH ( i have hps too )
4 vertical pvc pipes with 3 plant sites each
Coco Coir is the media the pipes are lightly packed with conditioned coco.


All four PVC tubes sit on a tray i build in to the floor which lets all of the run off back in to my 5 gal reservoir.
So my system is recirculating.
All my tubing is ran up through the drain pipe to pump the water back to the plants.


I've been watering once per day until runoff starts and then I let run for like 15 mins to get a good flush everyday at the start of the on cycle.
I have a 120 gallon pump to divide the water between the four PVC tubes so its not a drip system.

I'm doing 18-6 light schedule

So I want to clone to fill all of my tubes off of this one plant.

My long term goal is perpetual grow I plan on making a cloner soon.

And Thanks LSWM for some reliable sex info finally I've been reading you can and cant tell sex this soon and alot of misleading info about the subject.

Should I switch to 12/12 to flower now? And revert to veg and then clone?

I had only 3 seeds from a good plant and 1 grew upside down and never turned around. 1 never germinated. and This one grew upside down as well but I saved it by replanting it. So this is my last hope I didnt want to have to order seeds online!


Active member
Have you ever cloned before? I think popping enough seeds or acquiring clones to fill your tubes for your first run would be greatly beneficial.

That vert setup isn't exactly ideal to veg 1 plant in, lol. If it were me I'd probably cut off a good size top and try to clone that. I definitely wouldn't flip it to flower because this is your only shot and it may set you back a week, others may disagree.

If the seed was from random herb, chances are it is femenized, but it's really anyone's guess. You could still be weeks away from 4 clones, and then they may not root.

What nutrients are you running? ph? EC? Those leaves look a little overfed or something.


Active member
Also, I bet you killed your upside down seed trying to help. My best luck planting seeds has been to saturate the coco with light nute solution then squeeze as much out as I can. Fluff the coco back up, plant the seed ~1 inch under the surface and gently pack it.

Depending on heat/light/humidity/rate of growth I may not touch them for a week or more. Over watering kills many more seedlings than anything else I've tried, lol.
No this is my first ever grow and i know its not the best to veg 1 plant in and its rather expensive to grow only one plant.

Also, I think the plant is slightly deformed from extreme conditions early on,

1. I had my light too close to my plant for the amount of lumen it was producing so I dimmed my ballast by 50% putting my plants in an acceptable range for the plants.
2. I just had some timer troubles and my ac would turn off while I was at work and the cab temps would reach 110f+
3. After getting my ac right my light would turn off while I was at work and cab would get to 62f

But I'm like 3 weeks going strong on my cab climate and schedule
78-82f most days 40% humidity on avg

GH FloraMicro with GH FloraGrow 1tsp of each/gallon distilled water.

I've refilled my res 3 times:
1. ph 5.6
2. ph 6.1
3. ph 5.9 480ppm
And when i refill my res I actually remove it from my cab so I can wash it out so no old nutes build up.

And I dont think I want to use rock wool any more my next seeds will be put directly in coco.


Active member
ICMag Donor
dude ur cab set up is BADASS

when i got more time ill chime in on things to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your grow

:wave: welcome


Well-known member
Hard to tell much about your plant from those pics. You want to make sure it is healthy before you take cuts to clone.

If you want to know the sex one way is to just take a cutting, put it in a cup with water, and put it in a separate room with another light that's on a 12/12 cycle. Don't need a big light just a small cfl bulb or whatever will do. It will start to show sex in a week or so.
dude ur cab set up is BADASS

when i got more time ill chime in on things to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your grow

:wave: welcome

Thanks man. Here is my Album for a more in depth look at the features. And here is the Original thread about it if you want to know more.

And scrappy so how much do cut off? it needs to have nodes above the cut right? to show the flowering?


Well-known member
I'd say at least 3 inches or so should be enough. Yeah as long as there's a node so you can see what it turns into.


Active member
No this is my first ever grow and i know its not the best to veg 1 plant in and its rather expensive to grow only one plant.

Also, I think the plant is slightly deformed from extreme conditions early on,

1. I had my light too close to my plant for the amount of lumen it was producing so I dimmed my ballast by 50% putting my plants in an acceptable range for the plants.
2. I just had some timer troubles and my ac would turn off while I was at work and the cab temps would reach 110f+
3. After getting my ac right my light would turn off while I was at work and cab would get to 62f

But I'm like 3 weeks going strong on my cab climate and schedule
78-82f most days 40% humidity on avg

GH FloraMicro with GH FloraGrow 1tsp of each/gallon distilled water.

I've refilled my res 3 times:
1. ph 5.6
2. ph 6.1
3. ph 5.9 480ppm

Sounds like you've got a handle on things.

has anyone ever tried putting cloning gel on the stem for a week before you cut it?

I seen a video on it one time but I can't find it again to show you the clone was still on the mother plant and had the beginning spikes on the bottom for roots before he cut it.