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Quality hash in uk


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Right let me reply properly cause i've missed people i didn't think anybody would remember me...

Same here very rare i see any these days!

This was soft and easy to roll 4 lines for a joint as easy as rolling bluetack that was really heavey headed stone no getting used to it either lol. Eastern grow sindicates never heard of them mate i must be behind time lol any info pal?

Same as most of us buddy shame isn't buddy!

I've got about 4 oz of some sort of soft black hash but its got the weird￿weirdest taste & smell not like soapbar or formula but certainly not like quality gold or red seal as i know it.

How you doin buddy long time no see! i gave up on the bags they werre way to hard and to much work for me to ask somebody & instruct somebody to do it. You all know i'm quadriplegic don't you?

your so lucky mate ii envy you big time lol:biggrin::biggrin:

Yeah that sounds exactly what i'm after %100!

I'll leave that one for you dude 13 tablets at once with a coffee is about my limit lmao!

I do mate it just doesn't last long enough i smoke quite alot:smoke::smoke:

What i wouldn't give for some of that its sooo good for depression & full body spasms i bet i could reduce how many tablets i take which have side effects as long as your arm!

Your one lucky guy mate i've only ever been able get bits very very rarely the guy who let me have a bit was paying £100 an oz. could you post some pics please m8?

Piff Rhys Jones
I must admit i've seen my fair share of scary shit that you'd be scared to light a spliff with fear of burning your face off i could literally smell some sort of solvent used. straight in the bin lol

Psyco G

I used to know this dude ( he's passed now) who was a trawler man on the east coast of england, he was telling me that time to time the trawl up blocks of hash taped together in blocks of ten bars, they have been in the sea but he said if you cut of the outsides you can get something smoke able, I suppose it's where smugglers dump their load?


Active member
the one on the left is the afghani repress, its ok i guess. tastes nice but its quite a heavy body stone and i dont really like that, the right is a lump of that soft black stuff. probably the same as yours, i used to get it in for the mrs, she liked it but even she now thinks its a bit rubbish, so that bit is probably 6-8 months old. just tried a little in a pipe, its got a very thick smoke, mild taste... not that strong... deffo prefer the ice hash! that stuff is crazy


Psyco G

My fav type of hash isn't hash as such it's fresh charas, it's so divine a real happy uplifting high that just makes you happy to be alive. Obviously it's strain dependant, this chares we was smoking was from Colombian gold type plants.

Uk hash used to be ok back in the 90s then it went to shit, I live in the country and we was brought up on soap bar, it was half decent if soap bar can be called that, but after a while it went to the diesel smelling stuff and it's never been the same. I often used to score pollen that you could break with your fingers when you got it warm in your hands. That stuff was mega potent.

Squidgy went exactly the same way where I live, it used to be ok but it really went to shit about 10 years ago, I can remember being a right dude cos I had squidgy, everyone used to love it. Red or gold. But then this generic taste ing black/brown stuff came along and it's been shit.

I know a couple of lads that bring hash back from Portugal but they was super high prices for it as they only bring over small amounts when visiting family, they seem to have some nice hash sometimes, I think the fact they have a few different types gets me going every time


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Psyco G
Yeah the 90s were the years of quality hash, i can't say i've tryed charas, seems like both of us have from nice read & gold to what looks like soft bluetack & smells very similar.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
My fav type of hash isn't hash as such it's fresh charas, it's so divine a real happy uplifting high that just makes you happy to be alive. Obviously it's strain dependant, this chares we was smoking was from Colombian gold type plants.

Uk hash used to be ok back in the 90s then it went to shit, I live in the country and we was brought up on soap bar, it was half decent if soap bar can be called that, but after a while it went to the diesel smelling stuff and it's never been the same. I often used to score pollen that you could break with your fingers when you got it warm in your hands. That stuff was mega potent.

Squidgy went exactly the same way where I live, it used to be ok but it really went to shit about 10 years ago, I can remember being a right dude cos I had squidgy, everyone used to love it. Red or gold. But then this generic tasting black/brown stuff came along and it's been shit.

I know a couple of lads that bring hash back from Portugal but they was super high prices for it as they only bring over small amounts when visiting family, they seem to have some nice hash sometimes, I think the fact they have a few different types gets me going every time

this is my story too bro... brought up on mostly soaps in rural wales but had friends travelling to india who would come home with the cream charas ...I didn't know it back then, but those imports were the finest hashes I would ever smoke. there was odd times when we got the elephant black, red or gold seal, which slowly became "golf ball" and slowly became utterly unsmokable....

way way back in the day (90) there was rocky that wasn't soap nor flatpress/mirror bar.. it was dark and had a consistent (greenish) colour that wasnt sand and had more than a 2 joint ceiling... we called it chocky rocky and it was probably some of the better moroc that I've smoked (even since living in NL for 15 yrs) the closest thing I had is the caramellos.. which were very nice to be fair....

back then we had leb too.. not always red.. but sometimes... it was very distinctive in its flavour. the flavour was clean, but it was a bit too perfumy for my liking and again came with the 2 joint ceiling. it wasn't considered a big deal then, in fact most looked down on it with it's hessian sack imprint and all... funny, coz today my ppl at home would pull your arm off for some clean leb.

slowly during the 90's all the nicer hashes dried up in my area and were replaced exclusively by soap and flat press... there were some "half decent" soaps (as you say) although to be fair they were probably more like only half INdecent if you get me.. best of a bad bunch like....lol and for a time there was still flat press (super low grade polm).. the flat press was the only clean thing about in terms of hash, so even though it was weak, many still favoured it over some of the stranger smelling soaps..

at the end of the 90's I moved to NL (for work) but of course I stay in touch with all my old mates from home...I recently asked what the going price was for an oz of sift/iso/bubble/bho sells for and I was told.. "it's pointless, there's no market, ppl won't pay anything for hash, only for bud" .. so even though I was talking about bud concentrates, they tell me the market for hash is so fkd that no one would pay a reasonable sum for it and even though bud sells for 230 per oz.. that hash goes for LESS!!!!! people either do not trust it (because in their lifetimes hash has only ever been rubbish) or they simply do not know what it is.

so in summary... hash market in uk has destroyed itself with greed and shit products.. I know in London there is much more sensible approach to solids and concentrates (and mancs/liverpool/bristol too) but back in my little leafy town... no such luck.

j :)

Cone, Charras is the hand rubbed resins taken directly from plants... there is no "process" as such and for this reason many of us believe it is the ultimate smoke. I understand that iso/bho etc is more refined, but I also believe that most folk do not understand the cannabinoid profile sufficiently enough to be taking things out of it ;) example... grain alcohol is more pure than martell, but I would be much happier with a nice bottle of brandy ;)

edit2 - I feel it's worth a mention that during this period during the 90s I would visit amsterdam yearly and a LOT of the afghan and pakistani blacks were bunk here too... we used to say there was too much fat in them as they would give off a fatty black smoke.. tbh I didn't know how hash was made back then so I went along with the "too much fat" notion... another funny thing was, when I first came to adam in 91/92 we all bought hash from the coffeeshops coz none of us had any experience of grass (and very very little of skunk type hybrids) took a long time to get past that.. :)


Well-known member
I wouldn't say hash has no market.

I know of 280 g of dry ice hash that just sold for £10 a gram to someone who shifted it all at £25 a gram. Gone in under a week.

Same area has oil and shatter at £50 a gram.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I wouldn't say hash has no market.

I know of 280 g of dry ice hash that just sold for £10 a gram to someone who shifted it all at £25 a gram. Gone in under a week.

Same area has oil and shatter at £50 a gram.

I would suggest that wasn't in the arse end of wales tho eh mate ;)

edit: I have friends who trade concentrates between themselves but it's a very small group...I was talking more about the open market where I'm from. :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Ah no, no wales. South Coast mate.

ah...where all the sun is.. :D

some nice areas all along the south eh, from margate allll the way down to devon and cornwall... is it me or does everywhere on the south coast have a different pace of life to the rest of uk? :)


Well-known member
ah...where all the sun is.. :D

some nice areas all along the south eh, from margate allll the way down to devon and cornwall... is it me or does everywhere on the south coast have a different pace of life to the rest of uk? :)

I'm down in Brighton area. Thank god the sun has buggered off today, it's been too dam hot. 25 deg c here last night at 11pm

Al I do know is its a bit manic round these parts. People get on with their own shit. My northern friends can sometimes find it not as friendly. Bit of a city that never sleeps. All night parties etc. luckily I live just out of the main rat race and can be on the downs in under 10 mins walk.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
always good to have an escape plan eh :)

my cousin lives down your way, she's not into our scene, but she seems to like it :)

and yeah...too bloody hot here too bro (NL) night temps have been avg 25+ .. I recently upgraded all my air though so I'm just about coping (tent temps staying below 27, so I'm happy)


Well-known member
Def getting air con installed soon, both in my living room and in my attic. Prob I find it's always too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Never get that happy medium.

But I think me and my dogs suffer more for the heat than the plants. At the end of the day, these plants grow happily out doors in direct sun which can be upto 40-50 deg c. But they have all the fresh air they could want. So by increasing air flow in the tents plants remain happy and grow with vigour.

I once had a massive room with all open shades, no air cooling. Middle of summer and 12/12 during day time, stupid. But had 3000 m /ph fanl temps sat at around 45 deg c. Each light yeilding well over 20oz. Made some superb hash from that run.

Psyco G

Can't sell hash in Norfolk people give it away, years of shit makes people not even consider it worth while, which is good when you wanna stick someone up on some shatter.

Different in London as there has always been decent hash to be found, along with the shit.

I was given a bar of hash the other week and I sold it to people I call non tokers, they toke but hate getting high, usually old people. I don't know what they smoke for tbh. I even tried doing a ten bucket challenge with the stuff, lol back to my youth. Didn't get high. Maybe had a twitch..

My mate who gave it to me was trying to sell in for £10 a half oz. when he did sell some people brought it back. Yet it was cleaner than the stuff we used to get.

Goldie looking chain sung it best, soap bars cheap and so are my cloths they gotta be cos of all the fucking holes


Active member
I'm down in Brighton area. Thank god the sun has buggered off today, it's been too dam hot. 25 deg c here last night at 11pm

Al I do know is its a bit manic round these parts. People get on with their own shit. My northern friends can sometimes find it not as friendly. Bit of a city that never sleeps. All night parties etc. luckily I live just out of the main rat race and can be on the downs in under 10 mins walk.

I know brighton very well. Also know the south downs very well! Used to go mountain biking up there. Great fun! Also i'd say as far as cities go brighton has to be up there as one of the friendliest in our country, lots of random people in brighton, seems to be a magnet for wierdos, but i like people who are a bit crazy!


Well-known member
You still rocking the chem d herb, man I loved that plant?

Yeah man, that will never leave my stable.

I know brighton very well. Also know the south downs very well! Used to go mountain biking up there. Great fun! Also i'd say as far as cities go brighton has to be up there as one of the friendliest in our country, lots of random people in brighton, seems to be a magnet for wierdos, but i like people who are a bit crazy!

Yes Brighton is a great place for socialising. I reckon we must have the most restaurants and eateries out off the whole of the UK.

But yeah we do have some weirdos. But that's what makes Brighton what it is. I love it. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else in UK.


Active member
Sounds like you've been on quit a journey one i wish i could do or similar. where did Amsterdam source the there hash from 10-20 year ago? I think i'm just gonna get up early get chucked int0 my wheelchair & just driven about till i hunt some down see what happens aye!


Active member
So Herbalizor i might pop down your way, if you see anybody in a wheelchaire n looks like part of a skin head gang thats me. btw i'm not part of any skin head group at al lol

My room is cool to say how hot is out side i've upgraded some parts though and i think thats whats done the trick.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Sounds like you've been on quit a journey one i wish i could do or similar. where did Amsterdam source the there hash from 10-20 year ago? I think i'm just gonna get up early get chucked int0 my wheelchair & just driven about till i hunt some down see what happens aye!

not entirely sure to be honest... I guess there was a lot more emphasis on imported hash back in the 70's and 80's as the herb wasn't as popular as it is now (nor potent) and I guess once people figured out how to grow primo bud in Holland it made more sense to do that than risk crossing borders etc... at least, thats my take on it... :)

give me a shout if you're ever over this way bro, I'm not saying I can help you find quality import hash, but I'd be happy to help you try :)