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blackberry kush in need of advice

mateo feo

New member
Hello, , so I have a few blackberry kush at 6 weeks into flower. 12/12. They are all fed with the same res water, I'm using gh flora nutes, water temp is 74.5° and pH is 5.85, the res is oxygenated and it's a drain to waste system. E/c is 1.8 and ppm is 1201. Room is set at a temp of 78.0° day and 69.9 at night. I'm running four scrubbers, and 3 600watt hps lights. Fans and fresh air intake. No light leakage, so, here is the deal, a few of my plant have they symptoms of N toxicity. Meaning the leaves are curled or clawed under very badly..... the leave color on these few effected plants is pale green. None of the leaves on any of the plants have nute burn, meaning the leaves even on the sick plants do not have any brown tips or edges.....my medium is coarse perlite and a little vermiculite. It's 4 perlite to 1 vermiculite to be exact......I've flushed them a week ago and it made no changes...any information anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. ....thanks in advance. ....mateo feo


need a pic. could be a couple things. probably over watered or N toxicity. the claw is a 90 degree angle. it looks pretty weird. curled under droopy leaves could mean over watering or maybe you have a root problem. your rez temp is a little high.

mateo feo

New member
Ok first I would like to thank you for your reply.......I am trying to upload pics now but honestly don't know crap about computets. Stand by I'm trying to send or post pics...thank you..

mateo feo

New member
sickly blackberry kush......images

sickly blackberry kush......images

So, I guess these are the images......any help would be appreciated. ...thank you, mateo feo.


what are you feeding them? NPK values and which brand/line. I'm thinking your right about the N toxicity.

mateo feo

New member
Ok thanks for your reply,,, now I have many others I water with the same res and nute combo and they are perfectly fine....thriving in fact....wouldn't or should I say shouldn't all the plants be affected the same? I'm really puzzled by this....... thanks

mateo feo

New member
I just changed over to the general hydroponic flora products.....feeding as directed. I've never had a problem with the supernatural nutes I've used in the past. So now this is my first grow with the new gh 3 part product. The gh flora bloom, gh koolbloom, gh micro, out of all my plants only 4 are like this and they are all fed from the same res. The other plants are thriving....doing great. Im puzzled.


are all your buds the same size on each strain? those buds look kinda on the small side and N hinders flowering. each plant will be different so maybe this strain wants less N than the others so it reacts this way. This doesn't mean that they are not N toxic though as each strain reacts differently. at 6 weeks flower, your leaves should start being a paler green than what you have.


super dark green leaves might make your plants look super happy but it's also listed as a symptom of N toxicity. try just feeding her some of the GH cal/mag and bloom. don't use the grow and micro because they're loaded with N. just give her some P and K and let her use up the N she has stored away.

mateo feo

New member
The NPK Values are gh flora bloom 0-5-4 360 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Values are gh flora Kool bloom 2-45-28. 112.5 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Values are gh flora micro 5-0-1. 180 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Value are gh floralicous plus 2-0.8-0.02. 45 ml per 45 gal

My resivour is 45 gallon.


and some koolbloom. it will help add some weight on the buds. I bought GH 3 part for my first line and had troubles with it locking out nutes and once a N toxicity with the claw at 90 degree angles. looked like someone bent my leaf. I quit using it and tried advanced nutes but its just plain spendy. then I bought botanicare pure blend pro but had some troubles with P def because of the rock phosphate organic alternative. this was all done in a flood and drain using hydro pellets.


The NPK Values are gh flora bloom 0-5-4 360 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Values are gh flora Kool bloom 2-45-28. 112.5 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Values are gh flora micro 5-0-1. 180 ml per 45 gal
The NPK Value are gh floralicous plus 2-0.8-0.02. 45 ml per 45 gal

My resivour is 45 gallon.

back off the N and try the liquid kool bloom which is a 0-10-10. no more floralicious. then a good long flush when you're ready.

mateo feo

New member
They are all the same strain blackberry kush.....and no the other plants are awesome looking have great color, tons of resin glands, and many larger buds...... it's only the 4 plants effected this way out of many... I flushed them for a week two weeks ago and it didn't make a difference. ..... I'm baffled. But there's got to be an explanation. .......just trying to figure it out..... I've grown many BB kush for years and this is the first for me in a hydroponic setup with the gh nutes.

mateo feo

New member
Ok I will take your advice and go to just the Kool bloom liquid. Stop the N and flush. Would you recommend I flush now as well again before I go to just to Kool bloom liquid or just wait until next week at 7. When I prepare for harvest? I really had great success with the supernatural nutes but the prices keep rising and it's already $55- 89 a kilo. So I'm tried to find a productive more affordable line of hydroponic nutes.

mateo feo

New member
Thank you for your time and advice,,,, it was greatly appreciated and I will let you know how it goes... I'm learning something everyday, so if you have any specific recommendations about nutes or the strain please don't hesitate to share.....thanks again,,, mateo feo


I totally get it about prices. GH is priced pretty good. I would look at Flora Nova 1 part, Maxi dry ferts line and look into the KISS Method thread which is incredibly cheap and has huge followers, or botanicare kind formula which may have a better ml per gallon ratio than my pure blend pro which was absurd for a my 25 gallon rez. I've read the flora nova has a good npk ratio for cannabis but as far as quality ingredients, some say that there are better choices out there. haven't heard much about Kind formula but really, I'd look into the GH maxi dry line of ferts and follow the kiss method thread. I've never heard of supernatural fertilizers.


I'm growing blackberry kush as well in the thread in my signature line but its focused on Dream Berry which shares a bed with the BBK. They're almost 1.5 ft tall now and a medium green color. I'm doing organics now because I found hydro too expensive and frustrating. my fertilizer costs have gone down drastically and they're so much healthier. plants that were having problems are now thriving. I feel relieved. but if there is anything else you wanna know about hydro, ask since I researched it for months trying to understand everything.

mateo feo

New member
Thanks alot I really appreciate your time and will take you up on that offer for info on hydroponic systems and technic. My focus at this point is to master the BB kush as it is in high demand here and has been for years, but I'm also in transition from seasonal growing out doors to year round growing indoors utilizing hydroponic gardens. Im currently growing 5 strains and haven't had anything come up I couldn't solve until now with the BB kush issue... so this is the first forum I've ever joined for anything, and look forward to meeting fellow growers such as yourself, so I can see things from a different perspective. .. I lived in Olympia WA for 7 years by the way,,, then moved to ocean shores for 3 years...now I'm back in new mexico...I miss the pnw.


Oly eh? I hear that's a nice place *cough, cough*

if your going from a outdoor grower to indoor hydro, it's a huge difference. I'm sure you will have a question or two before long.

you mentioned pale green leaves. you shouldn't have pale green leaves along with a N toxicity. The pics you showed didn't have any pale green color. are the pale leaves on the bottom portion and moving upwards? are your roots brown or does it smell like rot in your containers? the bottom part of the container is the best place to smell the rot. Are you running a dead or alive rez? your water temp is almost 75F and pathogens begin to bloom at 70F so it is suggested by many to have your water set at 68F and when it starts getting 70+, then it's time to buy a chiller or remove the rez from the room (which is what I did and put it on a cement floor to draw out extra heat. worked well.)

How many amps is your air pump? low dissolved oxygen could be causing the droopy leaves since you're running a 45 gallon rez.

Soils looking a little easier huh? lol I threw some super powdery mildew plants outside and they got really healthy. I was astonished! all I do is water them.