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co2 for spider mites light dep 2 weeks from harvest....


Registered Med User
these lil buggers just popped up quick! thinking of releasing co2 when I cover... anyone tried this? will too much co2 hurt plants?
im new to co2 in general but figured it would be a good investment for my indo anyway and don't want to spray this late in flower...
any suggestions/experience/tips?
Smoking mites is not cool! How far into flower? It works but your going to have dead mites in your nug no matter what you do. Can always make some bubble with it!


Registered Med User
they mostly just on leaves right now, I just wanna hit um before they get to making webs and eating buds...


Tried it and it didn't work for me. Emptied a whole 20lb bottle into a 10x5(x8) over night and both the plants and the mites were fine...


Registered Med User
went with 5 packs of ladybugs instead. released um right before I covered, hopefully they hold um back for a minute...


Active member
Man I just got these little fuckers I am in veg I have hit them yesterday with a produc call sns after a couple of hrs. I came up with an idea.

So when I went back in to the room after the sns had dried and I only hit them with 2 1.5oz


Active member
They where still moving and tha is not acceptable when you have thes little Fuckers.

So I hit them with the secret weapon but this is only to be used in veg to kill the mite repeat in a week with neem in-between. This product is something that just hit me.

It kills the mites in 10 sec. Now this is not organic and I would get ride of anyplant that has been treated after you have healthy clones off the mom and star all over because you do not wan to take a chance and get reinfested.

Now for the eggs that hatch the ingredient will still be in the plants tissue so when the hatchling pop up and bite the plant in between treatments the residue affect will get them systemically.

I know your in flower but it's working for me in veg. I went not the room this am and nothing survive.

I know this is the beginning but am in it to win it.

Guess you have to learn how to fight off all pest before you can be a real grower just shit we have to go through.


classy grass
Bummer! Mites can really take hold in a greenhouse..especially light deps in the hot summertime. With two weeks left they could blow up. I'd get some Mighty Wash and be very adament..good luck
I tried the CO2 method. Did absolutely NOTHING.
I moved on to biologic methods, that is the only way to keep the buds mites free at the end and not fill the plants with MAYBE harmful chemicals.
Really? Co2 did nothing? Try breathing it in for a few minutes. JUST KIDDING, PLEASE DON'T. YOU WILL SUFFOCATE just like anything else living in there, even your plants if deprived of o2 for too long. Seal your room better next time. That alone can keep new bugs out once there dead. For me, keeping a clean and healthy garden keeps me from having bugs. At least that's the way it seems!


Rubbing my glands together
I've tried ladybugs before to kill white flies. Go into the room the next morning and they are all are on the floor/hydro table/smartpots dead. They would probably work better in a greenhouse tho


Registered Med User
the ladybugs didn't stop um, but did alright holding them back until harvest, sept the one plant that was already pretty infected.

now then, time for my avid/flouromite/azamax/ogbiowar rotation before the next hit flower.


I've had good success with Nuke Em and you can spray it a week after harvest. smells like oranges.
I just tried one part 70% ISO alcohol and one part water. I sprayed undersides of leaves on flowering plants. Kills adults AND eggs on contact then Evaporates. Seems to have worked.
I pulled an infected leaf and observed a living adult mite under the scope. I then sprayed the leaf with the alcohol solution and observed the adult mite ceased to move and seemed to have been lysed by the alcohol.
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Really? Co2 did nothing? Try breathing it in for a few minutes. JUST KIDDING, PLEASE DON'T. YOU WILL SUFFOCATE just like anything else living in there, even your plants if deprived of o2 for too long. Seal your room better next time. That alone can keep new bugs out once there dead. For me, keeping a clean and healthy garden keeps me from having bugs. At least that's the way it seems!
A bottle of 20L of CO2 in a 10 sq. m room wasn't enough. Opening 5 of them is... quite expensive.
Not to mention you gotta make sure its under 2000ppm before you go back in or youll die. I heard it doesnt even work. Pyrethrin bombs are non toxic to vertebrates and cost 20 bucks. The alcohol thing works too.