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Rest in peaces my beautiful bella. :(


Well-known member
I'm feeling Extremely sadness right now...
We just had to put our sick dog down because she couldn't hang on any longer. she had a hart and thyroid disease. she lived 4 months longer than she was supposed to.
This is the saddest day of my whole life. I can't stop crying. How do I get through this?

this song came to my mind this morning. :..(
REST IN PEACES MY sweet doggy BELLA...




Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
You are a true dog lover. So sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sharing a tear with you as I type this as I feel your pain. Stay strong, #1. RIP dear Bella.


Señor Member
I've gone through this before. I even went through it recently when my youngest cat unexpectedly died. It's tough. Do yourself a favor, friend, and just CRY CRY CRY. It's very healthy, and those tears will help the healing. As I type this I am looking at the framed photo of my beautiful boy cat that I put here specifically so that I can always look at him and never forget him ever. He was the best cat I've ever had. I don't even think he knew he was a cat. Enough about me, this is about you...

I recommend thinking about your dog all the time, allowing yourself to cry, allowing yourself to look at pictures and/or videos of her, take a photo and run it through a "watercolor" filter in Photoshop, then print it, frame it, and hang it. Before you know it, no matter how painful it is in the beginning, you will be able to look at these photos without grimacing. You will be able to think about her without also remembering the sad or bad times. You will be able to mention her without fighting back tears.

I promise it gets easier, bud. It does. But don't stop emoting in the mean time. Let it all out. Write a poem or a song about her. Do whatever you feel inspired to do in order to honor her memory properly. Just don't fight back the tears.


P.S. She was beautiful. She reminds me of the mini dachshund I used to have. She too is now in doggy heaven. :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

so sorry for your loss brother, it's the hardest thing a pet owner has to endure. Bella was safest, best loved and most secure in your hands. your mind isn't as clear as it will be again soon enough, you'll realize quickly that it's the silly goofy moments of her life that will live on, but now you'll mourn.

R.I.P. lil' Bella
so sad to read 1Cb !!
last Friday i found my dog dead on the floor-after 9 years together-24-7 relationsshhip and had walked around 12000 miles together...
Had to put Him into the ground in my garden-it is a very empty feeling sitting back after--BUT remember those good time you and Bella got together and You,was the "lucky" one to give all that you gaved to Bella..know how it feels-i can promise you,,,

Only time will do it for you...and it Will...
He was 12 year and had Him from He was 2.5-a greek streetliving dog i saved-from be killed..
yes it is so hard and empty-true...

take care 1 Cb and think on the good times you had...


Well-known member
oh my, such pictures. Pretty special.
I would suggest that a pound rescue might be a wonderful tribute .
I look at these pictures and am so touched by them.


yea the life is short, especially for dawgz
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Active member
All dogs go to the rainbow bridge because other dogs are waiting for a home full of love . That's the way it is , I know personally how deep it hurts but the longest I have ever gone without a dog is 2 month , I hate getting up in the morning with no dog there it`s just too lonely .
Hurts like hell but somewhere out there is another dog with the love in the eyes like Bella & that scruffy little greek mutt , you will know when your ready to offer your home up to another . From one dog lover to another bless you .


Hang in there #1CB. I have a 16 year old Shiba Inu that Ive had since 6 weeks. Things have been rough for her this last year. I can't even think of what my life will be without her but I know her time on this plane is limited.
Thank you for starting this thread so us dog lovers can show support. I notice there are a lot of very passionate dog owners on this site. I think it is a testament to the connection that herb allows us to feel with animals on a subconscious level. Bella was very lucky to have someone that cared for her the way you have. Thank you

paper thorn

Active member
I try to stay away from this subforum, because I empathize so strongly and become overwhelmed with sadness. But I just learned that a good friend and fellow icmagger has passed away and while immersing myself in my grief came here. Then thought of the recent passing of my beloved cat, Pretty Boy aka Mr Pretty, who I mostly called little grey cat, and that brought on another flood of tears. I am still so sad, I've cried at least once a day for that cat for over a month. He was so good.

Then I see this about your Bella. I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor puppy. More crying for me tonight. And I know for you too. I know she was a great companion.

I cry for dogs.

All dogs.

It's a curse but also a blessing.
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Active member
I cry for dogs.

All dogs.

It's a curse but also a blessing.

I wish there were more people like you in this world . I prefer the animals on this earth to people .


Active member
A human can have many dogs in a lifetime but a dog can only have one human in a lifetime. Cherish and remember the memories that you made together.

Grass Lands

My heart goes out to you and some tears too. We just lost one of our boys this week. Its always hard when we lose a loved pet. In time the heart will heal and you will start to move on. It does take some time, dont fight the tears as they will help the healing of the heart.

~The Rainbow Bridge~
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


K+ vibes
That sucks. I just randomly lost 2 dogs in a week to Whip worms... Never even heard of the shit.

Now my last remaining dog which was way older than the others is approaching the age of natural death, and it fucking sucks.. She's my little pig, she looks just like Bella too, fat belly thyroid/overfed little Jackrussel/mini pincher.

Pretty deep statement... Humans have several dogs in a lifetime, dogs only have 1 human :(

Useful Idiot

Active member
DAMN Cheese. I normally try to stay from the heartache here on the loss of pets. it just tears me up. BUT...I saw your post and just had to come in. I saw your pic of your pup and just had to respond. I am not sure what to say. There is nothing I can say that will lessen your pain. I came in here just to let you know that I do know what you are going through. And it is very painful. We have lost many beloved family members "pets" in our time. I'm an old timer by the way. I don't know you BUT I know that that pup had a great life with you. I wish you the best in this time of loss. I actually teared up when I read this devastating loss of a close friend. When our German Shepherd passed I actually took my weeks vacation to mourn. Heartless folks at work actually made fun at me for that. I did not notice where you live....but...if you live close to me...we will be having a litter in about 6 weeks of greyhounds. NOT used for racing. I just adore this breed. I am honestly offering you pick of the litter for free. If you live some distance from us I could send you pics of all of them and let you pick.....I would be willing to travel a bit to help.I know it is really soon to think about this. But my heart goes out to you and anyone who was able to spend time with your pup.