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The aeroponic vegetator, increase your yield/year!


New member
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I will keep the 5 pages of story telling for myself and I'm going to be short and to the subject.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I created an aeroponic system that allows you to grow your plants for their first few weeks and then move them unharmed and with no shock to any other aeroponic system or to any other medium you prefer.
This way you can grow your clones(or seeds) for the first weeks of their life in a small space using only one light and then being able to transplant them into a bigger “production” system.
Running the vegetating system in parallel with your main crop allows you to prepare the next crop. So by the time you will be cutting the colas, your next crop is already a few weeks old. That means that each crop takes a lot less time to grow. This is simple math and will use a graphic to explain(credits go to my gf for photoshopping skills).[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]This graphic represents my setup, before the vegetating system and after it:[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]*strain used: Critical from Royal Queen Seeds, selected mother.(flowering time is 49-50 days, low height)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The outcome is obvious, instead of using the Aeroflo 60 for the entire flower cycle of 49-50 days I ended up using it for 28-29 days. So instead of getting 7.42 cycles/year I got 13 cycles/year. That is 75% more cycles per year. So no matter how much you are able to get out of your aeroponic system now, adding the vegetating system to your setup will increase your output by a lot, in my case 75%. This is no bs, you don't have to add a magical nutrient to your tank, you don't use special air shipped from the purest mountains and nothing like that, you simply get more crops/year.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Technical details:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Low Pressure Aeroponics[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]120cm x 120cm x 50cm[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]64 x 3” netpots[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]40L water tank[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]1 x 30-50W water pump[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I can't show you whats inside it, the technological details are patent pending so I don't want any big corporation to lay its paws on it. However I will show you some pics/videos with it:[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The idea is that now we have the possibility to keep the roots separated in a pure aeroponic setup. I know some of you don't use SCROG or SOG, people use their bubble buckets for example and they don't need to vegetate 64 plants in a square meter for 3-4 weeks, this system can be created to support 16-24 plants in one square meter for a longer period of time, 5-6 weeks or more.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]A site will be up soon and with your help I will be able to show a lot of great feedback to retailers everywhere.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Please post your questions, requests, thoughts I would be most grateful to answer.[/FONT]


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New member
what could I possibly reply to your gif mojave? this is a very serious thing to me, it is the missing link in aeroponics, you could start by argumenting with words.


I'm not sure I get the point of your posts baxiliniu. Not to say that there isn't a missing link in aeroponics, but I'm not sure I understand what that missing link is.

Are you saying you veg in the same space as you flower? I don't get it -- light cycle needs to be different. Please expound...


New member
Read his post guys ....

He's proposing a new aero setup in which roots are kept separate per clone yet you can stuff 64 clones in a 1 meter sq. area ..... The missing link as I see it is the ability to veg for longer and grow massive roots without tangling and losing roots transplanting ....


With 5-6 weeks veg, the roots will form a mat on the floor. You wont pull the roots free without damage.


New member
THE process for every aeroponic user is like this:
1. root the clones
2. move into huge aero system until the end of flowering period
3. harvest
So if you have 60 bubble buckets with multiple reservoirs, 5-6 hps lights using 5-6 square meters you are forced to move some puny clones directly into it and use massive amounts of electricity and space.
With this thing you can just grow them into a reasonable size and then move them into your bubble bucket system. You can start flowering them in parallel with your main crop, so by the time you harvest you will have the next batch already 3-4 weeks old (flowered or not, depending on your prefs)


New member
With 5-6 weeks veg, the roots will form a mat on the floor. You wont pull the roots free without damage.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
In the setup I showed you there are 64 plants crowded into exactly 98cm x 98cm (from netpot to netpot), so after about 4 weeks the roots outgrow their separate chambers and start to meet and make babies and stuff, they start their lifes together.
But if I go for lets say 5 by 5 netpots using the same 98cm by 98cm space I would build their special chambers bigger and they could live there for the 5-6 weeks you need.


THE process for every aeroponic user is like this:
1. root the clones
2. move into huge aero system until the end of flowering period
3. harvest

Thats may be true for a few growers but the majority will have a seperate space for mothers/cloning/vegging, its not a new idea :)


New member
in order to have clones you need mothers of course. my point is that there is no system on the market that can do exactly this: keep your plants separated so you can properly grow them for a few weeks. What I'm saying is simple: you can't buy or make a system of your own that can hold a lot of plants with independent roots in a very tight space. Of course if you build a special system for each plant, like a bubble bucket for each or something like that, you can actually grow them for a few weeks and move them into something else. But nobody does that because it would be very expensive to build and to run it. It's like copying your whole main factory just for some puny clones.
I am really curious what you mean by "vegging" because I have searched and searched and all I could find were some rubbermaid totes that would get your roots tangled in a matter of days, like a slightly bigger cloner or something.


New member
I'm not sure I get the point of your posts baxiliniu. Not to say that there isn't a missing link in aeroponics, but I'm not sure I understand what that missing link is.

Are you saying you veg in the same space as you flower? I don't get it -- light cycle needs to be different. Please expound...

I caused a bit of a misunderstanding, I apologize.
I am using this system to directly flower them, I can't veg them because they would get way too big. My technique is scrog, 20 plants/square meter. The system I use is a GHE Aeroflo60 which I modified from NFT to LPA.
The missing link is what happens with soil or a solid medium like coco. Where you can just grow how many plants you want into a very small space by using small pots, like 1-2 Liter pots.
And by the time you chop the colas your next crop is ready for transplant, so you just lift the plant from the smaller 1Liter pot and replant it into a 20Liter pot for example.
In aeroponics you cannot do that. You just have to go from cloner directly into a big system like the Aeroflo60 or some tens of bubble bucket system, using huge amounts of electricity to start some 10cm high clones.


New member
Yes, I was aware of those.
1. As you can see the vegigator is using some tex-pots filled with clay pebbles, it does not have any kind of netpot(that an aero system would use) so by the time you want to transplant them the tex-pot will be filled with roots. I am really curious how you will be able to just pull it out from there unharmed and move it into your hydro system or whatever.
My point is that they came up with a good idea but their technical solution is a ripoff. IRL it doesn't work, you can't move the plants after a few weeks of growing without totally ruining the root system.

3. The "Clone Master" is a simple aero cloner, nothing new, GHE has the Rainforest for a lot of years now.

4.My invention is not a cloner.

My invention will keep the roots independent while still receiving the water droplets spread by the sprinklers inside.
It uses:
- 16 garden sprinklers powered by a very cheap and small pump.
- a 40Liter water reservoir and it doesn't flood the whole thing like the "Vegigator" does.
- 64 x 3" netpots which alot of aeroponic system on the market use


New member
If you look at picture 2 on the site Sativa linked you to. You will see they do use netpots if you prefer.

yes, those are netpots only a bubble bucket system could use.
no other aero system will accommodate that size of netpot.
and the issue is not the netpot because you can simply put your plant into a netpot first and then sink it in the tex-pot, but no, that is not the problem.
the problems are:
- through the netpots they use in the vegigator the roots simply slide through the pebbles and the netpot grills and finally meet into the tray(in some time of course)
- using the tex-pots filled with pebbles will not give you the possibility to remove your plant safely out of there and just move it. you simply can't just pick each and every pebble by hand to safely pull out the roots. their technical solution is a nightmare.


With the help of a holesaw, you can accomodate any netpot size within reason. Personally, i dont use netpots or medium with aero these days so its not that big an issue.