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Deficiency, pests or anything else? Please help


New member
Hi guys,

my girl is sick and please help me in helping her.

How long has this problem been going on? about 4 days
What STRAIN are you growing? DNA Kusberry
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed
What is the age of your plants? 5th week
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) LST
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 15L
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) Plagron bat mix
What brand Nutrient's are you using? Biobizz: root juice, alg-a-mic and lately i bought bio - grow and girls got it once 2ml; advanced nutrients voodoo juice, plagron royal sugar (1ml each watering, started from 2nd week of grow - possible this caused problems?)
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 1-2 ml / 1l
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? ph pen
How often are you watering? once in 2-3 days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? today I gave her pure water and before that they got 2ml of bio grow; besides that one time of feeding with bio-grow, I gave her only root juice, alg-a-mic, voodoo juice and royal sugar because those are stimulators and i read plagron bat mix soil has lots of nutrients/fertilizers inside
What size bulb are you using? phytolite 200w cfl grow
How old is your bulbs? new
What is the distance to the canopy? about 6-10 cm (2-3 inch)
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) about 65%
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) not below 20 at night and not above 30 during the day
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 190m3/h
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? running all the time
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? at upper parts but mostly on bulb
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? bottled with regulated ph 5,9 - 6,1
Are you using water from a water softener? no
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? no

Theese are couple of pics which show the problem:

And there are the lower fans:

Please, help me to identify what is going on.


New member
I'd like to add that lower leaves strarted to change their look earlier than 3-4 days but i thougt that "rotten" fan leaves just touched the soil after watering or something and the yellow/burned spots are from water drops when the light was on. Also more pics:


New member
I cut some "infected" leaves couple of hours ago and finally I decided to post some pics of them here. Can anyone tell me what issue is that?

And the most sick of today's cut, initial leave:



Active member
I've never seen leaves look as nasty as the last pic except for in cold temps. Definitely 50f or lower. Your other leaves look like they are having some minor issues with pH swings or the like, but nothing too major. I wouldn't change anything too drastic nutrient wise just yet. The other thing that stands out to me about your info is the bottled water. Many times bottled water can be vary high in sodium and is not suitable for hydroponic use.


New member
thanks for reply,

I have alarm set in my electronic weather station that rings below 20C (68F) and it's never rang becouse of it. For last few days I have problem with high temp because outside temperature reached about 35C (93-94F) but my problem is definetly not caused by low T.

As to PH, I have 2 ph metres (chinese but I think these are accurate; both show the same value). Now I water her with ph 6,3 - 6,4 because when burnt/yellow spots started to show I measured water that came out of the pot and it was 5,7. Before the problem happened I watered 5,8 - 6,0. Is this well chosed value now? 0,2 ph swing can do such a damage?

As to sodium, mostly I water with 2 brands, depends on where I shop but the sodium content in one is 5,91 mg/L and in the other is 8,00 mg/L. Seems not that much but maybe too much for cannabis?

I thought the problem may be overdosing royal sugar. I used it 1-2ml every watering and I missed an information that it should me used once a week. It doesn't have "nutririon facts" or someting like that, just ingredients what tells me nothing and I don't know which element possilby can be blocked etc. I also based on people's posts that organic/bio additives can't be overdosed so I didn't pay so much attention to dosages. I'd like to add that this is my first grow.

And I don't know if I got You wrong but i don't use hydroponics, just soil.


Active member
Kubaai said:
And I don't know if I got You wrong but i don't use hydroponics, just soil.

Hydroponics is simply feeding plants with a nutrient solution, and not relying on soil microbiology to feed the plant. I saw all the different nutrients and assumed they were some form of fertilizer salts. It seems to only be sugars and teas however. I have limited experience with this style of growing. My outdoor veggies in soil get water only.

Getting back on track, sodium will hurt soil or any other hydroponic substrate. It competes with Ca, Mg, and K.


New member
Does your hygrometer provide min/max humidity information?

Looks like a combination of over watering, a lack of macro nutrients or a nutrient lockout combined with poor air circulation.

Have you got any air circulation in there when the lights are on? Like an oscillating fan?

I'm guesstimating your plant used up whatever was in the soil at around week 4. This is when you should have started feeding with the Bio Bizz Grow. Also, you are using 2 different root stimulators.

I personally would flush (with something like CANNA flush), feed only with Bio Bizz Grow and let it dry out a little so it can breathe, not feed/water it for like 3-4 days. Your humidity is a good sign of over feeding / watering, if it's constantly above 65% I'd be cautious.


New member
I have humidifier with humidistat so humidity in my box is always correct, max difference is like 5%.

I have now 2 output inline fans (125mm - 111,7 CFM and 150mm - 175 CFM connected with tape; for DR60 so I think it's enough), 1 input pc fan (covered with carbon mate more just to avoid light and dust leaking inside the tent) and oscilating fan of course, directed on bulb.

I think this is problem connected with feeding because I believed those idiots who claim that organic nutritients/stimulators are so light in effect that can't harm plants and plagron soil is full of fertilizers that would last for the whole veg and even part of bloom. With that knowledge I was giving her only stimulators for first 5 weeks. Yesterday I gave her third time bio grow 3ml (producent says 2-5) mixed with 1 ml of bio bloom and at first the problem was kind of slow down but now the spots still coming out.

As to root stimulators, root juice is obviously stimulator based on humic acid and seaweed but voodoo juice is mix of bacterias so I thought I can use both freely.

This is single plant grow so if it's not gonna well in few days I will have to cut her down and start again and I really don't wanna loose those 6 weeks.

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