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Help! Snails, slugs, caterpillar?

I have grown in this bog spot in Minnesota since 2001. Never seen this kind of damage...found a seven gallon bucket of Kabookie Eskimo Pie done in, with this survivor.

June 21...indeed, lots of rain. I see no slime, and suspect caterpillar...meanwhile I have 40 private acres where nothing is being bothered, not my veggies, roses, nothing!

I plan on getting Safer insecticidal soap, and adding beer cups.

And yes, I have about fifty plants of many strains, but to see six of the Kabookie gone is a real shock...

Anyone have better ideas?
Looks similar to leaf hopper (think thats what theyre called) damage I got a couple years back. Fuckers devoured 5 plants in 2 days. Left nothing but a stick in the ground.

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