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new grower needs help


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i have 4 plants growing currently,3 flowering one still in veg and they have leaves turning yellow and dying and they are flowering very oddly.i have some side branches that look almost done and other branches all over the plant including the top that look like they just started to flowter is that normal? i recently added more nutes not sure if thats it. i grow in promix 50/50 perlite mix. i was using just fox farm grow big and tiger bloom then i add GO(general organics)biobud, bioweed,cold pressed squid and GH(general hyrdoponics) calmag and humboldt county snow storm ultra. ph 6.8 ambient temp is 78 plants are in 5l pots flowering under a 400w hps ambient humidity is 40-50.
ive never been able to have a propper harvest after a year and a half growing i really wanna figure this out all help is greatly apreciated 1st picture is a fan leave off my plant in veg and the second is off my flowering autos


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Active member
8 different additives? How do you keep track of them?
Pictures of plant would help, as well as knowing what medium you are in.
drop the nutrients before you hurt yourself or someone you love :)

Just playing, but back off on the feedings and test the run off.

How big are the plants? Can we see pics of the plants?

It sounds to me they may be rootbound or starting to get burned. Lets see some pics


New member
i was loosing about 1 fan leaf per day but since ive dropped the ph to 6.2 it seems like the dying leaves have stopped. also i was giving them about a litre and a half too 2 litres each watering but ive increased that now 3.5 plants seem to be doing good but the flowering still seems weird ill post pics maybe im just tripping


New member
the first pic is my plant in veg its about 5 feet tall there is also an auto in the corner aswell file:///C:/Users/Danielle/Desktop/Downloads/image%20(16).jpeg
the second is my other auto
this is of the lower branches also my best so far
and these are how the rest of plant is flowering first is the top cola


New member
sorry about last post pics in the same order


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New member
any help?? the flowering pic are from week 4 of flowering is this normal? the strain is dr greenthumb irainian auto theyre 100 days old. the nicer bud is from a lower branch and the others are from the top parts and is how the whole plant is flowering.


Active member
i dont personally think its the ferts. ive whacked the shit out of plants with additives and that is not what happens. thats not to say ive done what you did so my opinion is anecdotal. but thats a weird thing on those a few good buds underneath and other branches never stacking. is is a seed plant run or clones from the seed.
heres my take
a) run regular photo period plants. fuck autos.
b)run easier genetics i.e. faster flowering hybrids. you can always run sativa dom late finishers once youve figured out how to run a fast flowering strain. the longer it takes to finish the expoentially more likely youll run into issues before you finish.
c)take some notes from the kiss pages. not trying to expouse any specific nute line but try going with a simple tested basic grow and veg package without the added boosters etc. for example in soil bpb grow maybe some calmag then bloom for soil with maybe some calmag. it may be a less sexy way to go but its tested tried and works fine. any of the well established cannabis nute lines will work. stay with base nutes and go mild to medium dose never full until you know what you are doing. these lines will finish a grow well with acceptable results if all other parameters are in check. you can always add more in subsequent grows to dial in yield. all thos additives are snake oil for the most part anyway. basic nutes in mild concentrations will work. fuck the sales team at your favorite grow shop. if they were such experts at growing herb they wouldnt have to get up and clock in at a lousy paying job everyday at a grow shop. they would be up all night like the rest of us and wake up when damn well pleased.
c)feed slow and low and dont let em dry out but dont over wet them. water em and wait til they lose half the water weight before you water again not much longer. if this takes days and days use smaller pots.
dont get fooled into thinking you need a bunch of additives to grow dank herb. riding high on nutes is for people who really know how to read plants and only can moderately affect yield and vigor. its a gamble for the noob.
in summary i think your main issue is genetics.
think about long time established vigorous non finicky earlyish flowering (8-9 week) indica dom hybrids that you can read about in grow journals to see what to expect. these will be a walk in the park compared to the longer finishing sativa hybrids.
good luck.
oh and keep other peoples plants out of your garden (dispensary cuttings are the worst) or youll be spending more time in the infirmary than youll ever want to.


New member
what nutes should i cut out because i honestly dont think its the nutes.i think it was the ph and the fact that i wasnt watering enough per feeding the soil was dying out too fast and they would wilt.i have a frisian dew plant from dutch passion that i just switched to 12/12 and i really want this to flower right
It's not just burning the nutes, its really about PPM's and how that can saturate mediums that aren't neutral to begin with. If you're adding that many nutes, see how many PPM is in the water you're feeding it. In soil set ups, the salt build up can be catastrophic, especially if you let it dry out too much in between feedings.

Try eliminating one variable at a time.

Start with just PH'd water, then go from there. Not using nutes in well balanced soil, should not be a deal breaker.


Active member
i can attest to the statement about bpb not giving good flavor being false. ive seen numerous side by side organics recipes and bpb units of the same clone and if anything the bpb turned out nicer. the smell profile on bpb is as good as any organics ive seen around here.i get what youre saying about organics tasting better smelling better etc but for what ever reason botanicare seems to have something going on that mimcs the organic taste and feel while utilizing the stacked weight benefits of salts. it is overpriced. not any more so than alot of boutique fertilizer for cannabis though. the yeild diference and the fact that it turns out loud as fuck makes me tend to think that because the price of weed being what it is that organcis are more xpensive when you "Weigh" in all factors. there are a few folks ive met and seen on the boards that are an exception to this rule but organic gardens tend to yeild inconsistently and definitely less per watt so the price consideration is not valid. on the other hand there is a value in organics for other obvious reasons ethically health etc that cant be measured in grams or dollars. to that sentiment i am not in dissagreement. id personally rather consume organic farm products.
Yucca extract contains these things called steroidal saponins. These help plants utilize food and water more efficiently. Saponins also release excess salts that have built up in the soil while balancing the PH.

Stay away from botanicare, GH, ect. Not only will it cost you 3-4 times as much to grow with salts; but your meds (if you consider hydroponically grow buds of medical value) will also lack flavor.

Go to a search engine, and type in "lumperdawgs soil recipe" or "lumperdawgs mix" or something like that. That recipe is very popular in the pacific northwest. I think lumperdawg was a botanist. You can find many good organic soil recipes that are similar. These are what you call "super soils." With this style of growing, you are basically filling the bag full of plant food. Some people use layers of pure manure and food spikes in these already-hot mixes. When you grow like this, your plant takes the food as it needs it. Give your plants AACT(active aerated compost tea) and spray them with age old(or fish hydrosylate and seeaweed extract) to prevent mites and mold. I prefer the modified version of the lumperdawg mix (the version that uses coco instead of peat) because peat becomes abit acidic as it breaks down. The coco/pumice based version of this mix can be reused indefinitely (pH stays stable as the coco breaks down) makes sure that everything you use is organic.

Books I might suggest:

"True living organics"
The recipes in this book make a super heavy mix. (Not a good thing) but i think he did a good job at breaking things down in a language that is easy to understand.

"Teaming with microbes"
This book is not ganja specific; but this is where most of us learned to make AACTs. It's an awesome book. You gotta have that one.

"Marijuana botany" written by a Harvard graduate?
Explains Mendel's law of genetics. Demystifies the breeding process. This is the book that most of your real breeders learned from (i.e. DJ short, Nevil, act.)

Growing organic is way cheaper once you get it going. It produces a better quality product. It smells better. Tastes better. Not to mention, it's a lot cheaper in the long run. It's the only way to do it.


Active member
I would bet money that straightedge is one of those growers that knows so much that if he ever met any of the old cats that have been growing in the hills of Mendocino since he was in diapers, he would tell them that he knew more. That's why good weed is almost nonexistent now. Because the people that have it, can't find anyone that is worth sharing it with. Where's your panama red that was imported in the 70's? The REAL highland Columbian? You won't find it being grown hydroponically in some straightedge punks garden..
I know more than one person that can tell if their smoke isn't organic. I won't smoke it if it's not organic because it fucks my lungs up. Every grower thinks they know everything. Before you listen their advice, you should go try their smoke. If their smoke isn't that good, don't listen to a word they say. What's this guy above me growing? Some seeds he picked up off off attitude or thcbay? Right? How old is he? How long has he been growing? What does he (or his friends, for that matter) really know about organic farming? You don't go to a "boutique" to get your soil amendments. You buy 50 lb. bags of everything. Look up prices on occupy organics. These are the prices that I pay for this stuff where I am currently. If you live in the northwest, you notice that you can source the stuff all over the place for cheap if you buy in bulk. If you're piddling aroung with tiny indoor plants like this master grower that made the stupid comment about organic weed, it still pays to buy the shit in bulk. Your soil can be recycled if you use coco instead of peat. Don't just tale my word for it (im not selling you anything. Just trying to be helpful) Don't take his word for it, either. Do your own side by side test and see which works best for you
While it's true I don't grow 70s land races and never have. The rest is far off the mark. Haha And when I lived in the hills around island mountain I didn't buy fifty pound bags as much dump trucks of organic amendments. Transfer load dump trucks at times. We would hire truckers to bring us eartwomcastings in piles the size of a school bus. We bought truckloads of guano from a local that harvested it himself and sold it by the contractor bag at the harris store. but your idea of what a big Mendocino outdoor organic scene looks like maybe are a little painted by living in ashland where a large grow is what a mid size op looked like in my neighborhood 8 years ago. But I get what you're saying.

I do know what bomb ass organic looks like and smells like ive grown tons of it. literally tons. I also don't think this makes me a good grower. I am in a new situation and im pretty chill ATM and have been for a little while. Sounds like you are growing some quality head stash bro.

My homies in so Oregon rock the W. Wonder and i hear it turns out really nice. I've not grown it. There's some really cool seedlines and clone elites happening out of your area that i have run. black cherry cheese cake is one that was just stunning to behold. One of the prettiest purples I've seen when run well. Don't assume you know me but you actually might I have some tight people in your area and i get around.

I'm not trying to pick a fight. sorry if my inane observations about different types of grows I've done and seen differ from what you've seen. I think for a boutique pre package hybrid nute line it's actually one of the ones that produces better results for what it is. It's cheap and yields and still can really have a lot if flavor for a cheesy salt based overpriced snake oil laden line up. I also spent years making hundreds of gallons of liquid fertilizers from scratch a week so I'm not ignorant.

Yes I run breeders seeds. I've bought direct from them and also ordered them from many seed sites. I also run elite lines of clones. That don't make me any more of an expert than you or someone else who hasn't had my experience. im not sure i get your point about all that. One of the most talented growers I've ever seen started five six years ago and has created famed clone onlly cuts passed around out of modern polyhybrid pollen chucker seeds company gear he popped.. Total badass.

I'm closer in age to wearing depends than huggies but not by a lot hopefully.

I don't think most organic growers get results indoors but the ones that do I would argue have some of the best out there. By and large people struggle to get past 1 pound a light in pure organics where as I know a lot of folks that can hurdle 2 with botanic are in soil. I've pulled it off but I don't run it anymore. I'm doing coco these days just started and I'm playing with new newts daily. Sorry if I thought the difference I saw in flavor was negligeable. There is usually a lot of organics in the soil runs I do and get to see done. so it's not surprising it had comparable results. Im sorry if my last post upset you or if I came off like a know it all. I certainly don't. I'm quite the newb ATM as I'm relearning how to grow with coco. Feels like the first time and my only consult I get is online because all my friends where i live run soil. im the first of my friends in coco locally. I get blasted all the time for asking weird questions that people don't think I shouldn't know the answer to. I'm not a hot shot just an old punk who likes growin herb and has done it for almost a decade but ain't a phd at it.

Fwiw, some if the worst growers i ever met were old timers in the hills of mendo so hum and trinity. not all of them of course. Old school cats that had been growing since the seventies. i met more than a few that had a complete shit show and " elite old seed lines" that were mediocre at best. growing techniques based largely on being lazy from being over paid for anything in a turkey bag throughout the 90s. Some of the best I've seen were newbs that listen carefully and learn fast.
Good luck with your grow I'm sure it will be tasty outdoor organic fire. THe best in my opinion. May it not rain til Halloween for ya.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have been using PBP for decades now. My results speaks volumes. Its not the nutrients that gave you issues. I have been around when all of those genetics where available. I grew many myself. None ever caused car accident. None of this has anything to do with Botanicare Nutrients with is some of the best on the market.

I wounder why with only 8 posts you already have neg karma. More bad info


Active member
sounds really neat are you personally working ant of it. it be something to see one of those beasts. bet it really looks like nothing ive ever seen.


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Speaking of Columbian, I have a few thousand seeds of 1973 Santa Marta Columbian Gold. My old mentor who gave them to me said it was the best weed he ever smoked in his life. The seeds were in an attic for many years and when I try to germinate them they turn to mush after a few days. The past 10 years he's grown nothing but Thai's that he's been working on for years. I'm not old enough to have smoked the gold but I smoked his 1998 Thai pheno that he made called J1 and it was easily the best bud that I've personally had. He tells me the Columbian would kick the shit out of it though. He too the Gold back to Greece in the 70's and said you wouldn't believe how much more potent the Gold was when it wasn't seeded. Said people always thought the joints were laced.

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