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ROSA (Cranberry Haze x Cheese) Selection


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Well-known member
some flowering phenos from the R1 Line
a true F2, for sure this time^^
both are pretty simillar, though "B" is the lovelier plant imho

R1 #A
FD 21






Well-known member
R1 batch pheno FD38



Y batch pheno FD38


Y vs X (FD48)

this line is very fast, X can be chopped after 7 weeks.
I did not expect such a quick finish so I haven't flushed yet.



Great choice of line for an incrossing project. I've grown a fair amount of cranberry haze, the parents of cranberry haze and the cheese, and with the exception of the cheese, theyre picky plants. If you over feed them, the gland heads have a tendency to degrade or even fall off, and if they get close to wilting, it damages the trichomes as well. The cheese should mitigate this somewhat, but still err on the side of caution. In flower with lines like this, it's always better to have them even very yellow versus overfed. Also, teas made from high quality compost or alfalfa based nutrients such as general organics or pura vida or even something plant based like biobizz will make the plants tast much better, with compost teas made from high quality compost, kelp and alfalfa being the most ideal.

Really glad to see this grow, and good luck with your breeding.


Well-known member
thanks for the interesting input.

I indeed noticed some broken glads under the scope, but I didn't bother because there is resin everywhere.
since they are in coco I overfed them a little, but no absolutely no comparison to my first grow. As long as i don't have sigsn of nuteburn I feel good.
the heavy green is from the liquid seaweed i fed them additionally to the synthetics.
I really held the EC low all time, my peak was at only 1,3 EC in week 4.
I've already cut the feeding, they are in week 7 now @ 0,5 EC and P/K only + additives. some purple is also showing up now

stay tuned, there is more to come. I have some cool phenos, each one is different and interesting somehow.
Looking so fit and healthy, really lovely!

Oh and the plants look stunning too.


Nice genetics you got, I'd never heard of this strain. Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing your love for good weed.

Keep it coming....



Well-known member
thank you for all this nice words, and everybody participating here :)

today I took pictures of every pheno. I'd like to present and describe one by one for you guys having more insight. there are 5 pants coming down in the next 2-3 weeks and one I've already harvested and put to revegg. I'll start reporting tomorrow


stay tuned


Well-known member
though there isn't much response, I will finish this report.

the first pheno was harvested after 56 days.
i expected a much more body dominant high from the fast finisher, but I was surprised when i smoketested it.

bag appeal:


Yield: 22,6g in 3,5L Organic Soilless Mix. All buds where rock hard and frosty. would make a good SOG commercial plant, since it will yield the same after only 7 weeks.

High: the high is more sativa dominant. It gives a pleasant muscle relaxiation, but no real stone. so far so good, but the head high isn't what I'm looking for. It was very racy and distracting, wehn i smoked too much.
I'm the kind of person who feels this typical sativa paranoid effect, basically in every Sat dominant hybrid while others just laught and have fun. maybe the best comparison in high would be Planck, but this one is much more a creeper. All in all not fancy, so no keep

Taste/Smell: the smell was first very fruity/apple but got more sour in the end of flowering. tough not cured long enought it burned wery well and tasted afghan like with a undertone of very stinky cheese. Some sort of Camembert like scent that verlvets your tounge but with much expansion on the exhale hehe

Rosa "X-Line" FD 56



Excellent work, very informative and well written, well done Hmong! I hope you find the smoke that suits your personality.

I have found smoking too much for too long can really mess with your notion of self. At the moment I'm taking a break from smoking the Thai/Laos and trying to return to Earth, feeling much calmer and clear headed then ever.


Hmong, congrats for this Test Grow its really good and complete.

one question, if you dont mind, from what country are you from??

I ask because I have the opposity problem, I have plenty of beans to try and test, but not access to good cuts... I hope we can change places!

I allways try to get different stuff than the majority of folks here, since cuttings are legal in my country and people therefore dont really grow with seeds. the cuts availiable are some as old as 20 years so thats pretty boring gradually.


Well-known member
I have found smoking too much for too long can really mess with your notion of self. At the moment I'm taking a break from smoking the Thai/Laos and trying to return to Earth, feeling much calmer and clear headed then ever.
thx for stopping by guys

well thats exactly why I would recommend you some pure Indica to come down. "tripping" on SE Sativas should not be done daily of course. I guess just too much THC for the brain
either you stop or get somthing that leaves the head alone.
I try to find that with some Indica Landraces, Rosa doeas not fit the criteria I guess. until then I need the one or other day off too^^
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Well-known member
its much like the X line pheno before, the leaf pattern, budcolor and density are the same, but as you can see its yielding much better and has more resin. from what i had experienced with the other one, I considered to let this one mature one more week, in the end only 6 more days but I had to take it since it was so heavy. the trichome color was mainly amber around the top and 50/50 mily/clear on the lower buds. we will see what the smoke test says.

after some shaving^^
