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very unusual problem (can't find any record of this happening in forum searches)


New member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hi everybody,

longtime reader but very infrequent poster, here, now in desperate need of assistance.

Problem: plants exhibiting YELLOW VEINS of the LOWER LEAVES, as well as a generalized, all-over top-to- bottom yellowish light green color and sickly appearance. I am a relatively experienced grower, have dealt with many deficiencies in the past, and to my knowledge there isn't a deficiency that causes yellow veins of the lower leaves. Rather, the few tidbits I have been able to find from all-over internet searches suggest that this may be attributed to root disease of some sort, or "veinal clearing" of toxins in the soil. Looking for anyone who can help with more information on this problem. The way they're going, my plants may only have another week... so I'm feeling the pressure, here. See below for details.

Transplanted clones from oasis cube trays into 5" pots, then into raised beds (outdoor) 2 weeks later. Plants have been in raised beds for 2 weeks now.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Soil is local potting soil (used last year to great success) amended earlier this year. Loamy base w/lava rock and pearlite. Added worm castings, azomite, oyster flour, etc., but did not add any compost or other macronutrient source.

Strains include OG, Zombie OG, Thin Mint, and XJ. All plants are between 18" and 24" tall. XJ seems to be doing just fine for the most part, but all other strains having trouble.

Plants showed no problems while in pots. Once in raised beds, plants stayed droopy/shocked for an unusually long period of time, and began to show signs of multiple deficiencies, at which point I checked soil PH, finding it was between 7.0-7.5.

Was watering w/ph of 6.4, but after soil test adjusted my last two waterings to 6.0 and then 5.5 in an effort to bring PH down, and began foliar feeding. since bringing down PH and foliar feeding no longer have signs of multiple deficiencies or droop, but all-over yellow green, sickly appearance and yellow veins of lower leaves persists.

I have fed 3 times in the past 7 days at 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 strength seabird guano (4-3-4) with soluble nitrogen additive in case my yellowing problem was a N deficiency, but no change. If anything condition has worsened.

My theories on possible causes

1. this is still some sort of lockout due to PH, and I just need to lower my Water PH further next watering to bring it down more.

2. Root infection (fungus or pest)- I will dig up one of my ladies and look at her roots if i have to to try and rule this one out.

3. Anaerobic poisoning- when watering down the bed before transplant, I watered out of a tank that had about 12" of fluid left in the bottom left over from a previous watering before I filled it up. The previous watering had happened 1 week previous and contained roots organic trinity root stimulator (molasses and yucca) and Orca Plant Success liquid mycorrhizae. Perhaps this scum went anaerobic and is now poisoning my plants?

Photos to come in next post. Any help would be appreciated.



New member
some things i forgot to mention:

as things progress with yellow-vein leaves, the leaf begins to turn yellow at the fringes, then brown, then the fringes and tips begin to die. I've documented this progression a bit in my photos below. Also, just did a soil nutrient test today (rapitest) and it looks like a may have a boatload of potassium in there.


  • Yellow veins 1.jpg
    Yellow veins 1.jpg
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  • Yellow veins 2.jpg
    Yellow veins 2.jpg
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  • Yellow veins 3.jpg
    Yellow veins 3.jpg
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  • Sick Plant.jpg
    Sick Plant.jpg
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New member
hi cuffs,

air movement is good. open air with frequent breezes. Genetics.... well it's OG, which means it aint exactly hardy. But yellow veins? all over yellow green? Haven't seen that before.


Active member
I've seen some pics of a plant with a sulpher def. They looked something like yours, hope Ye get it sorted, goodluck.