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Witnessed double murder tonight



Crazy night!!!

I wasn't in the best neighborhood, but it wasn't exactly the ghetto. Anyway, I was at a gas station pumping gas, and I overhear two groups of people arguing, and talking trash, but I have no idea what the argument was about.

So the first car with a guy and a girl starts to leave, and they pull right across the street into the parking lot of a shopping center. Well the second car follows them. I guess the first car noticed they were being followed, and they stopped to see what the other guy was doing. That was a mistake that cost them both their lives because the guy hops out of his car shooting, and killed them both. Then he just bounced.

It was fucking crazy. This is exactly why you just have to let shit go these days. You can't even ARGUE with people anymore without knowing if they are just going to shoot you.

I am moving to an island somewhere.


Active member
yeah the world is getn crazier by the day....many many more murders on the news now...its a sight you will never get out of your mind...sorry you had to witness this..dj


It was a bummer for sure. Sad to see. Young kids too, they were early 20's. That's way too young to die over some nonsense.

The whole thing was caught on camera too apparently from what they are saying in the news.

EDIT: I left when the shooting started, but I just heard that after I left the shooter came back to the store, and threatened witnesses including the cashier. Insane.
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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
sounds like the city i drove cab in for the last 20 years !!! i've seen or been feet away from 3 different shootings in that time here . & people wonder why i stay home & grow weed lol


Active member


New member
Man... That's some heavy shit. Prime material for neurotic thoughts and ptsd right there. I'd go home, light up my smokewire, and meditate long and hard on something like that if I witnessed it. Otherwise I'd lose it...


What a horrible thing to have happened.

Hopefully this person gets caught soon.

As well, I hope you and the other witnesses can cope well after experiencing this tragic event.
Just reading this is bad, I can't imagine how you feel.

Such a shame.


if it smells like fish
you get over it ... I have seen many over the years... had a friend get shot standing next to me . had a friend get stabbed next to me by his cousin too... crazy world we live in...people on islands are just as crazy and its harder to get away.. islands have higher rates of addiction IMHO......ha ha the friends cousing stabbed him over his comments on seasoning..... Hispanics are the most crazy, way more so then the Africans...proud to be Hispanic.......yeehaw
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East Coast Grower
I'll be that guy and ask what race any of them were...

not to get off topic but a friend of a friend got stabbed to death over someone believing their beer was stolen, when in reality they just both happened to be carrying a 12 pk of the same beer....... (no questions asked) If that's not fucked idk what is. so sad.


shit man, must have been shocking, hope you can deal with it and get past it without too much damage, nightmares etc. hope the cops don't go looking for witnesses and can just use the cctv footage.


Active member
I saw a girl get shot in the face and die over a TV. The world is a crazy place. It's only going to get much worse. Glad I live in the middle of nowhere. Only ones getting shot are the deer and turkey's.


Active member
Once saw a neighbor beat the shit out of another neighbor and then get stabbed a couple of times by another guy who lived with them.
The one who got stabbed let his rottweiler out and the other fools went running!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
wtf ??? are people really that pampered & pussified that watching somebody get shot , your worrying about PTSD & neurotic nightmares ??? really ???
guys , as fucked up as it is , this shit happens everyday ! if watching something like that is going to fuk up yer head , then i suggest you grab yer blanky & hide in the bedroom for the rest of your life with no TV or news to listen too , cuz buddy ..... thats nothing compared to what happens everyday in a big city !!!
i can't even count how many times i've stopped dudes from beating up their girl or seen 2 guys damn near killing each other over stupid drunkin shit .


Well-known member
sounds like the city i drove cab in for the last 20 years !!! i've seen or been feet away from 3 different shootings in that time here . & people wonder why i stay home & grow weed lol

driving a hack is a trip upon itself
did it for a couple of years back in the early 90's
when i started i was peace loving and had little to no prejudice for my fellow man
soon learned about stereotypical behavior
had some good laughs and some bad times too
highly recommend a stint of cab driving to anyone who really wants to know their community
like a lot of gigs the trick is to keep your mouth shut and your eyes open and you should be fine


Active member
man.. smoke up. and try to get that image out of your head.. ive never seen anyone gunned down and killed.. a friend of mine got shot by some black kid that tried to rob him on the streets of nyc after a night out.... he was fine tho lol. not killed..

i only have seen 1 dead person like right after it happened.. and it was some kid on a skateboard got nailed by a car.. kid died on impact.. and i was like 10 feet away from him.. he was crossing the street.. and he was crossing infront of a car.. and didnt look both ways.. 1 lane stopped.. other lane.. didnt.. he got fucking nailed.. flew and smacked his head on the ground.. was dead right there. kid was young too. if i remember correctly he was 13-14. lived up the street from me at the time..

not something you wana keep rerunning threw you head..


wtf ??? are people really that pampered & pussified that watching somebody get shot , your worrying about PTSD & neurotic nightmares ??? really ???
guys , as fucked up as it is , this shit happens everyday ! if watching something like that is going to fuk up yer head , then i suggest you grab yer blanky & hide in the bedroom for the rest of your life with no TV or news to listen too , cuz buddy ..... thats nothing compared to what happens everyday in a big city !!!
i can't even count how many times i've stopped dudes from beating up their girl or seen 2 guys damn near killing each other over stupid drunkin shit .

I'm not worried about PTSD or anything like that myself. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time I've seen some crazy shit go down. I've been in big cities for most of my life. It was just sad to see young kids go out like that over some stupid shit. Depressing really.

They caught the guy though, and he confessed. Case closed.