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Xil's LED PC box


Update, if anyone cares :D

28 days since breaking ground
the following pics are meant to show difference in height after 1 day



A general shot, both of the other 2 seeds popped up today, had trouble loosing seed shells, so i helped out a bit. Will train the two new ones to grow horizontaly towards the center of the pot

Some damage on one of the leaves, nute burn I guess ? I have no clue what though, magnesium is a guess, but only 1 leave is showing it. Will wait and see, maybe will do a flush just in case.


Day 32 for the ladies,

they are stretching, and i was surprised that the runt has outgrown the center plant in height, it was always the smaller one.. (fan is 80mm for refrence)

I left them for 2 days, put them under some lst with bent wire, but the suckers just popped the constraints right out like they were nothing, I underestimated the plants strength.

I tried leaf tucking but they come right back up after a few hours... which sucks major ass, as i want to promote branch growth, there are quite a few of them, only they are buried under the big ass fan leafs, and i dont want to defoilate. i will tie down some fan leaves as well as the stems when i get the chance, but its like a jungle in there.

I flushed the plants before leaving (but did not ph the water.. my bad), after i was back they looked perky, but a lot of the leaf tips got burnt, which is weird since i did not give them nutes after flushing. After coming back i watered with plain phed water, burn does not get worse, but still appears on new growth.

I read that some people determined this tip burn to be a cal mag lockout (please dear god, no..) due to small containers and roots getting bound up a lot. I GREATLY appreciate any input on this.

Day 4 above perlite for the wee ones, one wilted to the side for some reason. But they seem fine otherwire, put some paper over the perlite as i saw strangely big amounts of the damn algae, it did not appear until the first plants were 2,5 weeks old, and it is dead on the jungle side lol.


Señor Member
Hey everything looks pretty good. The leaf burn looks like it might be just overfeeding. Cut back on the nutes a little. Also, correct the pH like there's no tomorrow. Don't slack on that. That splotchy discoloration you showed up above looked like some ph lockout going on.

Otherwise everything looks pretty good, so just my advice is to go with a less is more approach, and back off on the nutes.


day 39/11

Algae is persistent, but plants dont seem to mind ? one seedling's main stem is dark and rather smooth while the other ones is lighter and with stripes visible, just like on the bigger plants, and the leaves are doing gymnastics for some reason. Varying phenotypes i presume ?

Some small white/pale spots appeared on a few leaves. At first i thought it was just dried up water with nute solution (it would leave the nute salts on the plant after evaporating, possible to blow off dust..) but its actually just the leave taking this white pale color, The tip burn is not going away completely but not getting worse either, do not see any on the newest growth.

I think the stretch is slowing down now, will start giving flower nutes soon enough

And some pretty photos done with a phone, cuz its all i got man.


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thanks x.man :)

day 43/15

chugging along. The leaf sides are still burned, some leaves which are not getting light are getting kinda dead, but im not worried too much about them.

Buds lol. hope every one of these little suckers becomes one. I will give flowering nutes for the first time today and i will have to leave for 2 days. The smell is awesome, lemony, but can now be felt quite strongly in my room and faintly in the whole apartment, today i must complete the ozone rig.





thanks little!

They are cheapo china leds haha, I bet it would be much better to have cree or what ever, but hey, it works. And i did not to spend a fortune on a first grow experiment.

I bought a kit containing 20 leds from aliexpress. Dont buy kits there, cheaper to go with ebay.
got 10 osram golden dragons from dx.com my only "brand" leds (awesome deal, 7.50$ for 10 leds, too bad it was the only osrams i found there, would have got all of them from that site, free shipping for everything). Only downer is that the diodes are square and i cant put on lenses for osrams.
and white leds from ebay. But like i said, its more worth to get everything from ebay.


so yea i messed up. a really stupid thing on my part. I had to cover up the smell for a day because of reasons, so i put a plate with vinegar outside the box, left the closet door slightly open supported by a mug, but it somehow slid away, the door closed and 12 hours later the plants were dead.

Well not dead, but all of the fan leaves got fucked by vinegar fumes, no damage to the roots or stems, just no more leaves... "just"

They started recovering, new shoots new leaves , the whole kazoo, but since they are autoflowers this set back took a lot of valuable flowering time.

Now im contemplating wether i should let them continue or just cut my losses and start over. I mean the yield will def be just a fraction of what it could have been...

Pics for your viewing horror. Im so ashamed..

after removing the dead leaves



little ones


New member
Next time you need some exterior odor control, consider using a Vaportek cannister. Just place one right outside your output vent. Many people recommend using Ona blocks/gel, but I find Vaportek products to be both more effective and produce a less noticeable scent. Both products produce aromatics that they claim bind to odor molecules and neutralize them rather than mask the smells. However, both have noticeable aromas of their own. I usually get most of the way through an eight week flowering period with one of these

Hope this helps!


Ouch. sorry to see your leaves like that. it is fine, you will still get a little bit of harvest and you should look forward to the two new little ones.




Day 58/30

The little ones are alive, but starting to show signs of deficiency if im correct ? Maybe nitrogen, but i have been feeding then with normal doses now.

The middle one is recovering slower, and has less trichromes as well. For some reason main coalas tops arent sprouting any new pistils.

Also, some big stems are turning purple see 2nd pic, this strain did not show any purple signs before, not on the main stems at least. Maybe also a deficiency ? I am using soil nutes after all. How do i know if i should change them for something better ? Besides some obvious deficiencys, which are not yet present. I mean the buds are not even buds yet, shouldnt they have already started to swell up a bit ? or is this still a delay after the shock ? almost 2 weeks have passed.

Did some more lst to try and maximise the coverage of the canopy.






Thanks for posting both the ups and downs of your grow, never knew vinegar vapor could do that.

I did a hempy grow once, even following the Lucas method I found it hard to keep the nutes at optimum. Your grow was looking way better than mine.
Seeing your setup makes me want to try it again. Try dusting the top of your medium with powdered charcoal to keep algae down. I scrape some against a metal kitchen sieve to get powder. I think the algae is harmless but it is unsightly and adds to the smell.
I use 60/40 promix/perlite now and have to keep hitting them with Epsom salt to keep the mag levels up.
I understand magnesium deficiencies are quite common with indoor plants and our favorite herb requires lots. That top pic looks just like a mag deficiency to me though not yet severe.
Not only do I add Epsom salt to my watering, I just recently added misting to my regimen. Unlike your setup, my grow box tends to be dry. 1/8 tsp to 32oz (0.6ml / 1 liter) spray bottle. 1/2 strength Foliage Pro too.

Good luck with the little ones, looking forward to updates.


Forgot to mention that charcoal can impact the ph so keep an eye on your levels if it gets washed into the hempy mix.


hey man, thanks for the advice!

I always knew in the back of my head that mag deficiency would come around. But i wonder why it hit the little ones before the large ones.

Heh, i already have activated carbon laying around, but it would get washed in unless i left open spots for watering. but algae dies of realy quick when it gets no light, i just need to cover the canopy a bit more and it will be gone once again.

Got a new idea for a maybe quiet carbon filter, since ozone didnt work out... yet.

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