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Light intensity? Deficiency? (pics)



picture for reference of "left and right"


picture of the ailment under HPS lighting


picture under a fluoro

have 22 God plants in a 4kw room, they are in 3 gal pots of coco/perlite (cocogro brand) . top feed to waste with GH base nutes, Cal mag, and Fox farm solubles. I just hit them with the open sesame fertilizer, but the spotting was developing prior to applications. they have all been fed the same nutrients through their entire life. plants were dipped in Avid when they were much smaller, but no foliar sprays or dunks have since been applied. just flipped them into flower today. the left half of the room was being vegged under MH lamps while the right side was vegged under HPS, this problem is much more prevalent on the right side of the room, almost none are showing on the left. which is what led me to believe it was some kind of light intensity issue. the bulbs are either ultrasuns or eye hortilux. any advice would be greatly appreciated! this doesn't seem to be harming the plants or their growth at the moment, but id like to diagnose it regardless! thanks guys


light burn could be a cause if those were top leaves. i've noticed frequent ph fluctuations can cause leaf spots like that. probable due to calcium or mag lock out


definitly looks like heat burn ,stress. but your lights look plenty high enough too much almost. It is not cal or mag. see you have a fan but you need one blowing in between your lights and canopy an oscillating one. If its not getting good flow between lights and canopy its heat stress.


there were a couple fungus gnats a couple days ago, but they just got merit 75 so that shouldnt be an issue any more. there is another 16" oscillating fan on the other wall too, just out of the picture, so i would think the circulation is adequate, the room is maybe 10x12 total. 4kw (two are above me while i was taking the picture. I know they were just given some strong nutes, just hit them with fox farms open sesame to kick off flowering. this hasnt gotten any worse and the plants seem to be thriving still, so im not too worried about it, thanks for all your help guys!


I have had this problem also. In veg I don't really see it but as soon as I move them over to flowering I will get some of this in the leaves mainly the top. I always thought it was the plants reacting as they were changed from a medium light density in a cooler room to a high density light room with higher temps and CO2. I would like to know the answer here.


looks fucking great to me i wouldn't change a thing except run pure h20 last 2 weeks.

Another question: how do you hide the light threw the AC unit? I'm gussing you run the light cycle and ac unit during sunlight?
rashboy I have a pretty simple solution for that. Tape some panda film along the top of the a/c, above the vent where it exhausts cold air. When it turns on it pushes the film up, when it turns off the panda film drops back into place. If you use a heavier piece, I use reflectix and tape it down real good, then it doesn't move too far up, blocks light and the air moves around the sides


New member
i have the same problem with odium33
i would be very nice to see an answer here
See pics


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i had similar leaf spots in veg, but also had been underdosing with calmag and the ambient temps in the grow space got into the mid to upper 80's. in my case, it was a combination of heat and probably some calcium and/or mag deficiency.

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