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c02 maybe not so bad after all

c02 maybe not so bad after all

In this regard, the research results of Rillig et al. (2000) are real eye-openers. Working along a naturally-occurring gradient of atmospheric CO2 concentration in the vicinity of a CO2-emitting spring in New Zealand, they studied the effects of elevated CO2 on several properties of soil fungi that were living in a mutually beneficial or symbiotic association with the roots of plants that had been growing there for at least twenty years. Their findings?

First of all, as the air's CO2 concentration increased by 300 ppm in going from the normal background level of 370 ppm to 670 ppm, percent root colonization by the soil fungi increased in essentially linear fashion ... and by nearly 4-fold. Second, the total length of fungal filaments or hyphae also experienced a linear increase with increasing levels of atmospheric CO2, in this case rising by more than 3-fold in response to the 300 ppm increase in the air's CO2 concentration. Third, root-zone concentrations of a fungal-produced protein called glomalin exhibited yet another linear increase with increasing atmospheric CO2, rising by approximately 5-fold as the air's CO2 content climbed from 370 to 670 ppm.

What are the implications of these observations? First of all, just as more and longer roots help plants hold soil together and prevent its erosion, so too do more and longer fungal hyphae protect soil from disruption and dispersion. In addition, fungal-produced glomalin acts like a biological glue, if you will, helping to bind tiny particles of soil into small aggregates that are much more difficult to break down and blow or wash away. And to have soil glomalin concentrations increase by fully 5-fold as a consequence of less than a doubling of the air's CO2 content is a truly mind-boggling benefit.

In this study, it was determined that several decades of differential atmospheric CO2 exposure had increased soil organic C and total N contents by approximately 24% each, while it had increased microbial C and N contents by more than 100% each. Hence, in the words of the scientists who did the work, "storage of C and N can increase under prolonged exposure to elevated CO2." In addition, they concluded that increased storage of soil organic matter can occur "even when soil C concentrations are already high," as they were in the situation they investigated.

Consequently, as the air's CO2 content continues to rise over the coming years and decades, the potential for soils to sequester carbon will likely prove much greater than what nearly everyone has anticipated. Not only will the soil's capacity to store carbon grow ever larger due to the ever-increasing aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment - which enhances plant growth and results in more carbon being transferred to the soil - it will also grow ever larger as increasingly active soil fungi help to keep ever greater portions of that carbon better preserved in increasingly more stable soils.

Dr. Sherwood B. Idso


Active member

I was just wondering if the agency you are talking about is the same one that is mentioning that global warming caused by humans needs to be dealt with and it's serious. :)

I hope it's not the IPCC. :)

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

Well, it is the same organization :D : THE IPCC....



lyryC....LOL You keep listing a bunch of OTHER things wrong with the world, because you say global warming co2 is distracting us.

YOU CREATED THE THREAD HAHA. And you're trying to bring up fishing farms lol.


Active member
ICMag Donor

I was just wondering if the agency you are talking about is the same one that is mentioning that global warming caused by humans needs to be dealt with and it's serious. :)

I hope it's not the IPCC. :)

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

Well, it is the same organization :D : THE IPCC....



lyryC....LOL You keep listing a bunch of OTHER things wrong with the world, because you say global warming co2 is distracting us.

YOU CREATED THE THREAD HAHA. And you're trying to bring up fishing farms lol.

Its a dead thread - but I stand my ground. Global Warming Due to Co2 is a myth for carbon taxes.

Those OTHER listed items are what we should be paying attention too - creating intergovernmental agencies for - and cease to practice.

Its not like anyone gives a fuck - or wants to implement change - through awareness and doing something individually and locally for the community...

I'd love to move to this community - beautiful and inspiring!!!!

Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes

Enjoy the fish :) but don't cry later!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Didn't know this was a personal thing :wave:

You know what my source is? my heart, eyes and soul - my peers - and yes the internet.

You are a fucking tool to think global warming is an issue that is important and requires immediate action.

The fact that we care about global warming goes to show just how brainwashed we have become... a very distracted society all together.

Global warming... is not important... C02 levels are not causing problems and for crying out fucking loud - why can't we worry about deforestation or erosion half as much as we do about Global warming? THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY POTENTIAL GLOBAL WARMING. durka durka?

Or how about industrial agriculture - the #1 reason and #1 contributor to our pollution's. And roundup! That shit is found in pregnant women....

And if you eat fish - you are not eating the fish you think you are. Most fish are farmed - and most farms are maxed out if not already collapsed. Fish labeling has become very "fishy".... And our chicken from USA going to china then coming back with new regulations allowing even lower quality????

But instead we are distracted and have been manipulated with propaganda to think we are causing hte earth to warm up with "green house gasses" and inturn this is destroying earth... WITH OUR CARS LOL!!!!!


And we talk about these things - but aren't so quick to give up our luxuries that woudl be gone if we lived on earth how we are supposed to.

Problems larger than Global Warming :

Water shortage. Over abundance of food but a lack of equality through out earth to share it.... Fukoshima - 100000 billion times more important to discuss than Mythical Green House Gasses. HEMP WOULD REJUVENATE JAPAN BTW. Fix that radiation catastrophe.

The Garbage Continent.... Pacific Ocean pollution.... HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

What else - oh yeah deforestation - why can't we stop that... 1 acre of hemp produces more material in only 6 months vs 40 years for timber and consumes MORE CO2 than an acre of full grown trees...

And erosion.... all this agriculture has destroyed our soil - water - air - land - everything.... The mass chemicals - the destruction of hte land - the out of balance / lacking eco systems.... The food isn't even good too - fake milk - mad cow disease - feeding animals to themselves... are you a cannibal? what makes it right to force something else to be? All those pesticides fungicides shmogus cides.... CHEMTRAILS.....

HOW ABOUT ALL THE MEDICATION americans are on.... THE MOST out of the whole world... we are crackhead pill adict fucking idiots who don't want a cure but want to remain sick and increase greedy pigs profits.... While we pee so much estrogen into the water system that FISH have fucking ANTI DEPRESANTS IN THEM AND BIRTH CONTROL...... WHAT HTE HELL!!!! But oh no global wamring - TAX MY CAR PLEASE.

Co2 - global warming - those are distractions - jokes in our faces to prove how fucking stupid we really are....

Its so ironic... We care about earth dying - think we know why its dying - when really we are the ones killing it... we need to change asap. 120 years of top soil left - and its going faster than we expected. takes 500 years to reproduce 1 inch of top soil naturally.

Fuck theres so much to explain.

But piss off if your coming at me personally hempcat...

I'm part of Generation Y - a bunch of zombie idiots with diamonds in the rough here and there(me) but Its almost as if this generation is completely lost. Very few awake people my age who care and want to act. They are so sucked into the system and reliant on it that they can't even see past the illusions and deceit.

GOOD NEWS Generation X is so supportive - they call me a leader and charismatic - agree with what I say and motivate me thru help and encouragement. While my generation ridicules the truth - slanders love and knows not how to live as a human - but instead live as machines... The older folks praise my passion and listen to me - as well as teach me much.

Wheres the love? Wheres the love on earth between people - animals - plants and the elements... Wheres love in our schools - governments - friendships... We are so misguided with material consumerism we have lost our spirituality or are losing it rapidly.

I think the younger generation the 2000'ers are even more awake than Generation Y... some really bright young people aware of hte corruption and surprise me all the time...

Not all is lost and sure this shit sounds horrendous but we can fix it - change for hte better - instill love into life as it was.

Warriors of the Rainbow - great old native american saying. Thats me.

What makes you think it's personal? I just merely point out what you were saying is lies. If you are going to lie and say the IPCC is going to change it's position on climate change then you should be prepared for people to call you on it when your lie is revealed and they don't change their position.

As for all your "well what about this and what about that". If you would take a moment from trying to posture yourself as some poor misunderstood victim you might realize a lot of those things are part of the causes for climate change. Like Deforestation, plants and their transpiration especially when talking about large bodies of plants like a rain forest, play a big role in weather patterns. Remove those plants (deforestation) and those weather patterns change, usually to a hotter more drier climate.

See you're all caught up on the greenhouse gas thing and you've got it in your mind apparently that CO2 is the end all and be all of global warming and climate change. It is not, nor is it the only way man can impact global warming. What about all that pollution that leads to acid rains that in turn kills plants and thereby changes weather patterns much like deforestation?

Now I understand why you might see the CO2 thing as being the end all and be all, it's what gets the most press because politicians want to introduce money making schemes in the guise of cap and trade all tied up with the pretty bow of saving the planet, and yeah that's a crock and I hope it is something that never gets passed here in the US.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

I was just wondering if the agency you are talking about is the same one that is mentioning that global warming caused by humans needs to be dealt with and it's serious. :)

I hope it's not the IPCC. :)

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

Well, it is the same organization :D : THE IPCC....



lyryC....LOL You keep listing a bunch of OTHER things wrong with the world, because you say global warming co2 is distracting us.

YOU CREATED THE THREAD HAHA. And you're trying to bring up fishing farms lol.

I'm not sure what you are trying to ask or say so I'll recap.

LyryC said before it was released, that the latest report from the IPCC which just came out, was going to backpeddle on it's claims of how serious global warming is (not his exact words but that was the gist of it).

When it's latest report was released recently I went and checked and found that not only did they not backpeddle in the slightest but are now more certain then ever of it's findings and say that the need to do something is even more serious and immediate. In other words the report totally contradicted what LyryC said.

So I pointed that out and gave the highlights along with a link rather then post the entire report.

LyryC apparently didn't like that and rather then manning up and admitting he was wrong or misled by whatever source told him the report was going to downplay climate change and global warming, he proceed to try and deflect it by attempting to make it out like I was personally attacking him and then muddied the waters with a bunch of other serious issues mankind also needs to address.

Then you come along and apparently not really reading what either of us posted made your post.
Man it's really great to know there are people on these boards that are so sure their single viewpoint is correct and accurate that they can tee-off on other folks that don't agree with them-- even if those other people have scientific method on their side. And possibly an advanced education.

The argument that one uses his or her "own observation" as a function of being absolutely right is no different than scientific method, however scientific method allows direct observation of cause and effect which can be objectively replicated by a total stranger in a different country.

Science works, otherwise there would be no automobile, airplane, space station, birth control, etc.

To dismiss science when it seems it does not correspond to your personal observation is petty and childish.

In answer to why we have had the coldest winter in the U.S. and the wettest in the U.K., the climate models predicted that as the Earth heats up, and chunks of ice the size of a U.S. state break off of Antarctica, saline content in the oceans drop. This changes the thermodynamics of the ocean.

In the short term, it causes extreme cold in places because it messes up the Jet Stream. Go to the television and watch the Weather Channel. At any time this winter did they ever say the Jet Stream was a bit wacky? Not even once?

They absolutely said the Jet Stream was abnormal.

In the long term, if the oceanic thermodynamic cycle stops or even slows down, we are well and truly fucked. And that is exactly what is happening.

The vast majority of scientists that hold there is no man-made climate change are paid by foundations and corporations that have a vested interest in the status quo.

I honestly don't think the political status quo has done anything but get us in ever worse catastrophic circumstances: oil wars in the short term and ecological disaster in the long term.

Deforestation is at an all-time high. Skin cancer in Australia is at an all time high, because there is a hole in ozone. There is no longer a viable polar ice cap.

When folks have a right to free speech, especially on internet boards, it's great. But in psychology, when an individual is no longer capable of perceiving what is generally agreed to be objective reality with objective scientific data to support that reality, then that individual is considered "cognitively dissonant."

Go ahead and be an Exxon shareholder, but never think that there is no such thing as cause and effect because you find it inconvenient.

And don't expect the rest of us to buy into your world view. You may finally be convinced when the governments of the world begin to scrabble around buying as much salt as possible to restore the salinity level of the sea in order to restore those precious thermodynamics that you state simply can't be broken.

Unfortunately, we'll probably be dead by that time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
If you aren't awake yet - you aren't alive.

If you aren't awake yet - you aren't alive.

Sorry but global warming is true but most idiots think about it hte wrong way.

You see the problem is US. Humans. Not the fucking water melting - thats PAST SILLY.

Deforestation - pollution - fracking - errosion - over fishing - over mining - over poaching - over using - trash trash trash... WARS and OIL SPILLS! HAARP?

The Military of the world is run on Fossil Fuels - so we will enver say good bye to those unless America magically starts the change...

Science? How about chemtrails and bill gates illustrious idea of filling our atmosphere with sulphate particles to reflect the sun/heat... and doctors coming out saying the weather is manipulated...


said it once and will say it again. GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCAM TO CHARGE YOU CARBON TAXES ON THE AIR YOU BREATHE. They want to own the right to LIVE.

We could easily get all these corporations to stop destroying our home - IF WE CARED ABOUT IT - but I guess we need scientists and fucking god himself to tell you because some how your heart and soul can't tell you thru feelings - what you are observing... IS ALL WRONG AND FUCKED UP!

I don't need to man up - if you can't see the truth - not my problem!

Again global warming is real but NOT LITERALLY. its like the conspiracy theorist term... coined in a negative way... Same with global warming...

Ive since those times last year settled down on all the caring for humanity and mother earth.

Too many people put you down for caring about the big picture - and questioning the ruling establishment... it gets to the point where they hate you and dislike you because you challenge everything they know... Just like in this thread. HATERS GONNA HATE!

I run into so many 50 year old ding bats who are just stuck in the old ways and won't open up their mind/heart BELIEVE VOTING WORKS!
And then I run into WAY more 20 year old dumb fucks who don't even care about whats really going on or realize it and most can't even tell you who their state governor is and don't understand their hearts. BUT THEY KNOW THE DIRECT TV GUIDE LIST LIKE ITS THEIR JOB!

Then you get the green peace hippies outside the grocery store asking for money and when you tell them their whole derogative is fucked up because love will change the world for hte better - not money - they get mad at you because you are doing what they shoudl be.


Honestly if you want ot argue with me its because you have no idea wtf is oging on.

Do you even look into the sky? See those nice long skinny clouds that spread up to thin but thick smog looking things with those crazy patterns that resemble sand responding to frequencies!?

Or how about all that chemical spill water pollution shit here in the USA? OR the tar oil sands spill OR the yet again other oil spill into our ocean... and what about fukishima? What about the Oil they spilt 25 years ago in alaksa - AND ITS STILL DIRTY AND TOXIC UP THERE....

Global warming is a distraction and a propaganda tool. If you don't understand that then you got alot of catching up to do.

Hempcat I manned up by posting what I think and feel long before your idea of being a man came about.

I cared enough to speak out and share - most bitches wouldn't share that shit because of hte social implications it rises. NOT ME. here to weed out hte FAKE people from life.


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Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure what you are trying to ask or say so I'll recap.

LyryC said before it was released, that the latest report from the IPCC which just came out, was going to backpeddle on it's claims of how serious global warming is (not his exact words but that was the gist of it).

When it's latest report was released recently I went and checked and found that not only did they not backpeddle in the slightest but are now more certain then ever of it's findings and say that the need to do something is even more serious and immediate. In other words the report totally contradicted what LyryC said.

So I pointed that out and gave the highlights along with a link rather then post the entire report.

LyryC apparently didn't like that and rather then manning up and admitting he was wrong or misled by whatever source told him the report was going to downplay climate change and global warming, he proceed to try and deflect it by attempting to make it out like I was personally attacking him and then muddied the waters with a bunch of other serious issues mankind also needs to address.

Then you come along and apparently not really reading what either of us posted made your post.

You need a government report to tell you what the fuck is sup?

Why? LOL IPCC might be just like the BLM... lol


There are FOUR lights!
It all comes down to plants. Eons ago when the CO2 was REALLY high plant grew alot.
They died and took all the C with them and left the O for us.
But then we dug up the C and used it to power our civilization. Thus releasing the C
back into the atmosphere. Which may not have been such a bad thing, but we
are cutting down alot of the plants that would sequester that C again, and burning
them releasing more C.

How can this be a good idea? Why is it so hard for people to wrap their minds around?

I look out my window and watch my plum tree flowering earlier and earlier each year.


I stopped reading this thread after the first page..........You guys need to go to a science class, seriously. This is very disturbing, grown adults not knowing or believing that man has a huge impact on the environment is down right IDIOTIC! At NO time in our history, have CO2 emissions been this high EVER.....since the dawn if the industrial revolution......THIS IS FACT......we know this because, we can take core samples from the ice in antartica and check the levels of CO2 that were in our atmosphere hundereds of thousands of years ago......this isn't a guess, this MEASURABLE data = FACT

The cool thing about science is it's TRUE, wheather you choose to believe it or not.....it's peer reviewed....which means anyone claiming anything scientific, has to get other scientists to agree with there theory by TESTING it out.

Seriously.......you people need to back away from your key boards and RUN to a science class.

Rant over.......Im sure I'll get flamed but......reminds me of the whole creation/evolution debate.......It's not really a debate because evolution is REAL and there is a stupid amount of proof to back it up................people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions until there actually educated on said opinion........if yer to lazy to go to school at least watch cosmos for f'k sake.




Active member
ICMag Donor
science helps play a role and even enlighten the problems / spread awareness


Even with record high co2 levels - its not global warming... its the effects of man - like you say.

We don't need science classes to understand that our consumer corporate controlled society needs change and that hte planet is beign destroyed including our futures...

we need more people to getu p and stand up for what is right - to change their life styles - spread awareness - and help change the world into the a better place by starting with their communities.

Shoudln't generalize your statement like that lol

We don't need science classes man - we need revolution.


ICMag Donor
you people need to back away from your key boards and RUN to a science class

With a country where 7% of the people still believe the moon landings were faked and a higher number think that vampires are real its no surprise that many do not understand the scientific method.


I respectfully disagree........Ive followed alot of your posts lyryc and agree with alot of the things you say.....and how you say them.

In order for people to stand up for what they believe to be right.....they have to be informed, to know whats right.....other wise......you just have a bunch of badly informed people standing up for things that are wrong and that they don't understand lol.

Knowledge is expected of someone who is standing up for an issue.....the reason they are standing up is because they understand the issue and they know whats wrong.

We need as many people as possible going back to school..........and geting informed on issues such as these so we know how to fix them.

Education is ground zero.........standing up for things you believe come after youve been educated on said topic.

Everybody can benefit from going back to school bro, learning never stops.

Last edited:


Those ignorant bastards are not going to all of a sudden start to listen to reason because reason is not handing them a Kotex box full of hundreds like their polluting buddies do_Old granny spraying her pits with Right Guard is not polluting the atmosphere - industry is! If industry paid us for their fuck ups we would all be rich! And that is what they are trying to avoid by trying to put it off on us before we figure out what they have done. And organic foods are not cheap and handily available enough for a big portion of the world to eat them. I think it is polluting to put plants away from their energy source - like coal - so instead of shipping train car after train car 24/7 from say Colorado coal mines to Texas power plants, it would be better to build plants by the coal mines and run wires and not waste diesel and train time . Wires only require pollution one time with a little maintenance every so often. And the grid could be sectioned off to shift the electricity through another route if something happened such as an attack...


ICMag Donor
I think it is polluting to put plants away from their energy source

The problem is the line transmission losses which get higher with increased distance to the resistance of the cable material and RF emissions , other losses at transformers stepping up to 120 kv and back down.

Average loss is around 7% for the UK national grid but long runs lose much more .

Try running a drill off a 50 metre extension cord to see the effect.

Opposition to pylons is the other big issue.

Research on room temperature superconductors may eventually mean it is economically viable to transmit solar from equatorial deserts to distant population centres or burn coal/oil/gas at source.


Science doesn't just help play a role by spreading awareness......it's everything. EVERYTHING you see, touch, taste, and smell are made of tiny elements and the study of these elements is called CHEMISTRY......It applies to everything.

.......Same with physics, math, Biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry and every other scientific field of study......These are all things we use to describe whats happening to us, our planet, the universe and everything in it......and how it all interacts.

This is exactly why people NEED to go to school.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hempcat I manned up by posting what I think and feel long before your idea of being a man came about.

Yeah well that's all fine and dandy, even if it were true but you still haven't manned up about your prediction of the IPCC changing their stance not coming true.

What you did do however was wait nearly a year to respond and in the mean time changed your own stance. So nice job there. To bad though you are still trying to posture yourself as some poor misunderstood victim.

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