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Stoner Science - An Experiment


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Have you ever noticed how at the base of each bud on a marijuana plant there is a single flower as demonstrated by the above picture with arrows pointing at the flowers in question? If so have you ever wondered what the purpose of this lone flower is? Could it possibly be the archetype upon which all the other flowers in the bud above it are model after? If so could these archetypal flowers in some way be superior to the bud itself since the flowers in the buds would be mere copies of the master?

Well one stoned afternoon with way too much time on my hands and a lot of buds to be trimmed I sought out to determine the answer to this mystery with a little stoner science research project. The strain in this project which is the same as the picture above, was Cheese. So I started by first gathering the materials I would need for my research. As I trimmed each plant I carefully separated these "archetypal" flowers and collected them aside from the trimmed bud.

First one plant:


then a second plant:


then a third plant:


and a forth plant:




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer


and a fifth plant:


followed by a sixth plant:


and then a seventh plant:


and then an eighth plant:


and finally a ninth plant:




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer


Then I let it dry a bit and placed it in a jar. Now I had all my research material gathered together to proceed with my experiment.


Then I realized, "No wait, this is freshly trimmed, I can't properly proceed until I let these flowers cure." So I took the above jar and placed it in a cool dark place. Every day for the first two weeks I took the jar out, opened it and let it breath for 15 minutes. After which I closed the jar and returned it to a cool dark place. During weeks 3 and 4 I repeated the process above except instead of every day I only did it every other day. Then for weeks 5 and 6 I repeated the above process but just twice a week. Finally during weeks 7 and 8 I repeated the above process just once each week. Now that my research material had a 2 month cure to it I finally felt I was ready to go. So I broke out my research equipment which to begin with was an empty cigarette tube, a cigarette packing device, a glass cigarette/joint holder and a bic lighter (not shown)


As shown above I loaded my research material into the cigarette packing device.


Then I closed and reopened the device to compress the research material into the appropriate size and shape for insertion into the empty cigarette tube.


Then I placed the empty tube into the appropriate spot on the cigarette packing device and closed it one final time.


Next I engaged the cigarette packing device, thereby forcing the compressed research material into the empty cigarette tube.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer



Next I opened the cigarette packing device to ensure all of the compressed research material had indeed been packed into the tube.


Upon confirming the proper placement of the research material into the now full cigarette tube, I removed the tube from the device. I then set the device aside and closed the open end of the tube.


I then removed the filter since it would interfere with the test results.


I now had a full, unfiltered tube packed with research material aka a joint.


I then loaded the joint of research material into the glass cigarette/joint holder and was ready to proceed with my test.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer



Next I took the bic lighter (not shown) lit the tube of pack research material in the glass cigarette/joint holder and proceeded to smoke it.


I continue to smoke it to the end before extinguishing it. Coming to the preliminary conclusion that while the research material made for an incredibly smooth hitting, evenly burning and very tasty joint, the high was no more superior then a joint made of ordinary bud of the same strain prepared in the same way.


So then I proceeded to the next phase of my tests and broke out the next piece of research equipment, my glass pipe and loaded that with more of the same research material.


Again using the bic lighter (not shown) I lit the research material in the glass pipe.


I then smoked the research material out of the glass pipe by inhaling as much as my lungs could comfortably hold and releasing the carburetor (shotgun) at the end of each hit.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer



I repeated this process until all of the research material in the glass pipe was reduced to a grey/white ash. The preliminary conclusion to this phase of the test was similar to the first phase in that while the research material produced a very smooth, taste and evenly burning experience the high, while very good, was no more superior then that of bud of the same strain smoked in the same pipe.


I then moved on to the third and final phase of my tests and broke out the final piece of research equipment. A small portable plastic "G-Man" bong fitted with a glass stem and bowl. I loaded this with a health pinch of research material.


Then I picked up the bong with my right hand placed my mouth firmly against the opening on top making an airtight seal. I then placed my right thumb over the carburetor (shotgun) and again using the bic lighter (not shown) I lit and smoked the research material by inhaling steadily thru my mouth as I held the flame of the lighter over the research material until it was reduced to grey/white ash. I then released my thumb from the carburetor (shotgun) and continued inhaling thru my mouth until all of the smoke from the lit research material was contained in my lungs which I then held there for a period of approximately 7 seconds. I repeated this process 3 more times for a total of 4 "bong hits" of research material. The preliminary conclusion for this phase was the same as the first two phases. The research material produced a smooth, tasty, evenly burning experience with a pleasant high but that high was no more superior then that of ground up bud of the same strained smoked with the same bong.

After tabulating my results from the three phases the final conclusion I came to was that the archetypal flowers were in no way superior to the flowers of the buds created from the archetype. Further that the perceived benefits of smoothness, tastiness and even burning were likely attributed to the fact that the research material contained no extraneous leaf or stem and similar results could be achieved with the flowers of the bud if one were to carefully separate the individual flowers from the bud thereby ensuring that no extraneous stem or leaf made it's way into the smoke. :smoke:


Hi ho here we go
I am doing some research myself ....

I am doing some research myself ....

I just rolled a joint ......

I will be smoking it soon. :tiphat:


Active member
As the saying goes, you sir, have the patience of a fucking saint to sit down and pick off all them flowers! Fair play.

The best thing i find about them flowers is when you are out of bud, then u round up all the stems ye have lying around and pick them flowers off....Winning!

Midnite Toker

Active member
Hey H C! When you wake up I'd like to volunteer to help with the "control" side of this experiment! (He blinded me with Science!)~mT


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
wow you got a lot of free time huh...lol...you don't need to make up a reason to get blazed...

Not as much time as you might think. That science project was done right after my last harvest....almost one year ago. It's taken me this long to actually get the pictures posted. The post itself though only took me about a half hour to compose.

Oh and I was totally straight at the time as I have been dry for about two months now and my next harvest is a little more then a month away still. So not so much an excuse to get blazed as an exercise to distract me from not being able to get blazed.