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bho purge no vac


Active member
Hello friends,

I must say that i'm confused... i read tons of articles about purging bho without vac and still i don't understand why one tech is better on the other, for exmple why whipped bho (budder) is unstable? i was thinking to use a coffee warmer electric hotplate (warms to 122 deg) whip the oil and to end as budder, but i read the the product is unstable and loose potency fast.

may be thin layer and oven? what is the best tech?

i cant use iso or alcohol to purge the butan...

pls help:)


you tube is your friend.
basically though a vacuum PULLS the butane out and doesn't allow it to be trapped inside your concentrate.


Active member
He has no vacuum, there are other ways, not as clean, but good and safe to toke.

If you have no vacuum purge, use a heat gun from the top, while it sits on 115f water bath. Make quick passes over the top with the heat gun (4-6 inches or so away), making sure the oil doesn't go above 125-130f., I use to only pass over the top for 15-20 seconds, then wait a few minutes with just heat from below. You'll notice larger bubbles pop, then smaller ones form. Don't pop the smaller ones yet, let them build with no heat from the top. As they get lager, make another run with a heat gun.

Repeat until bubbles stop forming. Will it get all butane out? Not likely. Will it get lots out, to where you can feel better about smoking/dabbing it? Yes.


Active member
He has no vacuum, there are other ways, not as clean, but good and safe to toke.

If you have no vacuum purge, use a heat gun from the top, while it sits on 115f water bath. Make quick passes over the top with the heat gun (4-6 inches or so away), making sure the oil doesn't go above 125-130f., I use to only pass over the top for 15-20 seconds, then wait a few minutes with just heat from below. You'll notice larger bubbles pop, then smaller ones form. Don't pop the smaller ones yet, let them build with no heat from the top. As they get lager, make another run with a heat gun.

Repeat until bubbles stop forming. Will it get all butane out? Not likely. Will it get lots out, to where you can feel better about smoking/dabbing it? Yes.

thanks man, i'm going to have a small run, up to 3 grams. so it might be easier to purge.


3 grams of oil should be able to purge without the help from a vac..

Low and slow heat from the bottom and top is what worked best for me..
My first ever run..

I bought a toaster oven that I would use only for oil making.
The toaster oven can be very effective for those without a vac.

It will hold temps steady around 120° ..use the ” keep warm” setting.
Incorporate this with the heat gun tech provided by Careful Grower.
Edit: As pointed out below by brother GW..
thin film is extremely important...
1/16th” is ideal.
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